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Oops! Wrong number

Oops! Wrong number



[Mya: Happy Mother's Day, I miss you <3] [Mom: Uh... Who is it ?? You must have got the wrong number...] [Mya: Ah... uh, that was my mom's number when she was still alive. I still send her messages even though she is no longer with me. This is the first time someone answers. The number must have been reassigned. Sorry I won't do it again. Good day! [Mom: Ah sorry about your mother. You can do that again. I don't mind. Don't apologize for that. My name is Eli and you?]

Chapter 1 Dear Stranger


Happy Mother's Day, mum! I miss you so much...]


Uh... I beg your pardon, who is it? Sorry, but you must have dialed a wrong number. ]


Ah... Uh, I am sorry, that number belonged to my mum when she was still alive. I used to send her messages even though she was no longer with me. This is the first time someone ever answered. The number had probably been reassigned to a new user. Sorry I won't do it again. Have a nice day.]


Ah, sorry for your mother's death. Just feel free to do it again, I really don't mind. Don't apologize for that. I am Eli and you? ]


Mya, but I wouldn't want to bother you. ]

My mother's number has been reassigned to a new user… It's like a new page, I have to move on… Grow up… It's as if fate is forcing me to… I guess I have to change the name of her contact. I didn't think it would have been that difficult but it's been seven years now, and the number doesn't belong to my lovely mom anymore.


You do not bother me at all. But perhaps you don't wish to discuss with a total stranger? ]


Talking to a stranger does not disturb me any more than that. And then, you are not one anymore since you already told me your first name. :) (Humor emoji)]


How long has your mother been... Finally... You might not want to talk about this topic... ]


It's been seven years now, I don't mind talking about it, I rather talk about it than having people inventing a life for me... ]


I understand your view. And is your father still alive? ]


Yes, but he collapsed immediately after my mother died. So, I had the duty of taking care of him and relieving him as much as possible of my education because he had other things to deal with. ]


Were you and your mother close to each other? ]


Yes, as every normal girl should be with her mother, although unfortunately not all of them. I considered myself lucky to have her in my life! At least, as much as a 13-year-old girl could be with her mother.]


I can assume that you are my age.]


From what I said, if you deduce that I am 20 years old, then you are right.]


Ah, 7 + 13 that's 20... I thought you were also 47 like me... Shit! ]


Haha, go ahead and make fun of me... Now, I don't want to continue talking to you anymore. ]


Ahah, it was absolutely not my intention of being mean, I was just trying to lighten up the atmosphere, break the ice... It is obviously not a success... ]


Just a bit of teasing and you are already running away! You look funny to me after all, maybe I'll keep talking with you... ;)]


And what if I am no more interested? ;)]


I will have a heartbreak... ]


Oh, are you, by any chance, crying? I would kindly offer you a handkerchief, but I don't want to... That's stupid, huh? ]


This conversation is seriously taking a very strange turn, my dear Eli.]


Indeed, you act in a very familiar way with me, I wish you could like me. After all, you don't know the person you're talking to. ]


I beg your pardon, Mr. Eli. Dejenaisna is not your family name. I flattened myself before being so humble. I wish you could also see me, you are actually having a discussion with a high ranking person. Meet the Duchess of the Highlands of its Woods. ]


Lol, you quote Jean de la Fontaine or was it my imagination? ]


This is not your imagination, that's what came to my mind... Lol. This day which was a sad one to me, you just brightened it up. Thank you for making me laugh today. :)]


You're welcome Duchess, I am delighted to hear that. ]


Ew, it's disgusting to hear you call me Duchess, lol.]


Get used to being called Duchess;)]

I couldn't explain why, but at that moment I felt a bit lighter. I chose not to reply anything after his last message. I instead thanked my mom inwardly for somehow putting me in contact with this boy who looked nice to me, as if she had always been watching over me from heaven.


On this particular Mother's Day Sunday, I felt like going out. Although I was living in a lost part of London, the cinema was still open. I then decided to go there.


Cinema? ]

I didn't have to wait for long before getting a reply from my best friend.



What a crazy...


Some moments later, we met in front of the said cinema. As soon as she saw me, she ran and jumped into my arms.


"Megaaaane..." I said in the same tone, more bored.

"Are you fine today?" asked my best friend, referring to Mother's Day.

"Strangely enough, I'm doing relatively great. Something nice happened to me, I think. "

"Recount the details," she said impatiently.

"What movie do you want to watch today? "

"Come on, tell me about it! "

After a few steps, we arrived in front of the cashier.

"Can we have two tickets for this movie, please? Thanks, have a good day. "

After collecting our tickets, we moved towards the room. Megane hopped slightly as she was so eager to hear my answer.

We then entered the room.

"Was your day also good?" I asked just to tease her.

"MYA!" she shouted out of impatience.

I laughed at her and sat down towards the center of the movie theater.

"I'm fine, just teasing you. You know, every year I have had the habit of sending a message to my mom's phone number. I can't really explain why I'm doing this, but it somehow brings me relief... "

"Did you get an answer? It was someone from the lottery announcing to you that you won the jackpot! Congratulations Mya!" she said, completely carried away.

Her reaction made me burst out of laugh.

"You were right at the beginning and then you simply got lost. Haha. "

"So, who is it? A chick? An old pervert? A handsome young man?" She had accompanied the last part of her sentence with a naughty wink.

"To be honest with you, I really don't know. All I know is his name is Eli, he is a very nice guy and he is my age. We didn't discuss for long, but it did me good." I smiled.

"Ahah, if it is, it could probably be a pimply old man who masturbates while thinking of you! Well done, Mya! "

"You're so yucky, you know that, Meg," I said mimicking disgust. "But I like it," I added, laughing.

The movie started.


At the end of the movie, we left the room. I then had a look at my phone. I received a message from Eli. A smile immediately appeared on my face.

Megane noticed my reaction and took my phone.

"No Megan, give it back to me!" "

"Ooh! Eli... What does the sexy boy say? "

"Megan!" I huffed and gave up, knowing how stubborn she could be at times. She wouldn't stop until she wished to.

"What are you doing now, Duchess? Duchess, huh?! What's that bad nickname? What does he take you for? A cat in a cartoon or what? "

"Give it back to me, Megan?" I said angrily.

The next minute, she handed it to me.

"Why Duchess? "

"It was just a joke between him and me, that's all. "


I'm just going out from the movie theater and you? ]

"Well, how did you find the movie? I really enjoyed it, it was too huge... "

I was no longer listening to my friend as I was focused on my phone and Eli's reply. This guy completely intrigued me and I can't sit if it's just me, but talking to a total stranger was really a nice experience. I don't have the feeling of being judged and there is that feeling of discovering a new person (although there is a possibility that it is a psychopath, I understand.) which I like more and more.

The ringtone is heard causing me a slight jump due to too much focussing.

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