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Love Traps To Lure You Back

Love Traps To Lure You Back

Yue Manshuang


Mary had been selected on the recommendation of her adopted brother for a modeling assignment for an advertisement. However, it so happened that the CEO of that company was the man she had been trying to avoid for many years --- Marts. The day she broke up with him, he issued her a threat. His words sent a shiver down her spine. When they met again, he still had no resistance to her. Love mixed with hatred, he still chose to avenge himself. To get her back, he set up numerous traps, waiting for his prey to fall into them one by one.

Chapter 1 Long Lost Tit For Tat

It was a quiet night. There was a slight chill in the early spring air. The same chill gripped the silver-grey BMW, which was moving at a leisurely pace.

"Clerk, is there no other way?"

Mary Yin's concern was obvious. She didn't want to have any contact with that man anymore. Their relationship had ended three years ago.

Clerk Yin lit a cigarette silently. He dragged a puff and exhaled the smoke. Frowning, he said, "We can't refuse."

His voice was heavy and helpless.

"But Nova is more competent than me," Mary Yin protested. Thinking of the commotion on the film set this afternoon, she couldn't help but laugh bitterly and shake her head at the irony of it. The one who wanted to do it was refused, while the one who didn't want to was chosen.

She was very annoyed.

She had been selected on the recommendation of her adopted brother for a modeling assignment for the KV perfume advertisement by the Ye Group. It so happened that the CEO of the Ye Group was the man she had been trying to avoid for many years.

"Sorry, I thought..." Clerk Yin's voice was full of guilt. He closed his eyes and said, "I thought it would help you. After all, it is the latest advertisement of the Ye Group, which is usually the most sought-after assignment for any model."

Mary Yin said glumly, "Do you think he will let me go?

Maybe he's looking for an excuse to banish me."

Clerk Yin slowly puffed out the smoke and said miserably, "It's my fault."

Mary Yin narrowed her eyes and asked coldly, "What if I cancel it?"

"It's impossible!" Clerk Yin snapped immediately. Realizing he must have sounded harsh, he immediately looked at his sister, but she didn't show any expression.

Her beautiful face seemed to be bathed in gold under the glow of the street lamp. "I know," she said in resignation.

"Mary, I didn't mean..." Clerk Yin tried to explain himself, but was interrupted by her.

"It's okay. I know." She said slowly, "Give me the material."

Clerk Yin's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something more, but when he saw her numb expression, he simply handed over the folder to her.

Lost in thought, Mary Yin stayed in the car for a while and finally opened the door to get off. Her movements were very elegant and graceful, a result of her habit as a professional model for many years.

Looking at her straight back, Clerk Yin was a little worried. Finally, he called, "Mary."

She stopped, turned her head, and didn't say anything.

Clerk Yin was at a loss for words. He moved his lips wanting to say something to ease her pain but eventually all he could muster was, "I'm sorry."

Waving the folder in her hand, Mary left, her high heels clicking loudly on the marble steps.

They had no choice, because Clerk was just a general manager of the company. She understood this and naturally couldn't argue anymore.

Exhausted, Mary went back to her room and took a shower. She dried her wet hair and walked into the bedroom. Only a bedside lamp was on now in the room, which threw light on the magazine on the bedside table, revealing the man's face.

The handsome face immediately made her heart sting. She picked up the magazine. The man on the cover page was smiling gently and was full of confidence. His slanted eyes glinted wickedly and his thin lips made him look roguish but attractive. This same pair of lips had issued her a threat three years ago.

"Mary, I will make you regret."

His words sent a shiver down her spine.

The memory of that scene still caused Mary to tremble involuntarily. She suddenly tightened her grip on the magazine and noticed the bold title: "Analyzing the dark horse of the business world, the powerful rising star, the youngest CEO of Ye Group, Marts Ye."

Seeing his name, Mary's heart stopped for a second but was revived by a sudden ringtone.

Startled, she looked at the phone and saw her friend, Win's name flashing on the screen. "Mary, are you in a bad mood today? How about going to the night club to unwind?"

Her friend's suggestion sounded inviting. She paused to consider it for a moment. Then looking at the magazine on her hand, she said, "Okay."

In the bar.

The crowd was dancing rhythmically to the deafening music. Mary, with her perfect figure and enchanting little black dress, stood out among the crowd.

She had already drunk several glasses of wine. Her body was moving as if it had a mind of its own. As she swayed her hips, she cut a striking figure in the club. She was glowing in the dim light and her sexy moves caught the eyes of a group of muscular men not far away.

Getting tired, gradually Mary stopped. The alcohol was making her heart race so she went to find some water to drink.

However, just as she stepped off the dance floor, she was stopped by several men. A hoarse voice hovered above her head. "Hey, beautiful! Would you like to have a drink with me?"

What a cliche!

Mary rolled her eyes. She was not in the mood for any more drinks.

What was more, they were so... Ugly!

The corners of Mary's mouth twitched. She stared at the strong men in vests and simply said, "Sorry, I'm not free."

They didn't expect that Mary would refuse outright without a moment's hesitation. They felt humiliated. After all, they were well-known in this night club. How could she refuse them so rashly?

One of the men with a beard tried to convince her, "Miss -"

"Shh!" Mary interrupted him before he could continue talking.

She smiled and held her finger to her lips. "I've drunk too much. Don't bother me again, and --"

Mary paused and looked at them up and down. Then she smiled sarcastically and remarked, "I don't like people with simple minds and overdeveloped limbs."

Nobody here recognized her, so she didn't have to worry about being polite.

"What did you say?" The muscular man in the lead was shocked. When he realized that he had been insulted, he immediately became angry. "Damn it! You shameless woman!"

He was really simple-minded.

Mary never spoke rudely to anyone so this was a first for her.

She smiled sardonically, but did not retort. Instead, she turned on her heel and left. However, she was stopped once again before she could take another step.

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