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Frankie Drew


👺👺👺DEMONIC DESIRE👺👺👺 {He wants her} PROLOUGE {Flash back...} “Please save my child,take care of her dont let him get his hand on her”. Queen Hana whispered as she was in serious pain,“my queen i promise to take care of your child and no harm shall before her” Markuna her friend replied already crying knowing that the queen wasn't going to make it. “She should be called Hazel”,was the queens last words before giving up the ghost. “My queen”,she yelled crying at the same time shaking queen Hana wigiriously hoping she would wake up. But there was no response.The queen was already dead. {End of Flash back....} ****************************************************************************************************************** She was born with special,and dangerous powers. She never met her parents while her mother died during her birth and she couldn't stop blaming herself. She is the princess of morru kingdom. A kingdom with beings having special abilities. The princess is known to be soft hearted,beautiful and always curious to know things. She can't control her powers and has always been having terrible nightmares seeing herself killing everyone she loves. She's afraid to loss control. She's warned not to leave the palace or the boundaries of Morru kingdom;saying something bad was going to happen to her But being the curious girl she was,becomes unlucky,one of the days when leaves the palace only tobe kidnapped by her worst nightmare. A demon king that has been hunting for her just for his demonic desire. He wants her not because he loves her but because of her powers. He needs her to become more powerful. He has died a couple of times but he always reincarnated. But he dosen't have much time to live again. So he needs the princess so he can live forever. He last died after queen Hana of Morru prisoned him with a rare and deadly poison Bug he has reincarnated looking young like a twenty year old boy. He is said to be so cute and is a Demi-God. But nobody has ever deared to look him in the eyes or his face. He is always in the darkness and he kills within a second. What will happen aftee he kidnaps the princess. Will he succes with his Demonic Desire?. Unlock next episode with your likes and comments To continue reading like my page

Chapter 1 Hazel

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her but they kept on chasing her, she quickly hid behind a tree panting heavily.

She could hear the growling of the demonic creatures that was after her.

She was scared.

She held to daggers with her hands for protection and then continued running after her.

They are called ‘Chorta’.

A demonic creature with the head of a lion and a body of a large crocodile.

They are said to be very deadly but being the kind princess she was, she never knew.

She couldn't run far as they had all surrounded her , walking towards her slowly, glowling loudly.

Immediately one pounced on her. She used her dagger to cut off its neck.

Suddenly they all started attacking her randomly.

She killed alot but they were just to much for her to handle all by herself.

She became suddenly angry and before she could control herself a strong heavy wind pushed the Chorta's away from her making them land on the ground roughly and immediately they started to burn.

She made them burn.

Satisfied with what she had did,she ran away so she could get to the palace without been noticed.





“Princess Hazel where are you coming from”?Raza the head of the guidance of Morru kingdom yelled angrily.

“Presently,princess Hazel left the palace and when trying to sneak in without being noticed was unfortunately unsucessful.

And now she was going to face the consequence.

“I was in the palace the whole time”princess Hazel lied.

“How dare you lie to the guidance of this grear kingdom”Azra member of the guidance snarled.

“I'm sorry, i won't try such again”princess Hazel replied feeling remorseful.

“Promise you will not sneak out of the palace again”Raza said

“I promise”

The whole time my hands were crossed at my back, i could never promise that.

As expected i was locked in my chambers for six days as a punishment for sneaking out of the place.

I always had sleepless nights due to the terible nighmares i kept on having.

Sometimes i was even scared of sleeping at night.

Well i have decided not to be bored.

I am going to aunt Markuna's home to listen to her interesting stories and taste her delicious tea.

Immediately i teleported myself to her house.

I teleported myself to aunt Markuna's house 🏚.

And yes teleporting was one of the powers that I posses but I didn't know how to control it.

Sometimes I could teleport sometimes I couldn't.

“Aunt Markuna”I called knocking at her door 🚪.

She lives in a village a little bit far from the palace.

I looked around, people 👨‍👨‍👦 walked around, some busy doing one thing or the other.

The one thing I noticed was some of them were weird looking.

Well this village is known as a village with creepy 🎃 people 👨‍👨‍👦.

I wonder why Aunt Markuna lived here.

“Hello......”I called knocking at the door 🚪 really hard

“Who is that”

I heard a Voice. But my heart 💞 stopped beating 💓 when I saw a beautiful creature standing right in front of me.

“miss how can I help you?”He asked already pissed.

“who are you talking with Zarin ”I heard Markuna's voice coming closer.

Phew!, I was thinking 🤔 i came to the wrong house.

“Ahhh! Princess 👸 Hazel your'e here. Please come in ".

Aunt Markuna said leading me into the house 🏚.

Before she could offer me a sit. I pulled her to a corner.

“who is he”I asked

“you mean Zarin?”markuna asked laughing.

“Yeah him”

“He is someone ”Markuna said

“Aunt Markuna please tell me who he is”i pleaded,

“Fine, he is my friend's son well his mom died of a deadly disease and since then I have cared for him like my own son”

Markuna explained.

“But, ever since I have been coming here i have never met him” I said already confused.

“He is a busy young man. He works day and night because he doesn't like been idol or lazy” Markuna said leading me to a chair opposite to hers and she poured tea 🍵 into two cups giving me a cup.

Her tea always smelled nice.

“And he travels from kingdom to kingdom, villages to villages.

He is quite popular.

Am not shocked that you don't know about him”Markuna laughed,“Well that's because am a caged bird ”I frowned.

“Princess Hazel don't frown it doesn't suit you” “Now tell me what brings you to my home today ”Markuna asked.

First, let's simply forget about why am here and focus on the fact that, there is a beautiful creature leaving under your roof and you never told me”I half yelled.

