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Meet Adaoma Juliet miles, a twenty-five years old girl with many scares and pains, she have lived the past ten years of her live solely for revenge against the woman who murdered her parents and took over her life. She have sworn that as long as there is breath in her body and air in her lungs she will go back at the appointed time and make her pay dearly for everything she has done. She's is a Nigerian-American citizen, her mother was from Nigeria and the father was from America. Meet Charles Brandon, CEO of Brandon enterprises and a handsome billionaire, although the world feel like he has everything but he alone knows that his life is hanging on a thread from the internal enemies he calls family seeking for his life but he have vowed to bury all his enemies even before they think of cutting a hair from his head... But what happens when his friend tells him that the best agency that trains good fighters are in Nigeria and he intends to go there himself to pick good ones to fight alongside him but what happens when he finds out that their best fighter is a woman and not just any woman but a beautiful one at that??? Matured scenes 18+ Please guys read my first book FILL ME UP and drop your comments,just search for it and enjoy ❤️❤️❤️

Chapter 1 A happy family

A little girl was seen running inside the house giggling non stop as she jumped on her mother Bernice mmasinachi miles, who was sitting down on the sofa eating apples.

"momma am back and I missed you so much" she said as she giggled and took a bite of the apple she was eating

The mother smiled lovingly at her and said

"I missed you too my naughty little pumpkin and how was school today my darling"

"it was good momma and where is daddy I missed him too" she said happily

" daddy will soon be home so why don't you go and freshen up before he gets back" Bernice replied while kissing her cheeks lovingly

She thank God for blessing her with a beautiful and intelligent daughter like oma [her mother calls her oma shortened from Adaoma]

Although after she was disowned by her parents for getting married to Henry her husband, because he is an American and not from Nigerian, she have never regretted her choice of choosing her happiness over their choice of getting married to someone from their tribe but she still misses her parents and brother.

How she wished the parents will forgive her and call her one day to come home with her child, she made sure to give her baby girl an igbo name in order for her not to forget her roots.

She was lost in thoughts when her husband Henry hugged her from behind kissing her cheeks lovingly and she smiled as she noticed who it was," what were you thinking lost in thought darling" he whispered to her

"I wasn't thinking about anything baby just some buisness stuff you know" she replied turning around to kiss him passionately on his lips which he actively indulged her in.

"now go upstairs and freshen up dinner will be ready in the next thirty minutes and your princess should be looking for you any moment from now" she said with a smile as she pushed him upstairs

"as you wish your majesty but why don't you join me, it can be so much fun you know" he said while smirking mischievously at her

"stop being so mischievous and get going" she replied as she blushed crimson red at his comment

"fine am going, I love you wify" Henry replied with a smile

"I love you too husband" she replied shyly

Henry loves his wife so much that even after years of marriage he still can't help but love her more in each passing day, how can he not know what she was thinking?

He knows she misses her family back in Nigeria but he have tried to make her parents accept their marriage but they were still adamant about it, he even went as far as taking oma's pictures to beg them behind his wife's back but he was humiliated. Who could believe that Henry Miller the CEO of miller's enterprises was splashed with dirty water and humiliated by his in-laws simply because he wanted them to accept their marriage and make his wife happy but he endured it all because he knows she made the biggest sacrifice for their love to strive through...

Bernice entered the kitchen to see Henry's assistant miss Gwen drinking water camly lost in thought, she cleared her throat to gain her attention which she did successfully, "am sorry ma'am I was thirsty so I decided to take a glass of water am really sorry for coming in without your permission" she said hastily dropping the cup on the kitchen counter

"it's alright Gwen I don't bite you know and how was work today?" she asked trying to make her feel more comfortable although she doesn't like her, her woman's instincts tells her that she has bad intentions but she can't just accuse her wrongly but she knows her instincts is always right

" work was fine ma'am, I have to go now it's getting late" she replied and Bernice just nooded her head in affirmation

Gwen walked out the door and her face scrunched up in anger, "you just wait and see how I will send you back to where you belong you witch, I will have Mr Henry all to myself soon just soon enough you will be out of the picture for good" she said in her heart as she made up her mind to act quicker and faster after witnessing the display of affection between her boss whom she has a crush on and his wife whom she feels is an obstacle to her mission.

*** hey guys some names in this book are Nigerian igbo names but I will be translating their meanings to you

Adaoma is always given to the first girl child and it means "good and beautiful daughter"

Mmasinachi means "beauty comes from God"

I just thought you guys might like to know it's meaning ❤️❤️ ❤️

And as promised we are starting this book today and I hope to have your full support guys thank you ❤️❤️❤️

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