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His Scarlet Queen Luna

His Scarlet Queen Luna

milagros faiyth


Scarlet Reyes a shy young girl who only has a few friends Jenna and Skylar. She lives with her mother while her father abandoned them after a one night stand. Zane Micheal Black the badboy of Oak tree high and feared by many in all of Baja Despite being young. He likes being with different women including scarlet's best friend Jenna What happens when he finds out that he is mated to a simple human girl while he hates the idea of having a mate much less a human! and what happens when the simple human girl turns out to be something he wasn't expecting. Will sparks ignite between the two or will they go their separate ways

Chapter 1 1. Blue eyes

Running I kept on running endlessly away from the force that had been chasing me.

I can't figure out what it is but it is scary

All I can see is its blue eyes coming towards me and-

snap I wake up covered in sweat breathing heavily

Seeing its 6:50am I get up and take a shower..

I wear my leggins with a purple tank top and a button up plaid shirt leaving the buttons undone

I comb my blonde hair letting it flow on my back then grabbing my back pack and going down to the kitchen to grab breakfast.

Did I tell you about myself no? Well my name is Scarlet Reyes I live with my Mom in a little town Baja California.

My Dad or sperm donor as i call him left my Mom aftter a one night stand and now its only me and her against this world.

I am only fifteen and in my tenth grade.

"Morning mother" I said hugging my mom from behind while she was busy preparing breakfast for us before she leaves for work.

"Morning my angel how was your night." She Kiss my forehead and continued with preparing breakfast. While I sat on one of the stools surrounding the island.

"My night was good." I lied I didn't want her to worry about me she had enough on her plate to add worrying about my stupid weird dreams

After she was done she placed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon with a glass of juice.

"Thanks" I muttered

Today is the first time in years well not literally years maybe days since I had such nice breakfast.

I always wake up late and end up grabbing a granula bar eating it on my way to school.

Today I was thirty minutes early just enough time for a good breakfast.

After I was done with breakfast I quickly said good bye to my Mom and was on my way to School.

Oak Tree High. A school which was divided into two groups the popular and the nobodys also called the invisible.

I was one of the invisible though I had two friends

Skylar Nevaro and Jenna Harries.

Entering the school hall way while ignoring the stares I got from the populars I went straight to my locker grabbing my books and going over to first period chemistry.

Mr Blanco was explaining something about isomers and before I could catch what it was I found my self dozing off and soon falling asleep.

I am sure Mr Blanco didn't even notice since I sit at the way back of the class with my two best friends who I share this class with.

I see those familiar blue eyes again.

"Please dont hurt me" I whimper but the figure keeps coming closer and closer until.

"Wake up scar." I felt someone shake me.

I opened my eyes to see sky looking at me with those hazel eyes of hers.

"Are you okay scar." Jenna asked and I nodded my head.

Looking around the class room, I found it was empty. Guess I slept for a long time.

"You don't look okay scar is something bothering you?" sky asked me looking at me curiously.

"No its nothing just didn't sleep last night was busy studying and doing home work" I smiled lying through my teeth the reason I didn't sleeping was because of the friging night mare about blue eyes.

I packed my books heading to my next class math.

It passed by in a blurr and soon it was lunch time.

"Hey girls so I have some story to share." Jenna said grinning while we stood by her locker waiting for her to finish so we can grab some lunch.

Jenna wasn't a locked away girl like I was she could fit in anywere even with the populars.

"So the cutest guy in school proposed to me and I am so excited" she squeak while placing the last item into her locker.

"Who?" Sky and I asked at the same time.

"Zane" she said smiling while our jaws litteraly dropped.

"wow congrats Jenny hope he isn't just after your pants." I teased.

Everyone in school knew Zane he was a bad boy and most popular in school. He used to change girls like clothes.

"Oh please you know he is only using you. You are just another flavour of the week." sky rolled her eyes and Jen glared at her.

"You are just jealous he came after me not you." Jen said crossing her arms.

"Fine fine but don't come crying back to me." Sky wallked over to the cafeteria and ordered our food

We sat at our ussual table Eating and chatting when I felt something strange it was like someone was looking at me.

I turned and stared deep into ocean blue eyes which belong to non other than Zane Micheal Black the biggest manwhore in school and apparently jen's boyfriend.

He looked at me with a shocked expression marrying his features but I quickly looked away couldn't want to fall for his traps I heard that once a girl looked in his eyes they go insane.

I don't want that happening to me.

From the corner of my eye I saw him go over to his gang members which was a table full of populars bad boys if you ask me.

Though I felt his eyes boring my side, I didn't dare look. I was probably imagining him looking at me maybe his eyes were fixed on Jenna..

Soon lunch ended and we headed to the final classes of the day.

This class, I shared it with Zane I was suprised to see his eyes looking in my direction. Lucky enough I ignored and sat on my ussual sit Listening to the lecture and taking notes completely ignoring the fact that Zane was looking at me the entire time.

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