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My Crazy Girl: As Long As You Love Me

My Crazy Girl: As Long As You Love Me

Waldo Woods


He was the heartthrob, the one every woman in the city was crazy over. However, he was a demon deep inside. He would get everything he wanted by all means, no matter in business or love. Getting the wrong room card from the receptionist, she walked into his exclusive suite. When he saw her lying on the bed drunkenly, his eyes lighted up like a lion finding its prey.

Chapter 1 Stormy Situation In The Entertainment Circle

As a hotel of worldwide fame, counted among the best of the bests, celebrities and kingpins were guests here often enough. Frankly speaking, even the bare minimum expenditure spent here could have easily eaten up at least half-a-year's salary of any typical person.

Being a renowned hotel, it was also home to a myriad of luxury banquets. For instance, even today, an elegant and beautifully decorated banquet was being held.

An exquisite red carpet was laid down outside the hotel to receive high-profile guests. Branded top-class luxury cars kept arriving and stopping one after another at the hotel gate, and camera flashlights were kept busy flashing constantly to try to capture the pictures of honored guests. Well dressed and dignified guests were streaming out of the luxury cars; there were even VIP guests followed by personal bodyguards.

It was not a mystery to find out who could hold such an expensive event with such impressive flamboyance. Someone who was able to so easily command the full attention of all the high profile VIPs, while being able to make people delighted and women captivated with himself, this phenomenal person was named Nehemiah Mo.

While his name might make you mistake him for a sophisticated man, in reality he was akin to a devil by his true personality

In the business world, he was notoriously known as "the man who frightened even devils". Any business he took an interest in, became his. Any person who dared to object and get in his way, never lived long enough to see the rising sun of the next day.

He was secretly dubbed as "devil director" in the entertainment industry by many stars. As famous as he was, his irritable attitude was just as well-known. Even though being a director was just a hobby to him, his movies ended up awarding many of the stars overnight fame.

The banquet held today was especially for his latest movie shooting, and as usual for his films, the scene was spectacularly grandiose. Everyone lucky enough to have been invited to the event was glowing with enthusiasm and beaming at each other. Those that found a way to cotton up to Nehemiah, usually found an easy way to the top, just by profiting off of their relationship.

Before the banquet could begin in earnest, Nehemiah calmly walked over to the stage in confident deliberate strides. Noticing this, all the guests present in the banquet appeared to collectively hold their breath for a while.

Nehemiah may have been young enough to not even be of thirty years of age, but his mysteriously deep eyes and alluring charm were irresistible for anyone that encountered him.

'What an attractive man! His handsomeness is even beyond the scope of my imagination!' thought Cara Mu.

While asking for her keys to the waiter, she felt a bubbling attraction within herself looking at the gorgeous face of the devil director. One could see the respect and awe filling her eyes solely towards the devil.

"Even when both of us are just people in the end, how can there be such vast differences? As the proverb goes, when God closes a door for you, only to open a window for you later on. But looking at the attractive man on the stage! He somehow seems to have everything! Not only is the man gorgeous, but also quite wealthy and powerful as well," Cara muttered mostly to herself.

With a disappointed sigh, Cara took out her bank card to pay for her room for the night and paid about a half-year of her income. She had gotten a chance to see Nehemiah, which was a once-in-a-life-time opportunity for her. Even after she had paid her fee, she just stood there, quietly contemplative and appreciative of the scenery before her.

Even spending a single night in this hotel cost her about a half-year's wage, if not for the necessity induced by her work, she wouldn't even have bothered attending the banquet.

Even the receptionist seemed transfixed watching the unparalleled charm of Nehemiah's face. Her eyes were glued to Nehemiah, even as she handed Cara her room card.

"Here are the keys to your room. Delicious food and beverages will be procured directly to your room," the receptionist said absentmindedly while tracking the handsome man through her eyes.

As she received her room card, Cara felt sad to think that this little unassuming card cost her almost half of her annual income. Of course, it was impossible for someone used to an ordinary lifestyle like her to consume food costing around 30 thousand dollars!

Around the same time as Cara's mental dilemma, the man on stage took a calm glance around the audience and cleared his throat.

