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Destined to Love You

Destined to Love You



How would you describe a modern 20-year-old girl from New York city? Whatever words you come up with, there's no deny that Louise is something different. Lost her parents at the age of 11, she is now facing another challenge of supporting her sick grandmother, the only family member she had left. Luckily for her, she finds a job as a janitor in one of the largest fashion companies in the country, Fashion UY. As a beautiful, dedicated and smart woman, she is willing to handle anything and everything to make a living. Never once crossed her mind was the idea that her life would change forever after meeting handsome Jorge, the deputy general manager of Fashion UY and Leoni, the stone cold general manager with a deveilish pretty face. How will her story carry on and where her fate will bring her to? That remains an interesting question.

Chapter 1 A New Job

After walking all afternoon looking for a job, the beautiful young Louise arrived tired

at a coffee house owned by her friend Brenda.

Louise was a beautiful 20-year-old young lady with light olive skin and wavy long black hair. Her not so tall slim figure sat at 5.4 feet and was complimented by her sparkly honey brown eyes. She could even be a model, but she was almost a tomboy when it came to clothes. She loved baggy ones, sneakers, jeans and a large tee-shirts. Her hair would almost always be found in a tall bun, casting her beauty away. She would not wear anything special, not even makeup so as not to attract unnecessary attentions, but her beauty was so natural, that even like that she was still beautiful.

She had lost her parents in an accident when she was 11 years old and since then, she had been raised with a lot of love by her grandmother. Her grandmother Nani got sick and was admitted to a hospital, so Louise was now eager to get a job to support her grandmother since she did not have a big pension. With the poor old lady's income, she was unable to get all the medication she really needed.

"Wow! I'm so tired that I could sleep right here! I walked a lot today, but I have a good feeling this time," she said, sitting in a chair and leaning on the table

"That's good to hear, honey. I'm rooting for you, you know. You've already got the money to pay the utilities and if you need a place to crash let me know."

"Thanks for all the help Brenda, but I can't rely on you my whole life. I'll have to find a solution. In fact, I gotta pay my grandma's hospital bill next month, and I have no idea how though..." she said to her friend.

After that her cellphone rang, and when she picked the phone up she heard a stern male voice on the other end.

"Good afternoon, may I speak to Miss Louise?"

"Yes, it's her," she said full of hope.

"I'm Lucio and I speak from the company Fashion UY. You have been selected for the janitor job opening. Are you still available?"

"Yes, I definitely am!" she said jumping up and down with joy right in front of her friend.

"This is an immediate job opening, so please come tomorrow at 8 a.m. to the company to start, alright?"

"Yes, of course I will be there. Thank you very much," she said before hanging up. "I can't believe it! I knew it, Brenda! See? I told you I had a good feeling about this!" She had a feeling she would get the job, and she did!

"I'm very happy for you, my friend. Everything will be alright."

"Yes, it will be okay. Now I have to go. I have to tell Grandma the good news and get ready for my new job!

Catch you later!"

The next morning, Louise woke up early and got dressed, being very excited and eager to start on her new job.

Fashion UY, was a large well-known modeling company that also included other industries such as malls, cinemas, beauty salons, restaurants and much more always focusing on sophistication. The company was recognized internationally for its excellence, currently led by president Marcelo Fredo.

Marcelo was a 55-year-old man who had lived in England for some years, having his other company branch in New York run by his only son and heir, Leoni Fredo as well as his nephew Jorge Fredo.

Marcelo was forced to marry early, tying the knot with the daughter of a CEO. After marrying Marcelo and giving birth to their son Leoni, she discovered an alleged affair which lead her to fall sick and eventually pass away when her boy was only 6 years old. Soon after that, Marcelo felt so guilty that he immediately moved to England, leaving the young Leoni alone to be raised by only servants. Since then, Marcelo isolated himself and never called to check on his son. The rest of the family never called either, as all they cared about was money, status and power. That was how the boy grew up, in a world without love. At age 26, Leoni, after years of studying, became an intelligent and very rich man, but also very cold, rude, with no feelings or heart. His temper was terrible, and he didn't get along to anyone. He had no friends and his relatives were not close. He behaved like a tyrant as he would get everything he wanted as he finished those who dared to cross his path. The handsome slim man was about 6 feet tall, had brown hair sporting a modern haircut, sky blue eyes that attracted the eyes of many ladies, but his cold demeanor pushed people away.

Jorge Fredo, his cousin, was the only one who could talk to him, because they grew up close. Jorge understood him. He knew that all that self-centered behavior was resulted from nothing but sadness and loneliness. He was 25 years old and was the general vice president of the company. He was another handsome man with green eyes, blond hair and low cut beard. Unlike his cousin, Jorge was very friendly and polite, mostly because his childhood had been very different. His parents raised him very well, being the son of CEO Felipe Fredo, the owner of several businesses, very different from his brother Marcelo. Later, Jorge chose to work at the company in order to try and change the situation with his cousin.

His parents didn't really agree with his ideas, but he had already decided, and he was willing to work on it because he knew his cousin quite well. As soon as Louise arrived at the company, she immediately met Mr. Williams, head of the cleaning department. He took her documents and assigned her the tasks she had to accomplish. "Here you go, Miss Louise. These are your uniform and tools. Please put away your personal belongings and get started."

"Sounds perfect, Mr. Williams. I appreciate that."

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