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victoria Akunwanne

victoria Akunwanne's Books(2)



EXPOSITION In the fictional werewolf territory, humans are slaves to werewolves, and for a human to say ‘no’ to a werewolf was an offense punishable by death. At midnight, every full moon, humans are taken from each family and offered up for collection to any werewolf that chooses to collect them. Ariana is a beautiful innocent human with a cruel wicked step father, Lucas who was once a beta but fled after betraying his Alpha. All through ARIANA’S childhood, her mother had always tried to protect her from her step father, but after her mother’s passing, she is exposed to her step father’s cruelty. When Ariana’s step father is tired of her, he offers her up for collection night. Ariana hides away trying to escape collection, but inadvertently ends up collected by the Alpha himself, Alpha Jared. When the Alpha learns of her identity, he immediately thinks Ariana to be a spy sent by her step father, his beta. He decides to keep her close as a slave, and his own private sex toy, then he learns she is his Luna. BEGINNING The novel starts with Ariana trying to escape collection night. Her step father has placed her up for collection because her mother is no longer alive to save her. When she overhears a group of werewolves talking about needing a petite human girl to spend the night with, she creeps into a box and hides, but incidentally, the box turns out to be a box containing retrieved papers that the werewolves are taking to Alpha Jared. Ariana falls asleep in the box, and when she opens her eyes, the box has been placed before the Alpha, and she finds herself staring face to face with the most feared, formidable and ruthless Alpha Jared. The Alpha immediately notices her obvious beauty, and decides to sleep with her that night, but when he interviews her and finds out who her step father is, he immediately believes her step father sent her to spy on him. Ariana does not know that her step father was once Alpha Jared’s beta, and that he betrayed Alpha Jared. She only knows that the Alpha thinks she is working with her step father. She lies to the Alpha that her step father, Lucas sent her, and that she has information on Lucas. Ariana does this thinking it would give her a little leverage over the Alpha, but it only makes the Alpha mistrust her more, and treat her worse. When Ariana is searching for a means to escape, she sees the Alpha’s top secret document, and decides to steal it, hoping to use it as some kind of leverage, but the Alpha catches her. Seeing her with the documents makes Alpha Jared very angry as he thinks she is stealing it to give her step father. The Alpha punishes Ariana by humiliating her through the very act of love making. It becomes clear to Arians that she cannot escape, and must embrace her new status as the billionaire’s slave, and pleasure toy. RISING ACTION In a celebration to honor the full moon, Alpha Jared learns that his enemies are brewing against him, and he may never defeat them if he does not find his mate by the time the battle starts. Jared is told that his mate is there, living within his reach, but he does not know who. After learning this, he stops every female from leaving his pack till he finds his mate. The females are eager to be declared as his mate, and so they compete with themselves for his attention, but Jared’s wolf does not sense any of them as mate. At this time, Ariana lies to him about her step father, telling him made up secrets of her step father, so that he would let her go. The Alpha believes her, and wants to let her go, but on an after thought, he tells her that it is possible she might be his human mate, in anyway, he has passed a decree, so she can only wait, and leave after he has found his mate. For some reason, a rumor starts that Ariana could be Jared’s true mate, and all the females in the park get jealous if this mere human girl, a stranger that would dare to usurp a position they want so dearly. They begin to set Ariana up, making her look bad before the Alpha, till Alpha Jared becomes very angry with her, and her punishments become more frequent. The rest of the humans in the park also hate her. In the midst of her cruel treatment at the hands of the Alpha Jared, Ariana finds herself madly in love with the Alpha. Her life becomes constant agony as her heartbreaks every day at the treatment she receives at the hand of the Alpha, and yet, her heart continues to beat for him. CLIMAX When Ariana finds she cannot take the treatment anymore, she decides to flee. After a well planned escape, she discovers she is pregnant for the Alpha. The Alpha Jared finds out everything she told him about her step father was made up lies. He becomes even more angry with her. When he misses confidential papers from his park, he immediately believes she stole them, and is fleeing with them to give her step father. In anger, the Alpha vows to hunt her down, and kill her himself. When the Alpha finds Ariana, there i