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Burning Pleasure

Burning Pleasure



Pleasure Series #2 : Evan Daniels He's sexy, charming, flirty ...and has notoriously bad taste in women. With most of his one-nighters being comic disasters, Evan Daniels has been happy to go from one to the next, without attachments. Along with his playboy ways, comes a challengingly sharp wit and character, that most women can't hope to tame... But with the right woman, there is hope. When Katarina and Evan continue to rub each other the wrong way, the friction turns to a spark, but will it flame or will it burn out?

Chapter 1 The Beginning


The whole room was bathed in a warm, golden light. The few golden chairs were taken by guests, set up on either side of a thin, white carpet, that ended under an illuminated, floral archway. Ivy entwined candelabras hung from the ceiling, and lanterns and candles lined the white, wooden beamed walls. The scent of vanilla mixed with the florals in the room making a sweet and light fragrance that filled the air. The beautiful vineyard interior was practically glowing with the love of those seated within it.

"How do I look?" Came a soft voice from behind me.

I stopped straightening my bow tie and turned around, my jaw nearly hit the floor at the sight in front of me. Her dark hair was pulled back in an elegant updo. Thin, curled strands fell to her shoulders, and framed her face. Her makeup was soft, complimenting her natural beauty. My eyes drifted over her dress. The simple, yet stunning, fitted white gown clung to her curves then flared out, pooling at her feet. The most beautiful thing of all though was the beaming, happy smile on her face.

"You look amazing, Rox." I smiled, taking a step nearer to her.

"Thanks Ev." She said softly, before blowing out a breath.

"Are you ready?" I asked her, taking my place at her side and holding out my arm.

She nodded, looping her own through mine and resting her hand on my forearm. We turned towards the entrance to the room and the music started up. As the guests rose to their feet, we took our first step forward, Roxy's eyes fixed on the man waiting for her at the end. He turned around, his own gaze falling on his soon to be wife, love and adoration glowed in his eyes. I was filled with happiness and satisfaction as I handed my best friend to the man she loved, and stepped back, watching them begin their vows in front of their small gathering of friends and family.

"Do you, Sean Ryan Campbell, take Roxanne Melinda Parks, to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Roxanne Melinda Parks, take Sean Ryan Campbell to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do."

As they were pronounced husband and wife, and a cheer erupted through the room, I saw my best friend's face alight with happiness. I clapped my hands together and joined in, delighted that she'd finally got everything that she deserved. When they turned and walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, I stopped at the side, where Sean's mother Isabella held a tiny, bubbly and giggling bundle of joy. Sean and Roxy's, now five month old, baby daughter, Everly Katara Campbell. I held out my hands, Isabella nodded and adjusted her grip, passing her over. I felt her weight as she was laid in my arms and looked into the cute little face that had made my heart melt since the day she was born.

"Hey there angel, wanna come with Uncle Evan?"

She let out a small giggle again as I tickled her tummy and pulled funny faces at her, making my way up the aisle with the other guests.

"You know, I think she laughs more at your normal face."

I turned to my left, Katarina, Sean's younger sister, had caught up and was looking over my arm at Everly. Her dark hair was straightened, flicked back from her face and shining bright in the light. The lavender, one shoulder dress that she was wearing worked easily for her and her frame.

"Well at least she doesn't cry at mine." I replied smugly.

"You two, can you make it five minutes without the jibes?" Julian, Sean and Kat's father, interjected, stepping past us, and continuing after his son.

"It's your brother's wedding day Kat, tone it down darling." Isabella added, taking her husband's arm and walking forward.

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