He spoke with a deep and sonorous voice, "I just want to make a few things clear with a brief speech. First of all, any investor demanding the naming rights should be ready to offer at least 300 million dollars." The cold gaze of Nehemiah swept over the audience as he spoke further. "Secondly, if any actor tries to play games with me after having agreed to the film, will be shut out completely from the entertainment circle. Thirdly, if any actress tries to become popular by attempting inappropriate means then they're free to approach me, but before doing so, it would be prudent for you to properly weigh all the pros and cons of your choice, as I will show no mercy."

Having finished speaking, the man on the stage held the cold expression on his face, the people in the audience felt a chill up their spine while watching at his deep-set eyes. It was evident, however, that someone with as influential a background as his could only speak so candidly. It could be inferred that his words, however bold, were at least honest.

"Well, that's perhaps the only time I've had the pleasure to hear someone boldly and shamelessly announce the implicit dirty rules of entertainment industry out in the open. The entertainment industry has become so messy these days,"

Cara muttered, mostly to herself as she waved her hand dismissively. She cast a glance at her room card and walked towards the top floor. Thunderous applause could already be heard coming from the area of the banquet.

"It should be around here!" Cara said to herself, taking a hesitant glance at the room card in her hand, as the elevator came to a stop.

Only one room occupied the entire top floor. Cara went ahead and tried her card, opening the only door, after having reconfirmed the number of the card.

Her lips curled upwards as she entered inside the luxurious room, "Wow Now this is what you call an international top-of-the-line hotel."

Cara spoke quietly to herself in a longing sigh and looked around the room. The decorations in the room were quite grand. The decorations, furniture and appliances in the room were of such high grade that she hadn't seen them anywhere other than popular luxury and lifestyle magazines.

It can be said that it was more of a high class well-decorated home than just a hotel suite.

'This place truly is extraordinary' Cara thought to herself.

Everything one might need was already present in the room.

Like a naive village girl who hadn't ever had the luxury of laying eyes upon such a glamorous sight, her eyes kept dancing around in her sockets to ultimately land on the bar counter. The counter was lavishly decorated with diamond inlays and some of the best wines in the world were placed on the counter.

"I have already spent half my annual income, suffering through great pain to be finally up here, I might as well consume a lot of expensive food and wine to make up for my lost wage." Cara muttered to herself gazing with thirst at the bar counter.

She picked up the most expensive looking wine bottle, poured the wine in the crystal glass, took a contented sigh, and then kept drinking one after another.

It turned out that she was surely a lightweight drinker. The impact of the red wine finally hit her all at once and her face got flushed while her eyes turned misty.

"I feel a little bit dizzy. I may need to take a nap for a while" muttered Cara drunkenly.

Gingerly holding her delicate body upright, she walked aiming towards the soft pillow on the bed. She leaned back to lay on the bed for a while, gazing up at the grandly decorated ceiling, soon enough her eyes fluttered close and the sound of gentle breathing could be heard.

In the meanwhile, the receptionist downstairs was in a great state of distress. It was almost time for the shift change, checking the spare room card for the presidential suite was a routine usually needed to be followed. The only problem being, after she checked for the spare room card for the presidential suite on the top floor, she found out that it was missing. The distressing part was the fact that it was the room allotted to none other than Nehemiah!

'Oh my God' the receptionist worriedly thought to herself, her forehead was drenched with beads of sweats.

In a state of distress and anxiety, she decided that this matter needed to be kept a secret from her superiors or she would be fired without a doubt.

As for Nehemiah, he got up and left for his room right after the party.

Nehemiah, the real owner of the presidential suite of this hotel, was left entirely stunned as he opened the door to his room using his card. Upon looking at the state of the room, the fact was obvious that someone had intruded into the room. The faint fragrance of the aromatic wine was filling up the room, coming from the recently opened bottle sitting on top of the counter.

'No one had ever dared enter this room without my permission. How did the situation develop to this stage?' Nehemiah thought to himself.

Nehemiah squinted his eyes and started taking steps around the room with his long legs, trying to find the source of the situation. He wanted to see who could dare to mess around in his private suite.

He followed the trail of mess left behind by the intruder, smelling the fragrance in the room. When he found the girl sleeping contently on the bed, his eyes froze and turned dangerous with the cold fury of the dark emperor.

'So, is this the girl looking to sleep her way to the top?' Nehemiah thought to himself in a brooding mood sullenly.

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