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Sorry love,please come back

Sorry love,please come back

Nikita seth


They were united by the destiny. Both billionaire ,both self made Non of them tried for love . How will there lovestory take turn? Find it out in this story

Chapter 1 Prologue

Shreya and Siddharth for both youngest self made billionaires.Both of them own big companies in india and have various branches in other countries.

Character sketch


She is the owner and CEO of one of India's top 10 companies in india- Shreya international . She lived in the family of four which includes her mother,father and her brother Aryan . She loved them a lot and I can do anything for their happiness. But neither did she tried nor had she ever dated anyone or fallen for anyone.


He the owner and CEO of another top company of India- SS international. He has a mother and a sister Samira in his life. He owns a Greek god like body and is a complete womanizer. He doesn't believe in love and usually have one night stand with many women on weekends.

Both can do anything for their families. But neither of them believes in a love relationship. How will the two cross there paths?

Will the two fall for each other ? Find out in upcoming chapters?

Author's note-

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