In the compelling drama titled "Trails of Hope: His Journey Back Home" Theo Levy's life takes a poignant turn as he embarks on a quest to rediscover his roots. Separated from his biological parents two decades earlier following a tragic car accident, Theo found solace and guidance under the care of the chairman of the Boyd Group, who nurtured him into the person he has become today. Armed with a pendant holding a connection to his past, Theo's return to his hometown marks the beginning of a determined search to reunite with the family he lost long ago, setting the stage for a deeply emotional and transformative journey filled with longing, hope, and the promise of new beginnings.
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Part 1: Plot of Trails of Hope: His Journey Back Home
Part 2: Main Characters in Trails of Hope: His Journey Back Home
Part 3: You May Also Like Novel Of The Same Type As Trails of Hope: His Journey Back Home
Theo Levy lost contact with his parents 20 years ago due to a car accident. Fortunately, he was adopted by the chairman of Boyd Group, who raised him into the man he is today. Now that he has finally returned to his hometown, he swears to find his biological parents with the pendant he has.
Theo Levy: A man who lost contact with his biological parents two decades ago following a car accident. He was adopted by the chairman of Boyd Group, who facilitated his upbringing and transformation into the person he is today. Driven by a desire to reconnect with his roots, he embarks on a journey to locate his birth parents using a pendant as a clue. Throughout this quest, Theo unravels emotional complexities tied to his past and identity.
If you like Trails of Hope: His Journey Back Home Short Drama, I recommend book similar to 'Trails of Hope: His Journey Back Home'. You can try reading them Bound By Love: Marrying My Disabled Husband novel by Devocean
Bound By Love: Marrying My Disabled Husband Chapter 1 How About We Get Married
"Where are you going?"
At the wedding, Elyse Lloyd was in a panic as she grabbed Theo Ward's wrist to stop him from leaving, her eyes filling with pleading.
The venue was filled with the family and friends of both parties, all seated and waiting. The officiant had posed the question to Theo about his willingness to marry Elyse. Instead of replying, he ignored the officiant, answered his phone, and then abruptly attempted to leave.
"Kaelyn knows about our wedding, and now she's threatening to jump off a building. You are aware of her depression, aren't you? I have to go save her," Theo explained impatiently and pushed Elyse aside.
The push caused Elyse to sprain her ankle, and as she fell to the floor, she awkwardly stretched out her hand, trying to hold him back.
"Today is our wedding day! What am I supposed to do if you leave? Kaelyn Bennett totally stabbed you in the back before. She's caused you so much pain—why the heck must you go see her right now?"
Theo's gaze turned even colder. "You're not in a position to judge what happened between me and Kaelyn. No matter her wrongs or the pain she caused, you don't measure up to her."
A pain struck Elyse's heart. She realized that he had never truly forgotten Kaelyn. To him, she would never be as significant as Kaelyn was.
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Bound By Love: Marrying My Disabled Husband Chapter 2 What Was She Up To
"My name is Elyse Lloyd. If it's all right with you, we can get married today," she proposed confidently.
Her bold proposal left the crowd in shock, prompting several to capture the moment with their phones.
"Miss Lloyd, are you certain about this decision? Given my disability, I may not be able to provide the future you envision," the man replied openly, without hiding his condition, and gently urged her to think it over.
"I've made up my mind," Elyse responded with determination.
"I'm Jayden," he introduced himself.
Seeing her resolve, Jayden Owen grasped her hand and shared his concern, "I fear you might regret this choice later on."
Elyse chose not to respond. She was sure of her decision. She had once been solely focused on marrying Theo, who never truly reciprocated her love. Now, who she married seemed inconsequential.
After efficiently wrapping up the wedding formalities at City Hall, Elyse and Jayden were now bound by matrimony, officially united as husband and wife.
With the marriage certificate in hand, Elyse experienced a profound sense of relief.
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Bound By Love: Marrying My Disabled Husband Chapter 3 He Could Walk Fluidly
Looking at Jayden's legs, Elyse felt a wave of sympathy for him. Jayden had once been at the pinnacle of success, and now he seemed so vulnerable. Just because he was disabled, his bride had callously abandoned him at the altar, showing him no respect whatsoever. He must have felt even more devastated than she did during the wedding.
Approaching Jayden, Elyse took his hand and said earnestly, "Don't worry. We are husband and wife now. I will take care of you for the rest of our lives."
Jayden's expression turned rigid. Could she really mean it, promising to take care of him for a lifetime? He doubted her sincerity, thinking she was just putting on an act of compassion.
Without a word, Jayden maneuvered his wheelchair into the study on the first floor.
"I'm sorry," Driscoll said apologetically. "Since his accident, he's been a bit more temperamental."
"It's fine. I understand," Elyse replied, dismissing it with a wave of her hand. Anyone in his situation might change.
She then followed Driscoll upstairs to a room on the second floor.
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