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Her Protector, His love

Her Protector, His love



Claire Johnson Daughter of Derek Johnson and Mary Johnson, a very wealthy man in country S in fashion and retail industry. She has been living in a sheltered and unrealistic life. Her father was overprotective since he lost his wife due to heart failure, she suffered from a Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy a disease which hereditary and Clair has inherited the same condition. She cannot be stimulated, tired, she cant drink alcohol, she cant do excessive work and she regularly fainted. So Derek is very protective of his dear daughter, she has to take a lot of medicine and vitamin since tender age. But all this attention to his daughter he forget to take care of himself. It only need a sudden heart attack to make his daughter lost her protector. Alex Anderson A handsome man and a billionaire in country A that can melt any woman. He is a notorious playboy, He did not believe in love as he has been with a lot of woman and he think there is no pure girl in this world. He hates emotional attachment with anyone but his family and his 2 bestfriend.He is born in a loving family and they are very much his everything. His parent still love each other so much and he have 2 nosy twin sister Mia and Sara. And he despises women who are pretentious and weak. For him kind is weak, gentle is weak. His parent was the opposite of him and he believe people will take advantage when you show kindness and thats how he built his own empire despite coming from an `old money`. His wealth even surpasses his family wealth. Can Alex be Clair new protector? Does Clair need a new protector? Let see

Chapter 1 Moving On


Its raining heavily that day, Clair has just finished his father, Derek Johnson funeral. He is a great man , a great father, businessman and friend. Clair has been living with her father since her mother passed away 18 years ago. She do not have a lot of memories of her mother as she was only 3 years old when she passed away due to a heart failure. Her father has been overly protective of her since he loss his wife. She has a strict diet and she need to consume a lot of vitamin a day since she also inherited her mother condition . No chores, sports, outing, and no social engagement for her. She was home school and her only friend is Brittany Sanders who is her best friend and neighbour too. Brittany is the opposite of Clair in terms of personality. She is easy-going, sporty, and extrovert while Clair is kind, gentle and timid. Brittany basically has her own room in Clair house since they do a lot of sleepover. Well considering Derek restrictions on Clair, that is the only way they can spend their time together. Everyday Brittany will tell Clair about her day, school, friend, boyfriend, crush and work. They shares almost everything and they cannot literally lie to each other. Since Clair has a heart condition Brittany know all her doctor notes, what kind of medicine to take the do’s and dont’s. Brittany herself is a famous fashion designer and she is basically the acting CEO for Johnson Group since Clair has no interest in her father company. Clair is the major shareholder in name and automatically the chairman when her father passed away. Brittany's family own a large chain of malls and supermarket in country S but she has no interest in her family business since she fell in love in designing. She has a brother Ryan Sanders who is the current CEO of Sanders Group currently living in country A expanding their family business. Alice Sanders, Brittany mother treated Clair like her own daughter, she and her husband helped to organized the funeral for their bestfriend Derek.Brittany has been keeping Clair company since she is all alone Johnson mansion except for their maid and bodyguard and nutritionist.

Clair POV

It has been 2 weeks since daddy passed away and I have never felt alone. But I am lucky to have my Brit with me. She is my other half. My nutritionist Lea is someone I considered family too, she is the daughter of my oldest maid, aunt Andrea. They have been with me since I was small, daddy supported Lea through school and provided a scholarship for her to pursue her studies and when she chose to become a nutritionist daddy hired her as my personal nutritionist. She is strict with me but has a heart of gold. Daddy always forbid me from eating sweets or oily food so I craved a lot eating these forbidden food. Lea is 5 years older than me so I consider her as my sister than just a friend.

“Hi young lady, what are you thinking? Its time for your evening snack and you may take you vitamins afterward” said Lea while placing my food on the table beside my bed.

“Well my beloved Lily, you can just prepare the food downstairs, I can come over plus I am sick of sleeping on my bed. It has been two weeks Lily” I said pouting acting childishly to her.

“Dont do that face to me, I am not my mother, how many times have you fainted this week. Its more than I can count with my fingers. And please heeds to the doctor advise and eat more. My mother has been worrying seeing your condition. Your face has lose its complexion.You know we love you right? Take care of yourself okay?” She said rubbing my head tenderly

I just nod and smile at her words.

Yes Im not eating well, my fair skin has became as pale as paper. I felt so drained of energy with just walking to the toilet. Yesterday when I took my bath I fainted in the tub, I am lucky I was not drowned since aunt Andrea found me on time. She actually came to help me blow my hair as she used to do when I am down or sad. She has a bad feeling because she had to wait for almost an hour but I am still inside the toilet. I am a simple person my bath time has never exceed 15mins. So a 1hour bath definitely triggering for her to call my bodyguard to break the door. They found almost drowned and unconcious in the bath tub. They have to call our family doctor since my hands and lips almost turned blue.

I was diagnosed with a mild depression and not eating or sleeping well do not sit well for a person with a heart condition like me. Doctor advised to have a good rest, watch my diet and if possible take a holiday in a completely new environment. But where can I go? I am almost never went out of my house. I wish to travel but daddy wont allow me. To travel alone scares me I dont even know basic things in survival. Perhaps I should consult with Brit when she come home. I was thinking by myself while forcing the cut fruita down my throats.

Brit has gone to Country A to visit Ryan as Brit & Johnson Group was trying to expand there as well. She is working dilligently there and I begged Lily not to tell her about my fainting episode. Else she will definitely rush to take the earliest flight just to nag at me.


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