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Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos (Vol. 2 of 2)

Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos (Vol. 2 of 2)

Henri Mouhot


Example in this ebook As will be seen, this work is compiled from the private letters of M. Mouhot to his family and friends, and from his journal. I had also the benefit of the paper destined by my brother for the Archæological Society of London, on the interesting ruins of Ongcor. Among the documents which, thanks to the active kindness of Sir R. Schomburgh, British Consul at Bangkok, of Dr. Campbell, R.N., and of M. D'Istria, French Consul, reached me as early as possible after my brother's death, I found valuable sketches and drawings, together with various unfinished papers relative to his different scientific researches in the countries he had visited and in districts which had only recently been brought into notice by the advance of commerce, and by the military expeditions which had been sent to the extreme East. The family of M. Mouhot were divided in opinion as to the course to be adopted with regard to these varied materials. Should they be kept in a portfolio as a sacred but barren deposit, or should they be arranged in the best manner possible and laid before the public? After grave consideration they yielded to the representations of friends of the deceased, and to myself was confided the painful but interesting task of superintending the arrangement of the notes, sketches, and documents for publication. I accordingly set about it at once, under the first impressions of grief at the loss I had sustained, and guided only by fraternal love, for I lay no claim to the title of author. I have simply classified the masses of papers, the fruit of four years' travel, and added a few explanatory notes. I have already stated the motives which induced me to dedicate this work to the Savans of England, more especially to those with whom my brother was connected through science or literature. Let me give a short sketch of the work for which we claim the indulgence of the public. I have first, preserving the chronological order, divided the journal into chapters, inserting in their appropriate places such portions of the private letters as served to throw light on the subject. This forms the body of the work. In an Appendix I have inserted the Chinese tales translated by the author during his residence in Siam-some unfinished papers which are only specimens of a zoological work which my brother intended to publish-the descriptions of the principal entomological and conchological specimens discovered by him, and which are now deposited in the Museums of London and Paris-the Cambodian vocabulary, a proof of his industry, of the variety of his knowledge, and of the care with which he collected everything which might be useful to his successors in the difficult path which he opened to them. Lastly, I have collected the letters of my brother to his family and other correspondents, together with some letters addressed to him, a few of which were never even received, while others only reached their destination after his death, or remained in the hands of friends who were charged to deliver them. This correspondence tends, I think, to display my brother's character, the delicacy of his mind, and the goodness of his heart, qualities which have been recognised by so many, both during his life and after his death. The engravings from his drawings will impart interest to the descriptions of the ruins and vast buildings which he discovered in the interior of Siam and Cambodia, testifying to an advanced state of civilization in former times, and which, I venture to think, deserve to be brought into notice. They will also familiarize the reader with the manners, customs, and appearance of the country. My aim has been to be useful to those who deign to read these pages; and, if fidelity be merit in a book, I trust the reader will be satisfied. To be continue in this ebook..............

Chapter 1 No.1

The East of Louang Prabang-Notes of Travels-Observations from Bangkok to Laos-End of the Journal-Death of the Traveller 144


New Species of Mammals, Reptiles, Fresh-water Fishes, Insects, and Shells, discovered by M. Mouhot 165

Atmospherical Observations 187

Translations of Chinese Tales and Fables 190

The Damier, or Cape Pigeon 200

The Albatross 204

Cambodian Vocabulary 207

Letters from M. Mouhot 241

Letters addressed to M. Mouhot 278

Letters addressed to the Family of M. Mouhot 290

Paper read at the Royal Geographical Society 296



View in the Gulf of Siam 42

Ceremony, on a Young Siamese Coming of Age, of the Removal of the Tuft To face 44

View of the Port and Docks of Bangkok 47

Portrait of Khrom Luang, brother of the King of Siam 49

Hall of Audience, Palace of Bangkok 52

Grotto at Pechaburi 55

View of the Mountains of Pechaburi 59

Pavilion containing the Ashes of the late King of Siam in the Gardens attached to the Palace at Bangkok To face 61

The Bar of the River Menam 63

Clock Tower at Bangkok 65

Scene on the River Menam, near Bangkok 67

A Priest in his Boat 69

The new Palace of the King of Siam, Bangkok 71

Kun Motte, a Siamese Noble and Savant 74

Building for the Incremation of the Queen of Siam 76

Saya Visat, head of Christians at Bangkok 78

Portico of the Audience-hall at Bangkok 81

Laotian House 92

M. Mouhot and his Servants surprised by a Leopard 98

Cemetery at Bangkok 103

Building erected at the Funeral of the Queen of Siam 107

Bivouac of M. Mouhot in the Forests of Laos To face 112

Ruins at Pan Brang, Chaiapume 117

Elephants bathing 124

Caravan of Elephants crossing the Mountains of Laos 127

"Park" of Elephants, external view 131

Laotian Girls To face 134

Reception of M. Mouhot by the Kings of Laos To face 143

Laotian Woman 145

A Chief attacking a Rhinoceros in the Forest of Laos 149

Siamese Money 161

New Carabus (Mouhotia gloriosa) 183

Land Shell (Helix cambojiensis) 184

Undescribed Land Shells To face 186

Map At the end.


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