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Her Little Black Book

Her Little Black Book

N Shairah


Ever wonder what a first kiss can do to a lonely heart? Daniella Anne knows. She knows she want him for herself alone, and she also knew that she never have a place in his heart not more than his best friend. All these time, she always there for him, but this time she decided to run. Run from him, run from their childhood memories, run from everyone who care her more than herself. But, her hide and seek game wasn't long. He found her.

Chapter 0 Author's Note

Hey guys, I am N, a hardcore wattpad reader and now going on making my own story. I have read a lot of amazing stories and amongs my favourite was romance, teenfiction, billionaires, bad boys, bad girls, and a lot more interesting and superb stories I have ever found in this application.

Thinking of making my own book have ever cross my mind ever since I read my first romance, historical story of Royal Blood by 4evahannah. But then, that was two years ago.

I spend almost two years spending my time, reading and searching for a good source of idea therefore my story later on will not be as cliche as you ever read.

So then, I hope, I am not dissappoint you guys, and most hopefully you satisfy with the plot I created. As I mention before, this is my very first story, so I really wish I get your support and comment, they really help me to further finish my story.

And finally, here I presenting you my story, Her Little Black Book, hopefully you enjoy reading, and of course feel free to point any mistake, typos, or even grammar for all I know.

I am a learner and still learning.

Lots of love from afar, NShairah??

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