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Be mine always and forever

Be mine always and forever

Tory writes


May Sanders your usual nerd falls in love with school's bad boy Hayden. Read this book to find out all about their journey.

Chapter 1 One


May Sanders

My name is May Sanders and I have very busy parents. They are never at home. I have two best friends, Kara and Connor. I never had a boyfriend not because I didn't want to but nobody just seemed to like me.

"Who would want someone like me?" I always lament. "Probably someone who isn't fun or beautiful." I couldn't find anything attractive about me, even my parents don't seem to want me.

The cool breeze that gently touched my skin made me smile. I really loved the weather. It is perfect for the season.

I took a good look at the field again. I wonder why it still feels empty.

You are empty, the voice in my head said. I believe it.

The chatter from the students filled my ears indicated that the beautiful field was starting to get filled up as school started.

I've never had an interest in games but my best friend plays them. I support him in this decision.

I sneezed when dust from the chairs which had not been used for six months was blown into my face by the wind.

"She's so dumb. She doesn't belong here." The shrill voice of Janet fills my ears. My hands balled into fists. The urge to punch her was nearly overwhelming but I don't have the nerve. Pathetic, right?

"She looks like she wanna hit you," Janet's annoying best friend, Tori, scoffed.

I've always wondered how the two of them get along.

"Nah," Janet laughed. Tori joined her high-pitched cackle.

"What's going on, babe?" I heard a very familiar voice say.

"Nothing much. This attention seeking bitch just doesn't know her place," she complained bitterly to her boyfriend, Dash Royals.

He was the cliché bad boy that dated the bitch of the school. Smoking hot. I wouldn't deny that he's handsome but the way he keeps up with Janet is what I don't seem to get.

"She isn't worth it," he reassured, giving her a kiss and coaxing an irritating giggle from her.

We were all on the field watching the football match between our school and Royal Bells High School.

As usual, I was sitting on my own. My gaze flicked to the popular clique of the school.

I stared at a certain somebody with a beautifully sculpted face, defined jawline and pink lips that I really wish I could taste to find out how soft they are.

He has gorgeous brown hair.

The perfect eye colour, green.

His smile sweeps me off my feet. That person turns out to be Hayden Smith.

My best friend, Connor, happens to be in this clique. I just don't fit in, as expected.

I saw Dash, Hayden and Noah stand up and move towards me.

A blush unconsciously appeared on my cheeks at the thought of Hayden being this close to me.

The laughter behind me told me they were situated behind me. Dash wasn't playing in this game because he got into a fight two weeks ago. I find the authorities stupid for doing this.

I mean, this guy is the best player on the team. I don't like him for any reason but I know he has the best skills. The authorities should have found another punishment that doesn't risk the reputation of the school.

I heard from Kara that he slept with a girl and it was caught on tape from the school laboratory's camera. Apparently, he got into a fight with the girl's boyfriend.

Who even has sex in a place that's not a room? Obviously people like him.

He isn't to play in the next two matches. He kinda deserves though.

The fact that my best friend was a footballer didn't make Dash my friend. It's not like I even wanted to be friends with him.

I heard them laughing and smiled when I heard Hayden's voice. I have had a crush on him since forever.

I find him really cute. Besides, he doesn't seem like a jerk unlike his friends.

I don't know why. Maybe my crush on him has prevented me from seeing any flaws in him.

I wondered why they were laughing but I ignored it. They were probably making fun of someone. That someone might even be me. I really didn't want to know.

A few minutes later, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around, not expecting lips to immediately be pressed to mine. Turns out, it was Dash Royals.

He fucking kissed me. WHAT? All his friends were laughing, including my crush, Hayden. That's what hurt the most, not the fact that my first kiss was stolen by someone I despised.

I stood up hurriedly and ran out of the field, ignoring the judging looks I was getting. Emotions crashed into me like waves. Anger, pain, disgust, humiliation. The whole stadium just saw me get kissed my Dash fucking Royals.

I couldn't even explain how I felt.

I always imagined my first kiss to be romantic and with somebody I loved. This kiss was far from romantic.

What did I expect? It's Dash. He didn't care about anybody other than himself. I know I don't like Dash and I'll never like him. Not now, never in the future.

I'm sure it was a dare.

I'm angry that I can't do anything right. Who does he think he is? That he can just kiss me and then laugh about it.

That's not fair and there's nothing I could do about it. Who am I? I'm a low life nobody that no one liked or knew except for her best friends. My parents being rich didn't even make me loved.

Nobody loved someone like me. Who would? I dashed to the nearest place I found private enough and cried.

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