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Baby on campus.

Baby on campus.



Kiera runs away from home, for a reason known to no one. She finds herself in California where she finds, new friends, a family, and a baby. The question to fate is.... Will it last. Love, funny adventures, and a miss of sassy moments. Now don't forget to grab a popcorn for two. :-)

Chapter 1 First day on campus.

Kiera's Pov †††††

"Shit, shit, shit." I curse, my arms were beginning to hurt from the weight on my shoulder.

"And we are here." Mrs Tracy smiles brightly at me.

Wait what!!

I look at the building in front of me. Its separated from the other dorm building and starting to creep me out.

"Enjoy your stay." I hear Tracy's retreating voice. Why do I always get the bad ones.

I take a breath before turning the nob. I could swear I hear baby cries.

Its just another imagination of yours Kiera.

The dorm was not too big, and not too small. Its divided by an imaginary line into two parts.

The left part is dark and I could imagine dark clouds and thunders hovering at the top. While the right side is bright and beautiful with a smiling sun at the top.

I guess the right side is my side of the room.

The bed squeaks when I drop bag on it.

I could still hear baby cries, but much louder this time.

I walk towards the dark side of the room, were am sure the baby cries were coming from.

"Bloody hell." They really is a baby, I rub my eyes with the back of my palm.

I wasn't imaging it.

It is a real baby, not those dummy toys, or Mr bear you cuddle with at night.

I mean a real baby that pops, and cries, and are adorable.


I look around then realisation hit me.

My room mate has a baby, omg my room mate has a baby.

I pick the baby then cuddle it in my arms.

She was cute and beautiful and a plus bonus its a girl.

"Shh" mama is going to be back soon." I rock her back and forth bit she won't stone crying.

Maybe she needs sunlight and fresh air.

I hit my leg on a solid hard substance as I walk to the door.

"Mother fucking bitch." I curse, the pain in my leg wasn't helping.

"Oh my God, am so sorry." I say to the baby girl who is now watching me with wide blue eyes.

Don't curse in front of the kid, don't curse in front of the kid. I mentally face palm my self.

Ignoring the harsh pain in my leg, I walk out of the dorm room.

"So were should we go first." I ask the little baby.

She blinks her eye like she could understand what I was saying.

I take my time to study her features, she has that baby blue eyes that enchants you like the sea, her hair is light brown and you can easily guess it has a soft texture.

If she's this beautiful, I wonder how her mom would look, she'd probably look like a model.

Speaking of her mom, where is she, I mean who leaves a less than nine months old baby home alone.

I'd talk some senses into her when we meet, and maybe ask why she has a baby on campus. What about the father??

The baby squirm in my arms bringing my attention back to her.

"Well let's show you around." Thank goodness we aren't near the dorm buildings, with that we won't get sighted by other students.

We walk around not too far though, baby seems to be enjoying the freedom as she squeaks every time I spin her.

I decided to call her baby cause I don't know her name, and besides I think it fits her.

"Hey you."I hear some one call from behind me.

I turn to see a guy looking at me.

He looks handsome, with light brown hair, and blue captivating eye just like baby.

Is he the father.

The look on his face tells me he isn't really happy.


Tylers Pov.

"You did what." I growl, not caring how harsh I sound.

"We.... We left her on the... The bed to get some snacks and... And we got back, she was gone." Ashley stutters, the look on his face would have been funny if I wasn't so pissed off.

"You left her in the dorm all by herself." I snarl before grabbing the collar of his shirt. Mason cowers back not wanting to face my raging anger.

"Calm down Tyler, killing them won't solve anything." Sky's calm voice booms from behind me.

"I mean what do you expect when you left these two idiots to babysit her." Mia snorts, earning a glare from Ashley.

"Find her." I order before barging out of the dorm room.

What am I going to do. Its not even one week yet and she's already missing.

I run my hand through my hair in frustration as I walk to the back of the dorm room.

This day can't get any worst.

That's when I saw her, her hair moves swiftly in the hair as she spins around, but that was not what caught my attention, it was the baby in her hand.

"Hey you." I call out, more like shout.

How dare you take my baby.


Sky's POV.


We stare at each other for a long time, before I decide to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Hey father of baby." I smile brightly.

"You bitch." The handsome guy storms towards me.

"Language boy." I hush. "It ain't good for the baby."

"You don't tell me what and what not to do." He gently snatches baby out of my hand.

what and what not to do." He gently snatches baby out of my hand.

"Coming from a guy who left a baby home alone, I'd say you need it." I retorted.

"I don't need advice's from baby stealers like you, I should probably hand you over to the police."

"Baby stealer, she was crying uncontrollably, I was just trying to help, and you call me a baby stealer." I scowl.

"As much as I'd like to argue with you I have much better thing to do like to unpack my luggages"

I jog back to the dorm room, without waiting for him to say another word.

So weird, if it wasn't my roommates baby then how d id it get to the dorm.

Not that I should care.

I quickly unpack my things, leaving the not too important in my bag which I slide under my bed.

My ears perks up when I hear the door squeak.

Oh my god, my roommate is finally here.

The door opens widely, and all my imaginations, expectations, and excitement crash on the floor. You could hear the noise made by the crash from miles away.

Its the arrogant ungrateful son of a bitch.

"You." He snarls at me.

"You." I say more confused than shocked. "What are you doing here."

"I should be asking you that, first a baby stealer, and now a stalker." I could hear gasps but didn't bother finding where it came from.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, bit this is my dorm room, and I would like you to get the fuck out." I grit my teeth.

"Your dorm? This is my dorm." He seethes.

What the fuck!!!

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