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Meet Ella Johnson a hard working fashion designer in Paris, who is looking for love and not just love but one that will satisful her sexual fantasies and also reciprocate her feelings Drake park who is a cold hearted CEO who has been hurt by his past and sees women as tool for his sexual release and nothing more. What happens when ella and Drake meets and falls in love will they be able to fill in the void in their hearts? Will they be able to rise like a Phoenix in the ashes of fire that life will throw at them? XX matured contents read at your own risk N:B hi guys this is my first time writing and I hope to get your full support thank you

Chapter 1 Meeting him

Meet ella she's 25 beautiful tall Johnsonyoung lady with thick hips and boobs, her caramel skin glows like the river beds at sunrise, her dark blue eyes and thick long lashes complimented her oval face with a pointed nose. She's beautiful and she knows it.

She works as a fashion designer in New York and she's fairly one of the best designer one could ask for and of course she has dated many guys but none seems to satisfy her sexually and she is keen on achieving her mind blowing orgasm like her friends tell her.

Meet Drake park a handsome young CEO of 30yrs, handsome and cold with his tall well built body of six parks and chocolate skin, his hair is always messy cause of the constant runni g of hands through it, every girl swoons and drools at his feet but he is just too cold to approach.

His actually a nice and funny guy bt this changed after his first love cheated on him with his buisness rival which totally changed him to the man he is today but he cares less cause he feels better using women for the only purpose he deems them fit that's having SEX.

What happens when ella who is looking to fall for the right guy that will fulfill her sexual fantasies and Drake who is broken cause of his past, meets and falls in love??

Ella get ur lazy ass off that bed right now, arrghhh I could hear her screams from room. It's Saturday and my BFF Allison won't let me get my beauty sleep sometimes I wish I could just shut her up dnt get me wrong i love her I would literally do anything for her.

I shouted back Allison will u pls allow me get my beauty sleep it's Saturday for heaven sake

No love better get up we are going shopping today

Geez am a fashion designer for crying out loud Ally {that's the nick name I call her}

I know I know but I dnt have money to pay u and besides its fun shopping with your BFF she said and winked at me

She now sitting at my bed trying to get me to shower

How can a well known lawyer in one of the largest firm in New York not have money I said rolling my eyes and getting up to shower before she takes it to another level she can be crazy at times and we both love our craziness

Fine am goig to shower make breakfast ally am hungry, alright breakfast coming right up ma'am she said making me laugh at her act as I rushed to fresh up and get ready for another crazy Saturday with my BFF

We both walked out of my apartment heading to the parking lot as we were chatting and giggling like kids, I was wearing a ripped high waist jean with a white tank top and my heels leaving my long brown hair curly with a little make up on my face, ally was wearing a black short with a yellow shirt and a black sneakers at times I wonder y she likes dressing like this if she's a well known lawyer bt she says she likes to unwind and have fun and I guess she's right, life is not to be taken seriously anyways

So we drove my bmw down to the shopping mall where we bought lots of clothes and shoes and bags, I was so tired all I remembered was trying clothes while we both complimented ourselves and swiped the card

Leaving the mall we decide to have lunch at the restaurant nearby before going home to rest, walking into the restaurant while searching for my phone I bumped into something hot or should I say someone hot *winks* as I raised my head up to apologize my eyes met the most handsome guy I have ever seen since my 25 years of living, I stared into those eyes that was so beautiful and his hair that looks rough bt actually complimented his handsome looks and his body frame I was literally drooling then I heared the most sexiest voice ever bt too bad what came out of his mouth wasn't like his looks

When you are done eye raping me how do you plan on compensating me for my clothes he said with his Jaws tightly clenched and for the first time I noticed he was angry and I cursed myself for bumping into him

Am really sorry I wasn't looking I apologized I can clean it up if u want or get u a new shirt down the street I said

He looked at me for a few secs and said u know what never mind u women are all the same and rudely walked off before I could even ask him what he meant he entered his Lamborghini parked in front of the restaurant and zommed off, what a rude hunk I muttered to myself

I quickly walked in knowing that ally would have cursed me a thousand times in her heart for keeping her waiting and like I guess her face was not so good but I managed to make her laugh by telling her what happened outside the restaurant and we ended up laughing about it.

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