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UN Broken Angel

UN Broken Angel

Tiya Ray


Changing Destiny is not so easy and it is more difficult to fall in love with wounds. Our One is a full-blown fire that burns the other to ashes and the other one is calm and cold like a water of lake. Once pain does not allow anyone to reach their heart And one have no heart.One cannot give love and one cannot bear love.One is in great need of love and one does not tolerate love So how these UN-Broken Souls Follen in love to each other in the battle of fire and Water. This is the journey of Luna Gray and Hardin Clark, Luna who was a princess of bandage She always ask to God why He saved her In those four days When her every moving breath was become her enemie and tells her Misery. On the other hand Hardin was Ruthless king who have his own Darkness. He was Prince of his Empire.

Chapter 1 Beginning

"Mommy what does my name mean?" A Cute Pretty Girl asked her Mother in a very angelic voice When she asked what her name meant she made a little cutie pout on her lips her crystal blue eyes blink like a star. Looking at her, it seems as if she has so many questions in her little mind. And she detangles with her own thoughts. The questions she wants to ask her mother are so many so She starts with her name.

"Hmm interesting question" Mrs Nora Gray amused by her little princes question. She took a Two Second pause and tried to give an easy answer. "So in simple words Luna means Moon which gave a light in dark night and you are my moon little sweetheart" Mrs Nora replied to her and softly pulled her pulpy chicks. "No Mommy it's hurting" Luna said she is little irritate with her moms sudden action

"No baby mom's love you that's why she kissed you,hugged you, bit you, ate you like this" she grabbed her in her embrace and tickled her and laughed loud like an angel "you know na you are my life, my princess my life my little luna-lu." Nora said to Luna her love for her daughter blew on her face.

"Haaa aa Just like Dad loves you and you loves dad" luna asked in her raspy voice. She tilted her neck little and With her small and innocent fingers, she tugged her hairs behind her ears and saw her mother.

This question has broken Nora's heart into millions of pieces. Tears were coming out of her beautiful oceanic eyes, but she wiped it immediately so that her Princess would not be disappointed to see her crying.

Mr Embray Gary, father of Luna attempted to subside when Luna was five. He was an excellent artist in his field. Their family lived in a very small village. There is such a small village that everybody knows each other here

This village has its own beauty. Which Attracts tourists from all over the world. It lies in the lap of nature in this manner. As if nature itself is taking care of it. In this village, cloth is made with hands with a special kind of dye which is found in the womb of nature, there are very few people in the whole world who prepare it. This fabric has its own special art of printing which is prepared very closely and with a lot of patience, the work is very fine, so its value is also very high. The demand for this fabric is very far and Very few people are artisans.

"Mommy, where is Dad? I miss him. He always brings chocolates and candy for me. Where is he?" Luna shook her mom's hand and asked about her dad impatiently. Giant tears balls drop from her big blue eyes. In her curious eyes she has a question for her dad, she doesn't know that he is no more. "Mommy I'm asking you why don't you tell me" she asked again. "Sweetheart your dad is in heaven and You know what when your father went to heaven, he gave me the responsibility that whenever his doll wants chocolates, I should buy for her." Nora replied to her angel and tried to pretend strong. She was shattered from inside in a million pieces But she has to be strong in front of her children. No matter how hard she tries, she can't take her tears out.

"What is heaven mom?" Luna asked again and blinked her eyes twice.

"Oh my little pumpkin you have so many questions. But your mom now feels a little tired so we will take your remaining questions tomorrow okay na, and you come here look how much your hair is scattered. I will make a beautiful braid for my angel. What's to say." Nora said to Luna and tried to divert her little mind because her questions only made her heart havey. Luna has dark chocolate color Curly bouncy hair. "No Mom you know na I don't like braids I always like to keep my hair open. You know that," Luna said and fixed her hair with her little palm. She looks so adorable when she handles her messy uncombed hair.

"Mom, some people have come to the door saying that they have to talk to you about Dad." Amin came to his mother as bewildered and told her. " Okay Don't worry I'll talk to them. You go to the room with your sister and remember you will not open the door till I come back. No matter what happens, go right. Take your sister in and take care of her. I just came back after talking to them." Nora said to Amin with her shaking and afraid voice she was also nervous after hearing this. Amin grabbed Luna's hand and went to their Room.

Nora opens the door with her shaking hand. Her breath was raised and sweat came to her forehead. There were almost five to six people staying at her door. They all were demanding their debt money which is taken by Embray."You told us that on the last date of the month, we can take our money from you. Today is the last date of the month and we need our money. It has been a long time to make you make excuses." A man standing in a crowd of five of six people shouted in a loud angry voice. "Yes, we all want our money," the remaining people said in unison. "You are a woman and your husband was a very good artisan but ever since he has gone, we are worried about our money. You also know. He has taken so much debt from all of us. We want our money. After this, whatever you do, we have nothing to do with that." Leader of the group yelled at Nora that his voice was a little more loud it's just like threatening. "See you all know since my husband has gone. I have the responsibility of two small children and there is not much work to do in this village. We are running our household expenses in some way. Give me some time and I will return the money to all of you. We have a farm. I am trying to sell that farm." Nora said to all of them with her weak and scared voice she was afraid with that anger of the crowd because this is the third time when they all are coming for their money on her door. "It has been more than 1 year. Having lived this thing, we need our money now. For the next 10 days, we are giving you time. If you do not return our money to us in the next 10 days, we will force you to sell your house. Understand that" they said and left. One of them stood there and was looking at Nora with very strange eyes. "There is not much money for all these people and mine too, you can repay the money by selling anything else. Keep the form for your children's future." He lusted me from toe to bottom with his lustful eyes. his eyes create fear in my spine. Nora looked at him with his angry eyes and asked, "what do you mean?"

"Just sell yourself and warm our bad I promise we all will forgive our debt" that man said hunger lust is appearing on his face. Nora slapped that guy instantly after listening to his bullshit and he rubbed his cheek with his hand. She stuck her angry eyes on him and strongly moved forward "Don't you dare I said Don't you dare to cross your limits I already said i will pay your money in upcoming days now you move your ass from my door. Before that I should shout and gather the whole village here" The man left from there. Nora immediately closed the door and sat down with the help of the door. Her heart was beating very fast and tears were flowing wildly from her beautiful big oceanic eyes. She tied her fist both of her hands and placed it in her dock and sat on the door, crying loudly. She hugged her leg from her chest and put her head down and sobbed. Every word of that was ringing her mind. "What happened Mom?" Two kittens slowly come out of their room after hearing their mom's cry.

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