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Love Me Harder, Daddy CEO

Love Me Harder, Daddy CEO

Angela Yuleyru Hunx


Hot CEO of Sterlings Ltd, Rand Smith had walked into Rainbows to have dinner with his fiancee when he first meets clumsy Lilac who accidentally spills his wine on him. Surprisingly enough, the renowned CEO, popularly regarded to be arrogant and grumpy seems to be okay with the mistake and to everyone's total bemusement, proposes an expensive offer for her to be his three years old son's nanny after embarrassing Raynell, his fiancee_as she would call it. Lilac is overexcited at the price offer of her new job and sees it as a way to finally get away from her abusive step mother and sisters. But for a reason, she hesitates and stops to think of why the famous Rand Smith would risk his reputation for her and ask her to be his son's live-in nanny while giving her the most intimidating look she could afford from him.

Chapter 1 Barbie In Rainbows


"Lilac, why don't you attend to the new comers?" Dina says, stopping herself by the counter and my eyes wander straight to the entrance. Finely ironed black and white tuxedo. Gorgeous and flowing black gown. Expensive shoes and bodyguards. Classy and gorgeous couples. Just the type of customers I hate attending to the most.

"I don't think that'll work, Dina," I said, rolling my eyes back to her overweight self, "I'm not the one on duty today, remember?" I say, flopping myself into the stool back.

" C'mon, Lila. You know I have a date with Ryan and the manager will get pissed if he finds out any fault from us." She urges and I roll my eyes. Wrong choice of word there!

" Not us, Dina. You should learn to correct yourself and besides, you'll just have to attend to them and go out. They look like the last couple to be coming to this floor but if there are more customers, then I'll stand in for you." But there's no way I'm going to attend to those customers sitting on the second table. They surely look like they'll flip out at any slight touch from any person with a lower class as them. I watch the both of them remove their glasses and drop it on the glass made table. Beautiful. Actually, working as a waitress in Rainbows has made me grow used to seeing beauties like this but they all end up having the ugly character, especially the females. And these two don't look any different. The same proud, rich children of a jerk that keeps coming to show off their dirty attitude every day.

"Ok. Let's do it this way," Dina says, drawing back my attention to her, "I'll stand in for you tomorrow and give a reasonable excuse to Linda to let you leave the house for the weekend and stay with us. How about that? You'll also get to talk to Daniel since he'll be home." What a nice bribe, huh! A smile pops on my lips at the mention of talking to her brother and staying away from home for the weekend. I surely don't want to do any other thing than get away from Linda and the two bitches she calls her daughters. And to see Daniel too, Dina's hot elder brother. Skip talking to him 'cause that literally never works everytime I try, I end up spitting rubbish and turning to a red rock.

" Will you do it?" She asks, wearing a knowing smile as if already knowing I wouldn't dare to say no. But I rather beat her to giving her an easy reply, "Only if you'll make sure I stay at your place for the weekend." She nods and impatiently glances at her wrist watch. When she reads the time, she looks up and pulls me in a small hug over the counter, whispering into my ear, "I have to go now. Make sure Mr manager doesn't notice my absence. I love you!" I watch her run out of the room without even waiting for my reply and sigh. Now to get to attending to some pretty rich man's spoilt children. I turn to glance at them only to see the female glaring at me impatiently and that look only tells me how much a soup I'll be in if I don't rush there sooner. I didn't plan to do this today. The plan was just to accompany Dina for the day while I lied to Linda that the manager asked me to stand in for her sick self. Lie turns reality. I'm standing for her right now and if she isn't sickly in love with the guy called Ryan.

"What would you like to have first?" I ask, managing to sound and look nice and businesslike despite my outfit.

"Seriously? I'll like to see the manager." And that drops the bomb. My head jerks up at her request.

"Ma," I begin, racking my head to think of something soothing and apologetic to say. Fuck Dina for putting me in such precious situation. "Get me your manager, bitch! Don't let me repeat that!" She yells, making me flinch. What the hell did I do to warrant such harsh tone?! And damn, she looks like barbie.

"Ma, I'm sorry. I actually..."

"Now, don't freaking apologize. You actually saw us walk in and you purposely did let us sit here idly for almost an hour. You bitch, does that sounds ideal. I'm sure Mr Rainbows knows nothing about this." While I thought she's far more intelligent and angelic, she's the damn bitch exaggerating the whole thing and making it look so freaking true. Almost a fucking hour?! Now, that's not ideal. And there's no way I'm calling the manager here.



"Bring me the red wine and a glass of mango margarita for her. We won't have much," her husband cuts the both of us off and turns to give his wife a warning glare which she adheres to its meaning by sitting her butts down. He then turns to me and gives me a small smile, " Thank you," he adds as though to ask me to go already. I nod, returning the kind, apologetical smile before turning around to get their order.

When the chef passes me what I asked for, I thank him and walk out immediately. I head straight for their table ignoring the wave from the first table. Would probably attend to them when through with this.

"Your order," I announce, tenderly taking her glass of mango margarita but the stem else she complains of bad hygiene and manner. I drop the glass before her and his own bottle of red wine with a glass. I tear off the bottle's tab right in their presence and pour some into the wine glass. But just as I drop the bottle of remaining wine, about to drop the wine glass, his blonde fiancee suddenly tugs at my arm painfully, making me jump back in fear and letting the filled glass fall out of my other hand in the process. She releases me immediately at the sound of the breaking glass and splashing drink. Her green eyes widen as she clasps her ears and lets out a deafening scream. Sorry barbie but if you had been a bit merciful.

"OMG, what is going on here?! Mr Smith, your suit has been stained! Lilac, what have you done this time around?!" Oh, God! Betting I'm saying bye to my work this time around.

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