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Desire To Have You In My Arms

Desire To Have You In My Arms

Huo Wuer


Edmund had been searching for Rebecca ever since she left with his unborn child seven years ago. Over the past few years, he had got rid of all the thorns in their path. He had ruthlessly dealt with his grandfather and parents, who were against his decision to be with her. Now he was on the verge of losing control! The moment he found her, he knew the void in his heart would finally be filled. He was determined to catch his little rabbit before she escaped once again! This time, no one could stop him. Would Rebecca get trapped by him or would she give him the slip again?

Chapter 1 Got Her

"How's the investigation going?" asked the tall man in a black custom-made suit, who was standing by the window. He had a cold aura around him. His icy tone was devoid of any emotion and when he spoke it felt like one was being stung by a thousand needles!

"Sorry, Sir! I...I haven't found any clues yet!" answered the man in front of him sheepishly, lowering his head. The man appeared to be quite strong but was trembling slightly when one looked at him closely.

"What?" The sophisticated gentleman suddenly turned around and asked sharply, "It's been seven years. Your investigation has gone on for so long, but you still haven't found any clue. You've been completely useless to me. I should fire you!"

"I'm sorry, Sir! I will step up my efforts and surely find Miss Luo!" the strong man apologized hastily.

"Will you?" asked the man, raising both, his eyebrows and his voice. "You've been trying to locate her for several years and you've failed! How much longer will it take you to find her now?"

"Um..." The strong man looked at his boss with a mix of terror and embarrassment. "We will do it as soon as possible!"

Edmund Jun strolled up to the strong man menacingly, and finally stopped in front of him. With an evil smile on his face, he slowly moved behind the strong man, raised his foot, and kicked the back of the man's knees.

"Ah!" Yelping in pain, the strong man collapsed on to the ground as his knees buckled. A thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. He did not dare to move, afraid that if he made his boss unhappy, he would be punished more severely.

At the same time, he secretly cursed his three companions. They always pushed him to take the fall every time they had to report to Edmund Jun. 'Those scumbags!' he thought angrily.

"Now, I'm asking you once more. How long will it take? Don't test my patience," demanded Edmund Jun, as he sauntered back to the soft leather chair behind the desk and elegantly sunk into it.

Sweat trickled down the strong man's forehead. The question on everyone's mind was: did something bad happen to Miss Luo since she had not been found yet? But nobody dared to say it out loud in front of Edmund Jun as they didn't want to die. He wasn't a man they could afford to anger.

Closing his eyes, the strong man swallowed hard and said, "Please give us three more months! If we can't find her in three months, we will accept any punishment given by you, Sir!"

'At least I won't be alone on the road to the hell, because there are three more people outside,' thought the strong man somewhat happily.

"Okay!" Edmund Jun agreed and added, "I will look at your investigation report three months later. If you fail, you know the consequences."

The strong man replied with a quivering voice, "Yes, I got it!"

"Then you can leave now!" said Edmund Jun dismissively.

His eyes fell on the photo on his desk, and his heart ached. 'Rebecca, I've been looking for you for seven years! Where are you? If I find you, I will break your legs and imprison you! I don't want to live a long and endless life without you!'

In the past few years, he had got rid of all the thorns in his path. He had ruthlessly dealt with his grandfather and parents, who were against his decision to be with her. He had taken away his grandfather's rights and controlled his parents' finances.

'You know I can do anything to get what I want. If they can't find you, I'm afraid that I have to take advantage of your mother to get you back. So, please come back to me quickly! I'm on the verge of losing control!'

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

The phone ring pulled Edmund Jun out of his obsessive thoughts. He glanced at the caller ID on the phone. Rolling his eyes, he answered the call. Before he could say something, the person on the other end of the phone blurted, "Edmund! When did you have an illegitimate child?"

Edmund Jun frowned. "Greg, if there is nothing else, don't waste my time," he scolded. He was not in the mood for jokes because he hadn't found her yet.

However, when he wanted to hang up the phone, Greg Gu yelled, "Edmund, wait! Don't hang up! Listen, I saw a mini version of you in KFC today. He looked so much like you when you were a child. Although that little boy is a bit chubby, he is very cute. There was a beautiful lady next to the boy. She had delicate features, and her eyes were gentle, and her smile was as refreshing as the spring breeze!"

Edmund's heart suddenly started beating fast. His hand twitched as he asked nervously, "Does she have dimples?"

"Yes, she does!"

Edmund was so excited to get there that he hung up immediately. His long-lost love had returned. He picked up the photo on the table and laughed ecstatically. The void in his heart would finally be filled. He was very sure that the lady described by Greg Gu was his cute little rabbit. The child that looked like him must be his son. So she had left with his unborn child without telling him seven years ago!

Grabbing the keys, Edmund rushed out. He wanted to catch his little rabbit before she escaped!

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