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The Cheat Seed

The Cheat Seed



Marcus G Orno believed that he could be the strongest of them all. By the strongest of them all I mean Yes, The strongest human alive. Marcus was the common type of a boy who had a boring life and was the one to be bullied. He only had his best friend to cover his sorry ass that was Dave Vagner. But life turns a whole 360 degree for him and Dave when the day of Awakening comes. Dave awakens something unbelievable, when Marcus awakens....Null....Nothing!!!!!. His dream to be the strongest broke that very instant and his life flashed before his eyes when he jumped from the Academy to end his life. It maybe was because of his luck or he might have been the chosen one but just as he was about to hit the floor and die, a thunderbolt hits him and he vanishes right in front of the whole academy. Marcus finds himself in a Dungeon which held great secrets. On his way to the light at the very end, he figured out that he was in the Highest ranked Dungeon out of them all. With all of his left confidence he steps his foot into the light. *Blink* From that day onwards, he was no more the same wimpy Marcus but......something more ferocious. A Monster among Men!!!. ....... Tag along with Marcus and his adventures as he makes his way to the peak of power and immortality. He only had a single best friend before but now when he stands tall and bold, he has an army behind him or its better to say... The Army has him in front. Warning : The Starting 5 Chapters are a bit boring, please bear with it and don't drop it yet. Just for the first five chapters. Trust me it gets better and better as it goes. .................................................................................. This is the first ever project I have ever given my all into. The MC might seem OP at the beginning but.....Is he?. If you like this work and want more people to know about this, Please do share and support Me and Marcus with your power stones. Book cover is owned by its artist. DEAR ARTIST if you find this here, then please leave your name in the comments, so that I can add the credits. Follow me on ;) Instagram - @writing_maniac4life Thank you once again XD.

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Here we gooooooo, The Historical match that everyone has been waiting for!!

3 time Champion Cypher vs Rising star Algadroooooooo"

The commentator cried through his mic.

Both of the *Revokers* were now setting their foots onto the stadium, filled with cheers and praises for both of them.

Marcus's ear ringed as the whole crowd cheered and wooed the two Revokers who showed themselves up onto the stage. Marcus himself was so excited as his role model, his hero Cypher was just a few meters away from him.

"CYPHER!! CYPHER!! CYPHER!! The whole stadium was alive, chanting and crying over.

Cypher stepped onto the arena, shining in his S rated armor and SC rated Broadsword in his hands.He was the reigning champion of the world at the age of 28 and was Ranked No.1 on the Table of Revokers. He had the *Legendary Seed* of *BERSERKER* and the *SOUL LEVEL* of *SAINT* Specializing in all type of melee weapons and a Tank in appearance. Even though of his huge 6 foot, lean body, He was one of the fastest human alive. He raised his 5 foot Broadsword for the crowd. The legendary sword was known by the name Blood Fang !. As it ripped through its foes mercilessly.

The Cheers seemed to increase as the commentator boomed through his Microphone "CYPHER!!!!!"

"Now to welcome the contender, who has been rising throughout the Revoker Galactic Championship, Algadro !!"

Algadro walked down the stairs to the Stadium and emerged along with his mage wand and summoning book.

Algadro too had an amazing number of supporters throughout the stadium.

The referee ordered the both amazing Revokers to step on to the arena. Both of them shook their hands and nodded to each other.

Even though how important the match was, Both of them had respect for each other. That's what Marcus loved about Cypher. Even though being famous and popular throughout the World, he never was arrogant in any way.

The Fight was about to begin. Both of them took their places in the arena.

The Referee raised his hands.

The crowd fell silent.

Marcus took a deep breath.

Referee lowered his hand as the crowd came live again.

"RAVAGER, COME FORTH." Algadro called his familiar.

The wolf was not normal in any means. From the looks of it, It was a Diablo Wolf. It was twice as tall as Cypher and was bulky and furry. It had demonic aura swooping out of its eyes as they glowed reddish black. Blood dripped from its Fangs as it seemed to glow an eerie red colour. Its Fur was Golden with streaks of red and Blue.

Marcus was awestruck as he watched the beast glaring at Cypher. The Diablo wolf was an *Unique ranked* beast with *Demon Monarch seed.*

"Charge !!"

Cypher on the other hand, placed his sword back to his scabbard behind his back. He motioned the wolf with both of his hand to come forth and try it's luck.

The Wolf was amazingly fast for it's size, but Cypher was no less.

It was a battle between Monsters !!

Both of them came head to head.

As the Wolf gaped it's mouth in order to attack, He held its mouth wide open with both of his hands. The jaw power of the Diablo Wolf was no joke, ranked as one of the most powerful *Jaw force* in the Krozon continent.

But Cypher had no problem holding it with both his hands. After a second, Cypher's feet dragged as the Beast pushed him back with brute force.

