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When Anusha and Nirvan are tied with the ropes of arranged marriage, none of them knew what the future had in hold for these two incompatible personalities. Being a lawyer, Anusha tries to take a stand for her in-laws and protects their family business. While Nirvan is coping with his move-on, let's see if they can build a good relationship.

Chapter 1 The Perfect Couple

Swiveling on her chair, she was waiting for someone to come and pick her and her sister from the parlour. Wearing red traditional lehenga, hair tied in a bun with red roses latched onto it, heavy jwelery hugging her neck and golden bangles in her hand, she was looking like a queen who is ready to confront anyone with that attracting aura of hers.

She was looking at her reflection in the mirror when her sister Anika came and hugged her from back whispering in her ears how beautiful she was looking and how blessed she was to have an elder sister like her and how she would miss her after she'll be married. She turned to face at her and cupped her cheeks with both of her hands and said, " Did you ask maa when will the driver come and pick us up? I guess the makeup that I'm wearing is worth a look from everyone or else we're gonna wait here till tomorrow. "

Anika rushed out the doors to grab her cell phone and asked the driver to come quickly. She then went back to see her sister and asked her to pose in various photos. Once they were done, she started posting the pictures on instagram then decided to not post them and made all the photos blurry to send to Nirvan with a text.

Now I know you must be getting restless to see my beautiful elder sister walk in her beautiful attire to the wedding stage. But don't forget to thank me for I have sent you a blurry vision of how graceful she's looking. ~ Anika

Then she heard Anusha's footsteps coming closer and closed all the tabs in her mobile phone ir else she would be caught red handed teasing her brother in law. A middle aged lady came to them and said, " Mam I think your driver had arrived. "

Anusha looked at herself for a last time in the mirror and exhaled a deep breath making herself assured that this was a new chapter in her life. She then smiled at Anika who managed to entwine her fingers with her and slowly walked towards the exit. They sat in the backseat of the cars and the driver started the engine to move towards the marriage hall.

Meanwhile, Nirvan saw the texts and the blurred photographs Anika had sent him and waited for her in the hall. He smiled at himself thinking optimistically about the future he was going to share with Anusha.

There were loud music playing on the dj when their car arrived at the entrance as the relatives and the guests started to gather in front blocking each other's way to take a look at the bride. Neha, their mother opened the car door to help Anusha get down the car. Anusha looked at the people in front of her and realised how fast her heart was beating or maybe skipping a few beats due to the nervousness.

Little girls ran towards the bride and started dancing in joy on the beats, then people started to part their ways for the grand entry of the bride. She started following her mother in small babylike steps so she could reach the stage as late as possible. Anika came to her side and circled her back knowing the state of mind her sister was in. She looked at her lovingly and assured that everything was going to be fine.

She entered the hall and when she looked at the stage, her eyes met with Nirvan's. She looked at him who was wearing a cream sherwani and his head was tied in a red safa, the same color of her lehenga. A few strands of his hair moving against his forehead and eyes having a dark shade of grey. She felt a few butterflies released when their eyes met and locked for a few seconds.

She squeezed her sister's hand as she felt the stares of her in-laws and guests on her. In a little time which felt like a forever, Anusha walked up to the stage and felt being followed up by Nirvan. He came and stood by her side to start with the night's ceremonies. The photographer came out of nowhere and started clicking their pictures together while asking them to hold their hands and look at each other and etc etc etc.

Nirvan could sense that being an introvert Anusha was having a tough time giving these poses. He glared at the photographer telling him in eye contact to stop clicking more pictures. The photographer stepped aside and then started the procession of varmala, where the bride and groom garland each other.

The ceremony ended with party poppers, hooting, hauling, clapping and whistling from the boys' side. Nirvan took a look at her from top to bottom admiring how beautiful she looked and stopped at the swirls of her hair. He couldn't stop himself when he said, " You're looking beautiful " in a manner no one else could hear.

A smile crept upon her face when she heard him say those words. Since the day they were decided to get married to each other, they had barely exchanged a few words. She was happy to hear something from his side but most of all, she was surprised.

They both could hear people admiring them being together and also heard few people say ,"They are the most perfect couple they had ever seen even in the film industry".

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