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howl of a normal life

howl of a normal life



my name is drew i am just a normal human and my life is all about to change because i soon will learn that i am no human but a warewolf and my mate is to perfect for me her name is Raya we will face alot of struggles but together we will be alright

Chapter 1 about me

my name is Drew i am a 20 year old male, Girls find me very attractive i am 6 foot 6inches with short brown hair i am tan with bright blue eyes, i have a slender build with abs.

i am in my second year of collage, i am studying in the united states i am from paris

i am currently training to become a state officer/state protection

my parents and i decided that me living in the united states would be best

My moms name is kim and my dads name is todd they were always great to me growing up

i am currently the oldest virgin i know of, yes i know what your thinking a rich party boy be a virgin

well yes actually i am waiting for the right one to come along i want her to have my first everything. i want my first time to be with the right one so its so much more special

today is the first day of my second year, i need to find motivation and get in the shower and get ready for class

i pull my self out of the bed and i lazily walk towards the shower and turn it on and let it warm up, i quickly shave my face and i head for the shower i climb in and let the hot water run down my body allowing my body to wake up some

i wash my hair and then wash my body i rinse and get out of the shower i dry off and wrap the towel around my waist and head back into my room and glance threw my closet

i find a designer pair of jeans that are fade washed with tears in them and a nice blue shirt that hugs my muscles in all the right places i grab a pair of dark grey ankle socks and i throw on my white sneakers and grab my bag and head out of my room

i walk into my living room and my friends Ryan, Kacee(Ryans girl), Mark and Issac are all waiting on me

oh i forgot to mention they are my really good friends they also came with me from paris and my parents bought us a house while we are here

the house is a huge 7 bedroom 10 bathroom with a big kitchen, livingroom, laundry room, game room, dinning room, heated pool. hot tub. 10 car garage its a very luxurious house and i must say my parents picked a nice house

i head to the garage and grab my keys off the wall in the garage

i jump into my 2021 dodge ram and i fire it up and open the garage heading towards school

i am a bit early yet so instead of eating breakfast at school i decide to head to a nearby cafe

i head in side and there is no line this morning, i head to the counter and order 1 large coffee with salted carmel creamer, 2 oreo donuts

a girl around my age walks in as i am gathering my items

for some reason i feel drawn to her like i need her i smile at her and keep on going confused as to why i feel the way i do.

i head for my truck trying to figure out what is going on with me yes she is a very attractive girl she is about my age with long brown hair with natural highlights with brown eyes that could pierce your soul she is shorter she is only about 5ft 5 she is very slim id guess around 100-115lbs she has very tanned skin

i start up my truck and watch the cafe for a bit then i see this heavenly women come out of the cafe i cant help but slowly observe her and i see that she is walking and i cant help but pull up next to her and offer her a ride

*excuse me miss may i offer you a ride, i am heading to school but i have some time i could drop you off and save you from walking* i say as polite as possible

*uhm no i am ok i will walk its only a mile away*/ she says

*the collage is a 2 miles away let me give you a ride and we will both make it on time, if you walk you will certainly be late* i say

before she can even answer me it starts to pour and she just climbs into my truck

*thank you* she says

*anytime, please my name is Drew and i am a sophmore in collage i am studying criminal/defense i plan to become a state police/state defense* i say introducing my self

*Hi, I am Raya i am 19 i am a Freshman here i am actually studying the exact same thing as you so looks like i will be seeing you around*she says shyly with a smile

*Well Raya, it is very nice to meet you* i say as i pull away and head for the collage

she just smiles at me and is speechless

*can i give you a ride tomorrow as well, it will save you from walking 2 or more miles daily* i say

*if it wont be any trouble for you i would like that very much, i am new to the area and i dont know my way yet* she says

*it wont be any trouble, here put your number into my phone and i will pick you up and take you home daily* i say to her and she just nods and smiles as she takes my phone from her hands and puts her name and number into my phone

*looks like we are here and early* i say with a small chuckle

*can i ask you something?* Raya asks me

*yes ask me anything* i say

*why are you so kind?* she asks with a worried look on her face

*i guess i was raised to always respect others and always help a woman in need,* i say with a smile to her

*may i ask as to why you wanted to study crime/defense?* i ask her

*because i want to make a difference and i want to do good and hopefully save lives* she says

*i am sure you will do great* i say to her

i get out of the truck and walk around opening her door for her

*shall we* i say as i reach for her hand to help her out of my truck

she takes my hand and i help her out of my truck

i lead her into the building and i show her were her around

her and i have all classes together including lunch

she is a very funny, smart, beautiful woman

we walk into first class and we set beside each other and wait for the others we take out our stuff for class

we choose to sit towards the middle of the class

class starts and its going well a bit boring but hey what would you expect for the first day of school

the day seems to fly by and before i know it we are heading to lunch

we walk into lunch and everyone seems to stair at Raya

*hello beautiful* TRAVIS says (he is a pig, hits on all the new girls has no respect)

*im good but could you not see me with Drew?* Raya says rudely

damn i like her mean side and the way she holds her self

*dont be foolish baby* Travis says as he grabs her ass

she gets mad and grabs Travis by the balls

*touch my ass one more time and there lil raisins will be off the market for years to come!* Raya says

she then lets go of him leaving him standing in pure shock i am sure no other girl has ever talked to her like that before

she grabs my arm and we walk to order our food for lunch

i decide to order a barbeque chicken sandwhich with a cup of fresh fruit and a soda

she orders a sub with chips and a soda

we head for a table where my friends are waiting for us

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