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Selene Corana is seventeen years old. She has abusive step parents. Her real parents died. Or so she thinks. She has never known what love feels like. Her only friend is Kira. Ethan Forrest is twenty years old. Alpha to the Neverland Pack. He only wants one thing and that is his mate.He is in search of his Luna. And won’t stop for nothing. All of sudden I was pushed against the wall. “MINE” he growled. Holy rabies. Will Selene be able to love Ethan. Will Ethan be able to accept her even though she is not a werewolf. Or is she?

Chapter 1 Selene

Hey guys I decided to rewrite the whole story. I felt it was confusing. It will be the same characters just a different setting. Now on with the story °"°

“Wake up you slut” my step birth giver said. I woke up. “Ah finally you are awake. Now hurry your ass up” she said. I shower. I cover my black eye from last night with some makeup. Yes my step birth giver and step sperm donor are abusive to me. Can’t wait till I’m eighteen to just out of here. I go downstairs to find my sperm donor. “Even with makeup you are still ugly” he laughed.

I arrive at school. I see Kira. “Hey Selene- They hit you again didn’t they. Selene you gotta stand up for yourself” she lectured. Kira is the only one who knows my secret. The bell rings we head to class. I’m what you consider the nerd.

“Hey nerd. Do my homework” queen bee Nia said. I ignore her. If you ignore them, they will leave right? “Hey listen nerd. I don’t know who you think you are but don’t you ignore me when I’m talking to you” she spat.

All of sudden I feel this courage. “No you listen who do you think you are bossing me around. The only reason you are still in school is because of me. So you better damn show some respect” I said. She gasped. She was about to hit me when Kira step in. “YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER. AND I WILL KILL YOU” she growled. Wait she just growled. Maybe she has sore throat. Queen bee left along with her followers. “You okay Selene. See that what mean by standing up to yourself” she said.

The went by fast. It was P.E time. My favorite class. Note sarcasm. We were playing dodge ball. Yay. I heard dog whistles. “They whistling at you Selene” Kira said. “Me. Have you seen me” I said. “Selene you have a butt and boobs. Not to mention you look like your mother” she said. My mother she died along with my father. “Wait how do you know how my mother looks” I asked. “Oh its umm. Oh look the teacher is making teams. Come on” she said.

“Kira you are on blue team.Selene you are on red team” the teacher said. “Listen Selene I’ll try my best to get everyone out. Just make sure you don’t get hit” she said. "Yes Kira"I said.

"AND START"the teacher blew the whistle. Dodge. Dodge and Dodge. All of sudden I feel stronger and faster. I quickly swift thtough the flying balls (hehe flying balls °·°) I’m talking everyone out. Then I feel a ball touch me. I fall. Kira comes running. "Opps she should have more careful next time"Nia said.

"I TOLD YOU IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER. YOU WILL DIE"she growled. “Oooo I’m sooo scared. What are you going to do” she smirked. That is when all hell broke loose.

Kira was ontop of Nia punching her. Punch after Punch. “TOUCH HER ONE MORE TIME. I DARE YOU.” she said.“KIRA STOP” I screamed. She stopped. “Sorry I can’t let you get hurt. I promised her. I wouldn’t let you get hurt” she said

Hewo my peeps. How was the first chapter. Was it good. Who did Kira promise to?.

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