“I kindly apologise for my behavior, I hope you can forgive me? ”.

“It's alright i forgive you ”

Suddenly I heard his voice again.

“Mother there are alot of annoying people here to see you ”Zarin said walking closer to us and suddenly stopped when he saw me.

And yes, he was given me a weird look. But i didn't care.

"I will be right back "Markuna said walking away.”

“She's really gonna leave me here alone”I muttered.

But wait he calles her mother.

He really is attached to her, like she said, she has been caring for him like her son.

I noticed the Zarin guy was staring at me.

“why is he staring at me”I thought.

“maybe there is something on my face” nah! I don't think so i mentally face palmed my self, What is wrong with me”.

Get a grip of yourself Hazel.

”Do you know that everything you have been thinking about i heard all of it”Zarin said and I shocked.

{He want's

Chapter Four

Did he just speak to me.

But wait, he can hear my thoughts? But how ?

“Am half demon and i can read minds”

Zarin explained.

Even though I didn't speak words, he had read my mind?

That was invaiding of privacy to me.

“Your'e half demon? But how? I asked.

I was actually already nervous talking to Zarin. And then i concluded.

He may have read my mind about me saying i was nervous talking to him.

I had to think of a way to block my thoughts. But to be sincere i have heard of demons, but not half demons?.

“My dead mother is from a kingdom called mordeux”.

“Wait, you mean the kingdom of fire? ”I asked “yes”.

“She married a demon.

Which is my father but he is dead now.

She got pregnant and gave birth to me.

Well some how i was both half demon, half Mordeux, which means I have fire flowing through my vains”

Zarin explained.

“I heard demons are evil. Does that mean half demons are evil too”.

I asked because I really wanted to know.

“Not every demons are evil. Some choose to be evil, while some choose to be good,but in my case am evil and not evil ”.

“You're evil and not evil and not evil. Does that mean you kill people for your own selfish gain, anyone who offends you get a deadly revenge, you bite people especially when your flangs encongate, you scare people at night, hunt people in their dream.

And..... “You talk alot ”Zarin said interrupting me.

“No I don't. I am just curious to know that's all”.

I replied and smiled inwardly. So he is an half demon, evil and not evil this is interesting.

“So Markuna called you princess Hazel. Wow, you really look like your mother”

Zarin said and my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

Does he know my mother? “Do you know my mother”I asked “Not really, just read books about her that's all.

Zarin said. He walked closer to me and whispered.

“If you are curious about anything feel free to ask me questions. I won't bite”.

“Really? ”I asked excited.

“Nah! Just kidding.

How do you expect me to be stuck to a princess,day and night answering questions of all the things she's curious to know?

I am half demon doesn't mean i would want to be stuck to a girl.

And if you never knew, I hate royal families since you're a princess, am afraid it includes you.

I was nice for some seconds but next time i won't be nice ”

Zarin said and walked away.

I was shocked.

How dare him, I should have known.

He is half demon which means he is a demon and well I was told demons are cunning and mischievous creature and he hates people from the royal family.

But why? Immediately Markuna came back and took her usual positions sitting right in front of me.

“Am sorry I took so long”Markuna explained “people have been coming to my home just to give gifts to Zarin.

Everyone loves him. Including young


Because they like him “I said lowly but Markuna heard anyway”.

“Yes, exactly my princess”

“Well, we need to talk about Zarin, Aunt Markuna”i frowned.

“If he offended you while i was gone i want you to understand that he is half demon.

So he isn't someone who acts on his words and he has alot of dislikes and hates”Markuna explained.

“Why does he hate the royal family, you're my Aunt, you're related to the royal family right? I asked confused.

Why doesn't Zarin hate her? “Let's not talk about that now. Let me tell you a story”.

“Well fine okay”.

I felt happy again.

I loved Aunt Markuna's stories.

“Listen carefully princess Hazel”

“Once upon a time there was a great kingdom, they had a very beautiful princess.

She was so powerful because she was a demon and also a witch.

Everyone loves her.

Her parent's the king and queen where no more.

They died trying to protect her from the hands of a very powerful demon.

Popularly called “the devil”.

A powerful demon? I asked

“Yes a powerful demon.

Rumors said this demon could kill a whole kingdom with a blink of his eyes”. “Then he must be really powerful Aunt Markuna”I said.

I already wanted to know how their story would go.

“Indeed he is ”.

“The princess grew up to be a powerful young woman.

Kings and princes from different kingdom came asking for her hand in marriage.

But she was never interested in them.

To her, they never had what she want in her dream man.

She wanted to fall in love with a man who would love her for who she is not for her powers and the respect they would gain after marrying her.

“Markuna paused and took a sip from her tea that was surprisingly hot.

“The princess made a right choice”i said and scoffed.

“How could someone get married to a woman for selfish gain.

I wouldn't like that.

To me its a DEMONIC DESIRE.”

I concluded.

This story is somehow getting me more educated Markuna laughed.

“Your'e right princess Hazel” “But her decision wasn't themed good.

As she had reached twenty nine years of age.

And was still not married.

She became worried.

When was her dream man going to come. But one day things changed.

The princess went on a stroll with her best friend, on their way, the princess could here a voice calling her.

But what shocked her was that her friend couldn't here the voice. Before the princess knew it she felt a force dragging her;leading her somewhere.

After walking which took like forever she found herself in a deep dark forest.

“My princess please am scared we should head back to the palace.

It seems dangerous here”her friend told her.

But the princess didn't listen until when she saw a cave.

“A cave”she muttered. She could feel a strong force pulling her towards the dark cave. She was a bit scared.

But she was curious and had to know what was calling her.

Entering the cave, while her friend followed, scared, they saw something that shock them.

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