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Her Protector, His love

Chapter 4 Becoming friend

Word Count: 1283    |    Released on: 24/06/2021


my meal and I am keen to learn more about cooking with them. Now that daddy is not around I can try pursue my dream to be a cook or pastry chef. I have a dream of cooking for people maybe opening a small bakery. I love cooking and baking, I specifically love to see people enjoy my food as for now only Brit, Andrea and

ted them happily. I am overjoyed already i

th replied. They clearly a little confus

on today?" Janet

berries tart today. Can you lend me a ha

for you just wait upstairs and we will bring t

be the star t

cting like a child

umm we do not wis

else, yes they are paid a hefty sum to look afte

t i prep the berries and cream and you help

er before Janet came

you get tired y

a little child feeling

ly in the kitchen. They basically look at me like a hawk like a little glass doll sitting

wish to stay here take a seat, enjoy wat

ally grab a chair and sit in front of me, Sophia and Janet. Some of the maid

tarts are ready to eat so my employee start

ts, getting thei

y next cooking show schedule right? Come and take a bite. Well take couple of bites. I made enough to

sically prepared for 5 dozens of tarts. I am a little tired actually but I dont wish to show to them so I just take a sit and drank some water. Kara seem to notice my face has turned a little


hbour house but it seems a little bit too empty. For a mansion with almost 20 people as their emoloyee, I dont even see any gardener,maid or any of Clair bodyguard at their po

le they watch, I dont know how long I have been standing outside the mansion looking at them. She is so lively, she is kind to her

ers but I am defini

nd of girl that I wa

I can see Brit and Lea w

re you here?" B

k my mind to find any excuse as to why zi

le bit empty so I was just checking whats the

summer berries tart. Would you like to come in and have a taste,

I may say, she has the wealth to be p

o do anything, she was not even allowed to go out of the house her w

ain to, well yeah

ence, no other friend, no travel holiday

val skill, thats why she has me to manage Johnson Group and her bodyguard to help her in ca

fter her or atleast teach her how to be independent. And I loathed this feeli


of perso

u real

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