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Workplace Romance

Workplace Romance



Ashley, a wild, resilient, unruly, broke, proud woman with average education, Found herself entangled in a sweet romance between her obsession-a rude and emotionless CEO-Ryan Harvey Jnr. and a perfect man suitable for a husband-a fellow employee. Ashley was bound to be tamed by the unfortunate turn of event in her life as she struggled to figure out who was suitable as her Mr. Right. After all, when in love we all take chances.

Chapter 1 Interview

'Ding**' the sound of the elevator as it opened to the eleventh floor of the Harvey's Builders Industry.

It was quite a unique sight, everything was so elegant, I could see my reflection on the floor, 'what is it made of? of course I wouldn't know, we barely had three square meals a day, poverty is a bitch.

I walked around in circles as I admired the outstanding structure of the building, when I touched the wall it was unique, it was smooth, cold, finger censored. "Wow."

"Beep beep beep." My alarm rang loudly, I brought my phone out of my bag. It was my 8am alarm.

I quickly dismissed the alarm as it stirred up loud noise. When I looked up at the receptionist by my left, I noticed her eyes glaring at me, probably looking at my skimpy red dress.

I didn't had time to change, as I came straight from the club. Quite frankly, I forgot I had an interview today. Thank God for my mother who has her eyes out for the salary. Quite big for an average educated girl like myself.

As I approached her, I walked in a most dejected posture, my eyes bent to the floor, as I crossed my hands over my exposed breast. When I looked at her, from the way she frowned her face, I know she wasn't buying my fake facial expression.

'Fuck who cares.' I glared back at her. For a moment there I forgot again what I had come to do, not until I heard her answered the phone.

"Yes Sir, the applicants are waiting Sir."

She was speaking to someone on the phone.

I was distracted looking around and admiring the workplace environment. 'This place was made for the rich.' The receptionist hall was five times bigger than my house. My attention was suddenly divided when I heard her on the phone.

"You are interviewing them yourself? Okay sir." She hung up.

I stared at her intensely, from the way the tone of her voice changed, I'm quite sure that it was someone a lot higher that wanted to interview the applicants. I became a bit frightened but I kept my posture intact.

"What do you want ma'am?" She asked glaring at me.

Her eyes were fixed on my breasts. She squinted her eyes looking at me with so much contempt.

'If she a receptionist could look at me like that, surely I have failed this interview.'

"I'm here for an interview." I said to her. She scoffed at me and then had a sly smile on her face.

All I wanted was to punch her. The nerves she had to give me such look. If we had met in another place other than here, she would gulp down her saliva at the sight of me.

No doubt I'm hot, I know that. Receiving compliments here and there had really boosted my confidence.

I used to feel inferior about myself not until I reached puberty. All my skimpy dresses hugged my curves so perfectly.

I was nicknamed curvaceous, 'curvy' for short.

"Walk straight down and enter the first door by your right." She said as she pointed her finger directing me to the interview hall.

"Thank you" I said to her. My eyes were fixed at the door and the only thing in my head was about the man I met at the club last night. If I could meet him again, I will gladly let him rocked his hips against mine.

It wasn't my first wild night, frankly, it was one of the many nights I spent going to the club. But it was the first time ever I had sex with a stranger in a club's restroom.

I definitely would feel ashamed if I ever get to meet him again, but I wouldn't be ashamed if I get to meet him at the club again. But anywhere else would be a complete disaster, he wouldn't know I was totally heartbroken that night.

I don't regret the sex, if I have another chance I would do it over a million more times.

"Don't thank me, I doubt you will make it. You will be disqualified before the interview even starts." The receptionist said.

I erupted out of my thoughts when I heard her said those words. I took a quick look at myself and hell yeah, she was right. But I've come all the way here from greentown, it was about two hours drive to the city. Definitely going back now would be insane.

Me coming for an interview dressed up like a whore is probably the most insane thing. But I'm here now, I better get rejected instead of backing out.

I shrugged at her and rolled my eyes. If I was to back out, she wasn't in the position to make me.

I walked toward the door, when I got there, I couldn't help but felt nervous.

I could see my hands shaking holding the doorknob. I unlatched the door and entered the interview hall.

My eyes widened as my negligee was much to be concerned of. Every applicant was dressed formally. I didn't looked like I was amongst them.

This was my first real interview. I had gone for interviews before but mostly for a bartender position of which didn't require any formal apparel.

'Steven is so dead' I muttered to myself.

Steven was my younger brother, he applied for the job for me but never prepped me about the company. I was really ashamed and nervous, I just wanted the ground to open and allow me jump in.

The other applicants kept staring at me, from the way their gaze was fixed at me, I felt I could read their minds. Their eyes spoke louder and faster than their lips.

I walked my shameful ass to an empty seat I found. I sat down and bent my head stamping my foot on the ground.

"When I get home, I will surely kill Steven." I kept mumbling.

I felt a warm hand touched me. When I raised my head up, I saw a handsome guy staring at me with a smile on his face.

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