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The Rejected Human Mate

The Rejected Human Mate

milagros faiyth


Book 2 of 'His Scarlet Queen Luna' "You are mine chiquita no one else's and I won't leave this place without you" he growled lowly making me flinch but I quickly recomposed myself. All Victoria Chlicton Ponce ever wanted was to be a big time Hollywood actress, get married and have a family to call her own but all that shattered when she met Micheal Black. Micheal is the playboy who has plenty of women at his disposal. He has been looking for his mate but at the same time hooking up with different girls until he meets Victoria. He instantly becomes disgusted by her but doesn't reject her because of Jack, instead he continues his playboy ways. What happens when Victoria becomes fed up and runs away. Will Micheal realise his mistake and run after her or will it be the end of their love story that never even began. And will Victoria be free and finally fulfil her dream or will the world shun her away.

Chapter 1 The beginning

Wolves? absolutely not!

Mermaids? hell no!

Vampires? it's a definite no no!

That's the answer anyone would give if asked whether the above creatures existed.

My name is Victoria Chlicton Ponce and this is my story, the story of how I met a real life werewolf.

I was just an ordinary girl who everyone hated. Reason, because I was what they called an outcast.

I grew up in an orphanage and only have one friend Shrene.

You must be wondering why I was hated and why I was called an outcast, Well it's because I was fat and I wore clothes that showed little to no skin and for this reason nobody ever wanted to be my friend everyone ran away from me.

I even tried to fulfil my dream of being an actress but you guessed it right! they told me the same thing, that I was ugly and fat not worth being on TV and so I shun myself from the world until one day a day that changed my life a day that broke my dreams but also gave me hope a day I met a werewolf............


I was all dressed well as dressed up as I can be. In my long sleeved long dress and made sure my face was well covered only my eyes were visible.

I started wearing this when I was nine, I was bullied by some girls at school who called me fat and ugly and unattractive so I resulted to wearing such outfits to hide my ugliness.

"Vik hurry up it's getting late.." my friend Ren urged me on.

"Yes yes I'm coming I need to fix my dress.." I said to her pulling down my dress making sure my feet weren't showing.

"Gur Vik you look fine let's go..." I sighed following after her as she led the way towards her car.

We were going to the mall, apparently a boy asked her out and so we were going to get her a dress to wear on the date. We got into her car and soon we were at the mall.

"Come on! come on! come on! I don't want to be late for my date.." Ren said dragging me out of her car.

"Wait Ren my Sandal.." I said looking at my Sandal which had fallen off.

"You will find me I won't wait.." she said running off

"Wait! Ren wait for me.." I sighed wearing my sandal and then running after her.

''Aah!" I slipped and bumped into someone who caught me

" sorry you---" he was cut off as our eyes locked.

He was the most handsome man I have ever seen with beautiful silver eyes, blonde hair that was cut on the sides making him look amazing.

He had a sharp jawline giving him that perfect look that made many women including me want to fall at his feet.

His lips looked so perfect that I so wanted to kiss. Wait! what am I thinking..

I looked deep into his eyes were a bunch of emotions were swimming until stop! everything just stopped!!

He looked me up and down and gave me the most disgusted look I have ever seen.

More disgusting than the mean girls who used to bully me at school and more disgusting than that movie director.

I was used to people looking at me this way but, this one? this one hurt the most..........

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