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Fantastic Romance: Slave To CEO's Adoration

Fantastic Romance: Slave To CEO's Adoration



Seeing the news he was going to get married, she turned to her son and asked with a smirk, “Your Daddy wants to marry another woman. What do you think, baby?” “How about we steal all his money. Without money, nobody will marry him, right?” She almost dropped her jaw as hearing her son’s idea. What a foxy boy!

Chapter 1 A Task

"According to our source, Esteban Pei, CEO of HJ Group, and Janiya Mo will hold an engagement party on Saturday. They will also announce their wedding date on the said day. This rumor has been confirmed by the insiders of the Mo family. We will follow this matter to bring you more updates on this story later."

It seemed that the broadcaster's report was endless. Someone pressed the pause button, and the handsome face of a man froze on the screen.

A woman and a little boy sitting on the sofa looked at each other. Then they turned their eyes back to the TV screen where the face of the so-called CEO of HJ Group was shown.

Margaret An squinted slightly, turned her head to the six-year-old boy next to her, and smiled evilly.

"Caspar, your daddy is getting engaged to another woman. What do you think we should do?"

Caspar An blinked his eyes a few times and then flashed a wicked grin.

He suggested, "Mommy, how about we steal all his money? As soon as a man has money, he becomes a playboy. But if he doesn't have money, no woman will be willing to be with him."

Margaret's face darkened at once. If she hadn't been with her son for so many years, she would feel uncomfortable with his way of talking.

The Great Compassion Mantra suddenly resounded through the living room, interrupting Margaret's attempt to teach Caspar a lesson. This was her special ringtone for work. But she was currently on vacation. Why did it suddenly ring?

Caspar thought that she didn't hear it, so he stood up and took out the remote control hidden behind the mural.

He handed it to her and said, "Mommy, you have an outside call."

Margaret touched his head dotingly and held him in her arms. She then took the remote control from him, aimed it towards the white wall in front of them, and pressed the button.

The white wall immediately turned black, and in a moment, a crystal screen appeared. Then on the screen, there was a woman wearing a butterfly mask. The screen was too dark to see her face clearly. The enchanting woman was standing inside a dark room. She was so tempting, but she also gave people an endless sense of oppression.

However, Margaret and Caspar didn't feel that way any longer because they had seen her countless times. From the way she looked right now, they could already guess that she had another task for Margaret.

"Yvette, what's the task this time?" Margaret asked first. Since she had entered ST Group, she realized that she was no longer an ordinary person.

"I want the oil painting—The Aschube," the woman replied in a monotonous and formulaic tone. There was no emotion in her voice at all.

Yvette was the famous courier of ST Group in the underworld.

ST Group was a group of thieves and was known for their abilities to steal almost anything. So far, all of their transactions were conducted online. This showed that ST Group was indeed mysterious.

Seven years ago, Margaret was driven out of the An family. She then accidentally became a member of ST Group. From then on, stealing had become her profession.

She had been stealing except for that one year when she was pregnant and gave birth to Caspar. It was not easy for her to take a break. Now that she finally got a chance to have a vacation, another job came in unexpectedly.

"What? The Aschube?"

She knew that this was a collection that every collector in the world vied for. It was estimated to be worth eighty million dollars, but it was already bought secretly. So far, no one knew who the buyer was.

At the thought of it, Margaret's eyes lit up.

"Do you know where it is?" she asked excitedly.

"In the Pei family villa," Yvette replied indifferently.

"What? Pei family?" Margaret's eyes widened in shock. She wondered if it was the same Pei family she had in mind.

"Yes. Esteban Pei bought the painting secretly three years ago. The painting should be in his bedroom,"

Yvette confirmed. Margaret was not mistaken. It was really him.

She was stunned.

"That is Daddy's house, isn't it?"

Caspar suddenly said, his little finger pointing at the TV screen. It was only then that Margaret noticed the picture. It was Esteban's bedroom. And the famous painting was hanging on the wall.

The expression on her face darkened. She then asked angrily, "Why are you giving this task to me? Am I the only member of ST Group?"

"No, you aren't. But you are the only one available right now." Yvette's cold and emotionless voice was heard again.

Margaret was rendered speechless.

She didn't know how to react when she heard Yvette's reason. Was she that idle?

However, she was too embarrassed to ask.

"You have three months to accomplish this task. Good luck."

After telling her the deadline, Yvette disappeared from the screen.

Staring at the white wall that had turned back to its original look, Margaret's mouth curved into a wicked smile.

She thought, 'Well, I have three months to accomplish the task. I have enough time to play with Esteban.'

"Mommy, your smile is so disgusting,"

Caspar complained and buried his face in his hands. His foolish mother must be thinking about something shameful. Otherwise, how could she smile like that? Her face was even distorted.

Margaret ignored his ridicule. She just held his shoulders, turned his chubby body to face her, and smiled brightly at him.

"Baby, do you want to see your daddy?"

"No." Having a stupid mother was already enough for him. An idiot father would only make his life more boring.

His answer made Margaret's mouth twitch. But in order to win him over, she had to smile all the time.

"Honey, he is your daddy, and he has a lot of money. Don't you like money? Mommy will take you to him, okay? Then all his money will be yours."

As soon as Caspar heard her mention money, he fell silent. He held his chin as if he was thinking seriously.

He knew that his father was rich, but he had never thought that his father's wealth would be his. If it would be his, wouldn't he be able to buy a lot of lollipops?

Upon thinking of lollipops, his eyes were filled with fantasy in an instant. He couldn't help but wipe his saliva.

When she noticed that he was almost tempted, Margaret tried to coax him again.

"As long as you enter the Pei family villa and get that painting for me, I won't mind whatever you want to buy or do in the future."

With those words, Caspar's eyes lit up.

"Then, can I go to the bar with Uncle Leonel?" With an expectant look on his face, Caspar thought of his Leonel. Leonel had brought him to a bar before. But Margaret caught them and took him back. Since then, he had never been to that place again.

Now that he thought that he could go there again, his eyes began to shine.

The corners of Margaret's mouth twitched even more and secretly cursed Leonel Ling thousands of times in her heart. He was not a good man and even misled her son.

The next time she saw him, she would definitely beat him to quench the anger in her heart at the moment.

Although she wanted to beat her son up to teach him a lesson, she had to restrain herself. After all, she still needed his help in the future.

So she giggled and pinched his chubby face.

"Of course, you can. As long as you help Mommy take back that painting."

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