For a second, the crowd thought that the wolf would push Cypher away from the boundary lines!!

"OH MY, What are we seeing here ??!. The Familiar of Algadro, Known for its Immense Bloodlust and Explosive power is pushing the Reigning Champion Cypher over to the Boundary lines !??. Could this Match be Over already !??"

Marcus was biting his nails as the commentator boomed. He grabbed his head and screamed "Could this be it, No !! my hero can't lose like this!? "

Just as his foot was one foot away from the boundary line , Cypher planted his foot and smirked.

"That's It Wolfy? If that's the only thing you can do, Then Time's Up buddy!"

He was pushing the Wolf effortlessly back to where they tackled first.

"YES, haha I knew it. Cypher !! You can do it !!!" Marcus cried out!!

Cypher Turned over to the crowd and exactly looked at the place where Marcus was and Winked.

Marcus Blushed.

"Did he just Look at me?? " The Girl sitting in front of Marcus exclaimed.

" No idiot, It was me who he was looking at. KYAAA!!!! " The other girl Exclaimed.

"F*CK OFF !!! .It was me who he was lookin' at. Marcus said as he jumped from his seat and fisted the air.

The Wolf was taken by surprise as Cypher started pushing It back to its Summoner, that too with ease.

He left its fangs and did a roundhouse kick to its Jaw as it jumped to attack him. The kick was followed by the snapping of its Jaw!! The cracking voice sounded all through the Stadium.

The Crowd started going haywire as the wolf fell down with a thump.

"It will live" Cypher said to the wolf's master.

Algadro called back his wolf in despair. He now had to rely on his Magic skills as An *UNIQUE SEED MAGE* and *SOUL LEVEL DOMINATOR*. He had some amazing spells and mindblowing Magic power, But he was still looking Nervous. Who wouldn't??! When the world champion and the strongest human was standing, grinning in front of him.


A huge wave of Fire charged towards CYPHER.

Cypher Took his Sword from behind in a split second and blocked the Pulse wave. The sword seemed to absorb the fire. It was one of the perks of Cypher's sword. It could absorb the enemy element. Be it Fire,Water, Ice Or Lightning. The sword could absorb the element and turn into the elemental sword.

Currently Cypher's Blade was glowing red with Fire all around its sharp edges.

"It's been fun buddy, I promise you a drink after the match"

Cypher Rushed forward in soundbreaking speed and jumped several meters high and slashed his sword Mid- Air!

"FIRE DEMON SLASH!!!!!" A wave of Dark fire Aura slashed it's way to Algadro.

"ULTIMATE EARTH SHIELD" The earth rose up from the arena and covered Algadro up in a Rock-Hard thick Wall.

But it was far from enough to defend him from the slash which was sent flying from the SC rated Sword.

The wall Shattered and Algadro flew to the far end of the stadium wall and exploded into it.

The Commentator and the crowd were speechless for a whole second. But soon the commentator regained his consciousness and grabbed his Mic.


Cypher placed his sword behind his back and jumped off from the arena and rushed towards His fallen opponent. He picked the huge stones which had fallen on Algadro, with ease.

There in the debris was Algadro, Unconscious. Cypher picked him up and called the Meds. The official meds were in the arena within a minute and was tending to Algadro.

When everything was done and the bleeding stopped, Algadro was taken to the Hospital for more thorough checkup.

As for Cypher, he was being handed over the RGC (Revoker Galactic Champion) Cup by the King of the Krozon Continent. Cypher kissed his medal and Raised his precious 4rth Championship cup high for his fans to see.

Marcus was full of joy like the rest of the crowd. Soon the Stadium was again ringing with the CYPHER Chant.

As he saw this amazing feat in front of his eyes. Marcus dreamed of becoming like his role model. Though he only had 1 more month in his high school to finish his academics and prepare for the Awakening Test !!

Marcus G Orno who was full of determination, slept that night peacefully with a clenched fist and a Rock Hard will to Achieve greatness.


*Revokers are the people who wield supernatural powers. Just like in many other Novels , which have 'Players' 'Warriors' etc. This Novel has Revokers :)*

* A Specific Class Which Revokers are granted when they awaken *

* The level of the seed shows how talented and powerful a person can be. It is an Inborn thing which later gets revealed when the person takes the Awakening test.*

* Just Like Revokers, Demons also have Ranks and Seeds (Explained Classification will be done in the Next chapter) *

* The Force which can be given out by the simulation of both the Upper and Lower Jaw*


Author Notes

So that was it guys. Off with a Bang..Or so I guess. LoL.

It was wonderful thinking about this whole TCS idea and was possible due to the amazing support that I have got through various mediums. I will try improving my grammar and sentencing's. I hope it's at least readable and understandable. *^*

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