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Love Maze // jinkook

Love Maze // jinkook



In which having a child is a lot harden that what Seokjin that it would be. Sometimes, he wishes to have someone by his side even though he's hoping for that only person and no one else but sometimes, he just wants to get through it all.

Chapter 1 One

Seokjin smiled as he saw his six years old daughter talking to her reflection in the mirror. It's a develop habit of her, acting and saying things in the mirror.

"Sora! Come here, baby girl." Seokjin calls,

The little girl looks at her father for awhile before slowly nodding her head and struggling to sit on her Mimi's lap.

"How's school?" He asked.

"It's fine, Didi." She giggled.

The little girl calls him Didi. That's the way she calls Seokjin when she's still very little and couldnt utter a single word correctly and now that she can, she still keeps on calling Seokjin that.

"Baby, you should call me Papa or Daddy. Didi is not appropriate for you now." Seokjin calmy explained.

The little girl pouted her lips. For her, Didi sounds adorable and no matter how old she is, she still wants to call her father Didi not Papa or Daddy, just Didi.

"Is my baby upset now, hm?" Seokjin playfully asked.

The little girl shook her head. She pulled away from her father's touch looking at him straight in his eyes.

"Mama so pretty." The little girl adorably said as she slightly pinched her father's nose.

Seokjin playfully gasped at his daughter who's looking at him with adoring eyes that made him chuckled.

Yeah! Even his daughter is a fan of his face.

"I wish I could be pretty like you, Papa."

The five year old said while playing with her mother's hands.

Seokjin's lips curved upwards as he peppered his daughter with kisses. He made her look at her straight in the eyes crinkling his nose.

"You're prettier than Papa, baby." He lifted his daughter up to make her sit on his lap, "You're so beautiful." Seokjin smiled.

The little girl's lips jutted as she frowned at her father crossing her arms as if she doesnt like the idea that she's pretty.

"Papa's the prettiest." She said shrugging her shoulders.

Seokjin chuckled as he tucked the little girl's hair behind her ears. He smiled because of how adorable she is with her boxy smile, she is so damn cute.

Seokjin left his child to play in their living room so that he could prepare for their dinner.

They are living in a small condo unit. It's decent enough for them. It has one room that will do for him and his daughter, a living room not that spacy but was fine and a kitchen that is enough for him cook comfortably. This is all he could afford though.

"Papa what should I bring tomorrow?" Seokjin looks at his daughter who walks in with a problematic expression, "Riri or Uno?" She asked.

Seokjin glanced at his daughter who's waiting for his answer. He finished putting the rice on their plates and he put it on the table already.

"Depends on you. What do you want?"

He lifted his daughter up making him sit at their dining already so that they could have dinner.

The little girl is not really happy with her father answering his question with another question.

"That's stupid, Papa." Sora said.

Seokjin's eyes widened and stops pouring water for the both of them when he heard what his daughter has said.

"And where did you hear that, Kim Sora?" Seokjin asked in a warning voice looking directly at his daughter.

The little girl bit the insides of her cheeks looking at her father with innocent eyes hoping that she could get away but Seokjin is clearly not having any of it.

"Uncle Yoonie always say that when Uncle Jiminie answers him with questions too," The little girl shrugs like it's a normal thing, "and Uncle Yoonie do this after." She said and rolls her eyes imitating her Uncle Yoongi.

Seokjin facepalmed. He's always at work that's why Yoongi and Jimin being a good friend always comes over to look after his daughter or they'll come pick her up and stay the night in their much more comfortable house.

"Baby, not everything Uncle Yoonie does is right." He exclaimed.

"But Uncle Yoonie is a genius!" The little girl whined stomping her feet.

"And Uncle Jiminie?"

"Uncle Jiminie is a cute dumb." Sora's lips curved upwards like she just said something great.

Seokjin gasped because of the words her daughter is saying this day. He mentally made a note to scold Yoongi tomorrow when they got here.

"Baby, no. Uncle Jiminie is cute but he's not dumb." Seokjin shut his eyes closed, "Those words can annoy other people, baby." He said.

"Did Uncle Yoonie tell you those things?" He asked.

Sora took a bite of her chicken as she happily hummed shaking her head no.

"I heard them say that while laughing." She casually said.

Atleast, Yoongi didnt say that to her face or else he'll get a lot of scolding tomorrow.

"So Mama, Riri or Uno?"

Riri is an elephant stuffed toy that Yoongi bought for her while she's throwing a tantrums last year while Uno is a panda stuffed toy that Yoongi also bought for him when he's in Hongkong.

"I'll go for Riri, sweetheart." He said smiling softly.

When they are both done having their dinner, Seokjin washed the dirty plates before they brush their teeth. The both of them lied down on their bed after with Sora telling her stories about what did they do for today.

Soon after, all the giggled died down and Seokjin smiles as he saw his little princess with her eyes closed.

He leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose admiring just how beautiful his daughter is. For her age, her beauty is defined and looks like her other father who's like the epitome of everything that shouts beauty.

"Your father is a jerk but thanks to his genes." Seokjin whispered.

Seokjin picked up his phone from the side table when he saw it lit up revealing a text message from Jimin.

A minute after, his phone rang and he couldnt help but to shake his head a little bit seeing Jimin's name on the screen.

"Oh hyung! Im telling he's so damn hot!"

Seokjin raised his brows, "Who are you even talking about, Chim?" He asked.

"Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook!"

The older bit his lower lips hearing that name again. Oh! Jeon Jungkook, he shut his eyes closed clenching fist not wanting to look back at the memories that they had together.

"Sleep well, Chim..."

Seokjin locked his phone taking in a deep breathe. Well! Jimin is right, his highschool ex-boyfriend looks so damn hot.

And those kind of men who looks incredibly handsome is probably taken and even if he is not. Why would Seokjin care?

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