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Love - A Difficult Path

Love - A Difficult Path



A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous that it makes us forget the hundred lovable moments spent together within a minute. So here's a love story of Arun and Ginni. Due to some misunderstanding, their relationship got cracked, so let us see if both of them are able to overcome that misunderstanding or they both fall apart due to stubbornness.

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Dad I'm ready for this marriage", Ginni said angrily looking at me.

"Really", Her dad asked in surprise.

"Yes, Dad, I'm sorry. I couldn't understand your point before, but now I realize that whatever boy you have chosen for me, it is the best for me", she replied looking at me.

"Thank you my princess", Her dad said and hugged her.

She hugged her dad back but continuously looking at me in anger.

I was just standing frozen at my place while a tear rolled down my cheek. My heart asking her only one question, "How, how can you do this with me".

After that, I got another big shock from what she said.

"I want this wedding to be held within two weeks. I don't wait much", she said with tear-filled eyes.

Please stop all this, please, you know I only love you and I also know that you love me too, they why you are giving so much pain to both of us. Just listen to me once, please ", I pleaded with her with my eyes.

" It will be as you wish", Her father said and everyone left from there to prepare for the wedding.

After that she came to me and started speaking," Are you happy now?", She asked with moist eyes.

"Are you happy", I asked while stressing each word.

"Yeah, I'm very happy. You can go back to her now. She is still waiting for you", said smiling.

"But your eyes are saying something else. Will you be happy whole life without me", I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Yes, of course", she replied not looking into my eyes.

Hearing this, Tears started coming out of my eyes. I felt as if someone had stabbed me in my heart and I could not understand what else shall I say to her so I left quietly while wiping my tears.


So here is the prologue.

Hope you liked it.

Guys, I'm new to this platform. Please give a try to my story. I hope you won't be disappointed.

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