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IN this romance of real life, in which the truth is stranger than the fiction, I have lifted only in part the veil that hides the victims of intemperance and other terrible vices - after they have fallen to the lower deeps of degradation to be found in our large cities, where the vile and degraded herd together more like wild beasts than men and women - and told the story of sorrow, suffering, crime and debasement as they really exist in Christian America with all the earnestness and power that in me lies.

Chapter 1 Pinky Swett at the mercy of the crowd in the street—Taken

to the nearest station-house-Mrs. Dinneford visits Mrs. Bray

again-Fresh alarms-"She's got you in her power"--"Money is of no

account"-The knock at the door-Mrs. Dinneford in hiding-The visitor

gone-Mrs. Bray reports the woman insatiable in her demands-Must have

two hundred dollars by sundown-No way of escape except through police

interference-"People who deal with the devil generally have the devil

to pay"-Suspicion-A mistake-Sound of feet upon the stairs-Mrs.

Dinneford again in hiding-Enter Pinky Swett-Pinky disposed of-Mrs.

Dinneford again released-Mrs. Bray's strategy-"Let us be friends

still, Mrs. Bray"-Mrs. Dinneford's deprecation and humiliation-Mrs.

Bray's triumph

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