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Rose lived for the days when she could get on her horse Annabeth and just run free with no worries. She has grown up on the ranch it was her whole life. She loved helping her dad out on their family ranch, but some days it was just a bit too much. She has decided that maybe they need some extra help now that her father has been sick lately. Just to take off some of the heavy work load off of him.

Chapter 1 Prologue


Rose was a quiet girl with a heart of gold. She loved singing and just driving through the country. She was very much a daddy's girl ever said her mama passed on a few years back. Threw their pain they became each other's rock. They counted on each other.

She lived for the days when she could get on her horse Annabeth and just run free with no worries. She has grown up on the ranch it was her whole life. She loved helping her dad out on their family ranch, but some days it was just a bit too much. She has decided that maybe they need some extra help now that her father has been sick lately. Just to take off some of the heavy work load off of him.

She and her father were the proud co-owners of Wild Horses Ranch. She has been so busy with everything on the ranch most of her life that the only friends she had worked for her and her father. As for having a love life that was non-existence for her.

So, what will she do when her father goes behind her back and hire sexy ranch hand Lee? Will Rose follow her heart and let love in or will she push it away like she does everything and everyone else in her life except her horses?

Lee came back home as a favor to his father and agreed to help out on his long-time friends ranch. He was under the impression that he would be running things because there was no one else to do it. Only that's not exactly true. He wasn't prepared for Rose. Now can he show her a future neither of them expected, or will they both go running in the opposite direction?

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