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I slept with my boyfriend's best friend

I slept with my boyfriend's best friend

Janis Ross


Gabe and Myra have been together for years now. They are relationship goals. Everyone says they will end up married and last forever. They have always been the "it" couple. They are so in love that nothing could ever come in between them, or so they thought. Gabe and Noah have been the best of friends for twenty years now. They were more like brothers then just best friends. Their moms had even grown up together, so it was like one big happy family until well it wasn't. push them all too far? What could break apart these best friends and this unbreakable couple. Love can turn to hate so easily when lies and heartbreak come into play. When it's all said and done can any of them survive this? Who will betray who? Can they be forgiven? Or will this

Chapter 1 Prologue


Noah and Gabe have been in each other's life since they were born. They're mothers were like sister's they were that close. Every milestone in their life they have gone through together. Every birthday, every great achievement, everything they celebrated together. They were like one big happy family.

All throughout school they were known as the dynamic duo. They were inseparable. Well, that was until Gabe met Myra then it was as if they were the three amigos. Gabe and Myra always tried to include Noah. They had other friends who were a part of their click in high school, but it was mainly just the three of them always together.

Gabe and Myra met freshman year of high school and dated throughout. Their friends said they should break up and be free to experience all college had to offer, but they both said their love could handle anything that came their way.

They all three applied for the same colleges because they didn't want to be separated. Gabe and Noah were planning on getting an apartment off campus together. Myra wasn't ready to move in with Gabe just yet, so she was going to share an apartment on campus with her other best friend Briel. They had it all figured out or so they thought.

Briel and Myra have been friends since the first grade and got along well with Gabe. He often called her the sister he never had. His mom even adored her and Myra. Briel has dated Noah off and on throughout high school but broke up so she could put all the focus into college. She wanted to focus on her education and not some guy.

Briel was excited to move in with Myra and share the college experience with her. They all gotten into their top pick college and she just knew they were destined for greatness, but she never could have guessed what happened next and that it would ruin everything.

Myra started to become distant and was never around. Briel and Gabe worried about her but just figured it was because she took on too much her first semester of college. And thought she was probably just a little homesick. If only that was the reason.

What only Noah knew is she had a huge secret. One that if let out would destroy everyone. Friendships would be put to the test and not everyone would come out ok after this. She can't eat, can't sleep, can't focus. Her grades start slipping and she becomes a shell of the woman she was once. She doesn't know how much longer she can hide. How much longer she can let this secret fester. It's breaking her but she's scared once it comes to light her life as she knew it will be over.

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