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Finding Her Star (HRL)

Finding Her Star (HRL)

N Shairah


Anastasia Ardell, the multi-billionaire only daughter was forced into an arrange marriage where she unwillingly have to think through if she was going to agree or not. Most of the time she was not ready to be marry, yet. At least not to the one she doesnt love. A note on her cup of drinks make her decision even more difficult, she was willing to find the one who wrote the note when he met The Queen. Two worlds collided, two hearts met, and one piece of missing puzzle was found. But, love wasnt as easy as a flick of fingers. Copyright Original ©. NShairah. Started on 31 March 2018.

Chapter 0 PROLOGUE

Walking down the street to a nearby cafe, I was wondering if my decision to move out of my father's huge mansion was right. I am the only daughter, and that decision was slowly killing me apart. I am going to leave my old father alone in the house, with all the maid and butler we have.

I have obeyed all of his orders before. Until one day he decided to arrange my marriage to his best business friend. One of our family friend. Although I have known them since I was in middle school, their only son was a few years younger than me. That made him more like a younger brother to me. How am I to react as his wife soon.

I entered the familiar cozy cafe with a heavy heart. Never I imagined that I am going to get marry this soon. I just hope he didnt feel the same. I dont want to end up my life with someone I do not love. I wanted a happy marriage where my husband and I will love till death do us apart. For now, hope will just remained a hope.

I walked further into the cafe to a secluded booth far from the cafe entrance. I noticed a few eyes were on me as I stripped of my trench coat and hung it on my chair. The warm air inside the cafe immediately surrounded me as I took my seat. A waiter came over and took my order before dismissed immediately behind the counter.

I felt somebody's eyes were still lingered on me when I suddenly looked up to a far corner of the cafe. I frowned and quickly ignored the lingering eyes and continued swiping my phone. A latest model handphone, product of my own company, Ardell Group and Company.

"Here your drinks.Enjoy." I looked up to a girl voice in front of me. A soft smile appeared on my face.

"Thanks, Anita." I said, noticing a nametag on the right side of her vest. She gave me a small smile before walked away from my booth.

I continued browsing my handphone when a name appeared on the screen. I quickly swiped to answer.

"Stacy, " A husky slurry voice sounded in a distant. Instantly I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Derek." I replied nonchalantly.

"I...I.. found her. She was here." he said.

Derek was the only friend I have. I never have a real friend except for him. Every single person that I met before was fake. I was from a boarding school, a well-known for every living billionaires in this whole world. Every time I introduced myself as an Ardell every eyes instantly on me. I dont need that unnecessary attentions I just wanted to be myself for once.

And that was when I was with Derek. But no, I was not crushing on him. He was the one person that my father arranged my marriage with. He was the younger brother I never have. After that, I met Kevin, his personal assistant cum his company's legally lawyer. We have worked together for a few times and from that we grew even closer.

His secret was with me, and mine was with him. We were so close just like that. The four of us. Plus Nicholas. His friend I have met him once I visited Valentino's family in Amsterdam. They became my friends instantly because I never really have friends in my school. That was when I was able to visit them. If not because of them, then I am the richest Rapunzel in my father's damn mansion.

I sighed. As soon as Derek finished told me everything about meeting his long lost love, I quickly put my phone on the table and grabbed my drinks. I sipped them slowly, tasting every particles of the cold drink on my tongue. Suddenly my eyes catched a glimpse of note stuck on my cup. A white note with a few words was on it.

I quickly looked around before I turned my eyes back onto the notes.

Smile more, you are beautiful


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