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My Loving You

My Loving You

Duchess E


Adel is young and ambitious but hates to hide under anyone Bryan is an icy CEO who likes total control. How does this two diverse characters work? Read now to see how Bryan is brought to his knees by a mere child(his words).

Chapter 2 Episode 2: We Meet Again

Start of a new week and I would be doing a presentation on my strategies to drive our upcoming product at the general meeting.

I came in extra early to perfect my presentation not that there was much to do but nerves sure wasn’t helping. Too soon it was time to start the meeting.

Fifteen minutes into my presentation, the door I was told connects to the CEO’s office was opened and I paused to greet the boss. Only for me to turn around and see Mr. Iceman.

What? He was the boss? Adel what have you gotten yourself into? I was soo fucking rude. But who can blame me, the man was no Mr. Nice. Now that we meet this way, would he give me a tough time or would he fire m....

“Let’s get on with it I have a flight to catch” he interrupted my musings.

I cleared my throat and went back to the points. After I was done, I asked for questions and waited for Mr. Iceman’s review.

“Concentrating on the target audience is great but you need to know the products more” he remarked.

“Okay Sir” I said. I guess I have to get back to the drawing board. He wasn’t so bad after all.

“You need to learn fast on your feet, Debbie would be leaving soon and I need someone capable to take over from her. If you are not sure of your capabilities, let us know now so we get one of the branch managers to take over for a while”.

“I think I was too quick with my relief. It’s not like I can’t do my work. What’s the need for his coldness? Mtchewww’ of course all of these were in my head. It’s not like I want to kill my career so soon.

“My team and I will work harder and drive this project above our expectations” I said as I sat down for the rest of the department heads to do their presentations.

Bryan’s POV

From the beginning of her presentation I watched her on the screen of my Mac. Only close staff know that every boardroom in all my companies have hidden cameras that record sessions so that I can make informed decisions even when I’m not present at the meeting.

Looking at how calm and confident she looked only someone looking intently at her like I am will notice her inability to stay in one place. Though she makes it look like she’s gliding, I could tell she was nervous.

I never said I was a great person. To throw her off her game I walked into the meeting. It sure is gonna be a great morning show, I smirked to myself.

“Let’s get on with it I have a flight to catch” I said as I took my seat. Listening to her, I made points. She was smart, very smart. A little polish and she could head whole campaigns.

After her presentation I made my comments and I could see from her face that she was trying to hold herself together.

I smirked internally knowing how she would have given it to me if it wasn’t the fact that I was her boss. Smirk.

Listening to her response after my comment on her capabilities, I was impressed. She was a team player and that is one of the qualities I look for in my managers.

The other departments did their presentation and the meeting came to a close. As everyone filed out I called her back.

“Derek organize for her to go to country C this weekend to meet with Ethan” I instructed indicating for him to get on it right away before turning to speak to her.

“Miss Arthur, you will be going to country C to meet with our project manager who is currently heading the production of our new project. Do well to study it. It will help you with your strategies. Is there any question?”

“No Sir. Will that be all?” she asked as politely as she could. I smirked knowing exactly what was going through her head.

“No that will be all. Derek will contact you with your travel details.” I got up and left.

This was a family trip so I was going alone. Would be back for work the next day so left instructions and headed home to visit my father who was admitted at the hospital for another heart attack.

Adel’s POV

Listening to him make arrangements for my weekend without consulting me just proved how much of a jerk he is.

I have never been this pissed since school days and that was even in my first year of uni. I went directly to my office to immerse myself in work.

Upon getting home I called Charles because if I didn’t talk to someone soon I would burst.

“You will not believe what happened today. Gosh he is such a jerk” I launched as soon as he picked up.

“And good evening to you too. Who is the jerk and what happened today Angel?”

I could hear the laughter in his voice as he spoke, I’m sure he thinks I’m being a big baby as usual. I pouted even though he couldn’t see me and narrated everything to him starting with my first meeting with Mr. Iceman to today.

I refuse to call him Mr. Jackson, being a CEO doesn’t change the fact that he is an iceman. Charles listened intently and said nothing throughout my narration.

After I finished he asked what I intended to do.

“Of course I would go. I love traveling and I get to do it on Mr. Iceman’s account even if it’s for work” I stated laughing.

“I guess it’s settled then. Have something to eat and go to bed early, today has been a tough day for daddy’s girl and I’m sure you are over tired”.

“Thank you Charlie, I knew talking to you would calm me down”.

He laughed saying that it’s not as if he said anything. But that was the thing. Talking to him was comforting because he listened to you.

“Okay. Goodnight.” I ended the call, made something light to eat and went to bed after a quick shower.

The week went by quiet nicely and Friday was soon upon me. Putting my luggage into my booth, I called daddy to remind him I wasn’t going to be around this weekend. After that I drove to the office.

Derek told me to go directly to the first class lounge at the airport as everything has been arranged and I will be met there. After close of work I picked a cab to go leaving my car at the underground parking lot at the office.

I sat on one of the seats at the lounge to wait for my ticket. To while away time I picked my phone going to the MoboReader app to read some novels.

I felt a shadow over me so I lifted my head to see if it was my arrangement to country C.

Shock is an understatement.

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