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My one-sided Love

My one-sided Love



"Kill him." The moment the words were out of his mouth, she dropped the gun in shock and took a back step. "I can't," she said, stuttering. "Why?" he asked. "It's a sin," she whispered. Before she could step away, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer. She gasped seeing him so close to her and was struggling to move away from him. "What will happen if you sinned?" he asked, leaning close to her ear. "Please," she begged. "I will tell you what will happen. If you sin," he leaned closer before adding, "you burn in hell," he said, his hot breath fanning her skin. "And this is hell." Before she could stop him or pull her hand away, he pulled the trigger, followed by the gunshot, and she shut her eyes tightly. One mistake, and it cost her a price she was not ready to pay. If only she knew a night was all needed for her life to go from good to worse, she would never have stepped out of her house. If only someone had warned her not to cross his path she would never have served herself to him on a silver platter. Adah Malik made one mistake and it cost her a price she was not ready to pay. What was her mistake? She crossed her path with the mysterious Aryan Abdullah. Aryan Abdullah, an aloof businessman, held power and money yet nothing seemed to interest him. He enjoys facing death more than life but one night and one intruder changed him. She came into his life as a puzzle but soon she became his only restorative. He knew she was a walking disaster for him and she knew he was nothing but a danger yet that one night was enough to intertwine their fate.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Her body couldn't stop trembling no matter how much she tried preparing her mind for the inevitable. What she was going to do would ruin her forever, and she knew she would loath herself till the time she will be alive, but did she regret doing what she was about to do? The answer was crystal clear; no. She was ready to live with disgust and self-hatred than to lose someone special in her life.

John's words were ringing in her mind, stay where you are and don't move an inch, as if her body was at ease to roam around the dangerous mansion she was brought to by John. If not for money, she would never even look at such a place. She knew the bigger the house, the greater are the secrets, and two, she was content and happy with the middle-class life her father had provided his children.

Even in the cold weather of December, she can feel a trail of sweat gliding down her spine, her bare back visible out of the backless top was glittering with sweat beads while she was constantly wiping the sweat from her face with her trembling hands. No matter how much she tried to practice deep breathing, her pounding heart and anxiety refused to calm down. She was on the verge of crying, mainly at her helplessness.

Adah was seated on a single armchair in an unknown room of the mansion when John left her to make the arrangement. She felt disgusted in the sheer black saree and the net blouse that was barely covering her skin. Her glance fell on her reflection on the nearby window glass, and her breathing quickened when instead of her, she saw someone else, someone who looked ready to seduce any men.

She abruptly looked away in shame and was again drowned in terror. The only thought that kept her rooted in her spot was the very reason she was there for. She wipes the sweat beads from her forehead with her good-for-nothing saree while her hand kept trembling in anticipation. Her fear slowly weakened her resolve, and she started wondering if only the wait is killing her; what will she do if it happens?

To divert her mind thinking of the disaster she would be soon walking into, she stood up on her weak legs to breathe in the fresh air. She felt suffocated even though the room was bigger than half of her apartment. Her palpitation worsened her breathing, and she walked out of the room, hoping that free air would bring her breathing to be normal. Not knowing her way out, she followed the direction she could feel the breeze was coming from.

She abruptly stopped walking when she heard a strange voice, and without giving a second thought, she walked towards it. She intently listened to the voice and realized there was more than one voice. In her intrusiveness to find the sound source, she didn't know she was walking deeper into the dungeons.

Her steps halted when she witnessed a partially opened door and peek inside to what was happening. Her breath hitched in her throat when she saw a man was lying on the floor, and the next moment another man hovered over him and slit his throat, saying, "Traitor." Adah let out her held breath in pants, and instead of hiding, she made the mistake of screaming her lungs out.

When she caught the men's attention inside the room, her sense was back, and she ran, hearing their hurried steps. Running for her dear life, she didn't stop or halt in the track; she just ran, forgetting why she was there in the first place. Human instinct won't let you think of secondary thought; it only enables you to believe in survival. Not knowing her way out of that gigantic mansion, she took unknown turns, and finally, she could see the familiar grand staircase she walk-on before.

Her saree was making it difficult for her to run, and as any sane person would do, she got rid of her problem by grabbing it and raising it a little so that her legs were free to run. She was at the threshold when she heard a gunshot, which made her cover her ear, screaming her lungs out. Crossing the main door, she turned around quickly to see if anyone was following her, and when she turned her face back to glance ahead, she bumped into a hard wall.

Any sane person will only think about saving themself and then think about others. But Adah never fit into that category; she was born with a motto, thinking of others before herself. Her teary eyes saw only a pair of deep black iris looking at her with fury while she was a panting mess. When another gunshot was heard, she grabbed his hand and tried to drag him out of the mansion.

"Run," she screamed at him, to which he only looked at her with the same disgust and hatred.

She quickly grabs his hand using both her palms, and before she could take him along with her, she saw the men from whom she was running away approaching them with voracious steps. She moved closer to the man, still clutching his arms with her palms and looking round in fright. Her lips and chin quiver realizing her end was near; her face was covered in her tears and sweat. What will people think when her body would be found in a revealing saree like a cheap escort at a strange place?

What will her family think? This thought was enough to ignite her survival fire, and she let go of the man's arm to run, however to her horror, he seemed to guess her intent and harshly grab her wrist. He didn't run seeing the danger and instead was dragging her along with him towards the end. Out of anger, she bit his forearm with all her energy, a mistake she shouldn't have made.

Apart from the hissing sound, there was no other reaction from him. He didn't even bother to look at her and was glaring at the men surrounding them. The realization hit her when she saw all the men lowering their heads and guns. Was it in respect or fear? She didn't know.

"Who was it?" his cold and heavy voice resonating in the eerie silence. Even Adah stopped struggling on hearing his voice; she could hear her heart pounding in her heart.

"I will not repeat," he said, but his voice was void of any emotions. If Adah had not seen the anger in his eyes a few seconds ago, she would have believed that man was void of emotions from his voice.

Two hulks of men stepped out of the group, and she noticed them visibly tremble with his glare. She was astounded at their behavior towards him, which made her look at the man again in shock. On cue, he also faced her with the same hatred and, without warning, fist her lock harshly with a snarl.

"You know I hate women. How did she enter my mansion?"

Adah winced and closed her eyes when he tightened his hold over her hair. She raised her hands to pry his grip burning her scalp with the force while she prayed inwardly to God to save her from the inevitable.

"Handle her. I don't want a drop of her blood in my mansion," he said, throwing her on the ground with force.

Adah never in her scariest dream thought her life would end brutally. Her only mistake; she crossed a path with someone she shouldn't have, crossed her way with him, Aryan Abdullah.

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