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Mrs Xavier.

Mrs Xavier.



Pari gets in trouble after a small confrontation with Mr Xavier, the CEO of a multi billion naira industry (X&O). In an attempt to get revenge he forcefully employs her as his PA. Dark secrets get reveals, and they later found out that their life is more intertwined than they had thought. Will they overcome their dark past together or will this break them apart from the new bond they found. Find out. Some scenes may appear 18+ rated, but don't worry, its doesn't appear that much. Enjoy.

Chapter 1 First day.

Xavier 's pov

"Mr Xavier." my secretary calls as soon as I step out of the elevator.

"good morning Mr Xavier." she greets, earning a nod from me.

I sigh when I realise I have forgotten her name, again, not that I care.

This is business.

"Mr Xavier your father called." Mrs no name secretary says as I walk to my office.

"what did he say." I ask eyes forward.

" he requested to see you." she adds.

"and why." I ask Coldly and professionally.

"that he didn't say." she replies almost immediately.

"but he did say it's important." she quickly added jogging to keep up with my pace.

I stop and, stared into space.

"cancel my schedules for today." I order before slamming the door behind me.

I hope it's worth it.


I parked my car in front of my parent's mansion and hop out, tossing my key to the butler before making my way inside, and towards my dad's office.

"you requested to see me". I ask rhetorically as I barge into the office taking a sit opposite him.

He set the file he was reading on the table and adjusted his glasses.

Just like the old man he is.

"It wasn't me your mom wanted to see you"he scowls holding his hands up in surrender.


"what." I utter completely shocked "she is back."

"yes." he reply then fix his gaze behind me.

My body turned stiff at the sound of heels clicking.

oh no.. Not again....

"You little douchbag." Mom yelled as she pulled me off the chair with my ear.

It there's anybody I am scared of its mom, and my sisters 'the devil themselves'.

"Ouch "I squeak in pain.

"Hey mom" I say smiling trying to avoid what I know is coming.

"Don't you dare hey me young man. " She snarls then release my ear "You didn't even called "

"sorry mom, I was busy." I apologise.

"Sorry." She snorts. "You weren't the one who had to go to Florida to attend to a fucking business deal." She snap.

"Language hon.... "Dad scolds, mom glares at him making him shut up midway.

That lady is one hell of a beast when she's mad.

"And you have to start attending business related parties, I can't keep doing it for you."

"but mom." I whine.

"You have been avoiding it for too long " she responds. "How ate you going to win new clients, if you don't even want to meet them."

"I can have someone attend to represent me." I reasoned hopefully.

"No "she reply sternly "I don't care how you are going to do it, get a 'p. a' or something, or am calling your sisters on you "she hollers as she makes her way out of the office.

Oh no.

Those girls almost made me model a thong.

Yes they almost made this cold CEO model a thong.

Then 'p. a' it is.


Pari's pov

"Come on pari put this on." dad orders handing me an apron.

"But dad my shift is over " I scow hands crossed.

There's no way am staying any longer here.

"You know Lillian is sick, You need to fill in for her, pls sweetie."

"No."I shake my head in disagreement.

"Pls honey." dad draw giving me the puppy eyes.

"Urgh, okay." I groan. "Just stop giving me the puppy eyes.”

Well that's another thing we have in common. 'The puppy eyes.'

"thanks sweetie." He smile, then dump the apron in my hands.

I put on the apron and walked to the front of the counter my eyes fixed on the clock'7:01"I groaned inwardly.

Oh great another two hours with these rich brats.

"Waiter"someone called obviously a girl.

You could tell from the sharp pitch voice.

I walked towards the table with a big fake smile on my face.

"Your order pls." I ask camly.

"Get me a plate of Cobb salad and a French wine." she orders arrogantly.

"Be right back " I mutter trying my best not to roll my eyes.

"Make that fast." she scowls her eyes fixed on her phone.

Jeez how I wish I can slap those makeup's off her face, I wonder how she would look like.

I gave her my biggest smile and made my way back in the counter.

"She's really a handful, isn't she."Jason asks from behind the counter.

"Believe me she is worst than Cinderella's step mother." I reply handing the written order to him.

He smiled as he arranges the order.

"Isn't your shift over."

"Yea, Lilian is kind of sick so boss said I had to help." I mutter tapping my fingers on the counter.

"Well good luck over there." he says with a low chuckle "here."

"Thanks." I smile as i collect the tray from his hands.

"Anytime." He winks with a boyish smile.

I return the smile and walked back to the table or you can say 'the witch's den' I gently place the contents of the tray one after the other on the table.

"Aren't You going to pour the wine." She snorts as I turned to leave.

I grittmy teeth to stop myself from saying something stupid and pour the wine in the glass cup before her.

One step, two step, three step, I am free i celebrate mentally as I walk away from the table.

"Hey you" jeez can't you give me breathing space.

I retraced my steps back and stared at the girl who have been a source of frustration to me.

Am so gonna murder someone.

"This is not what I ordered for." she snap pointing at the glass of wine.

"I said red French wine."

I frown staring at the glass containing the blue substance and fixed my eyes back to the bitchy witch sitting in front of me. God knows remember clearly she said French wine, she could have just said red French wine when ordering.

The common wine around here is the blue French wine.

Jeez seems like she likes watching me suffer, this wine is definitely coming out of my pay check.

My poor salary.

I quietly place the French wine bottle and the glass on the tray I was holding and turned to leave but instead bump into something hard making the wine in the glass spill.

Now I really wish its a wall.

(Authors note:well guess who she bump into. Next chap coming up. please rate and comment people. Love yal. ADIOS.)

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