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Nigeria meets America

Nigeria meets America

Savage queen


Beauty's pov Meet Beauty an half cast mom from Nigeria dad from America. She's gorgeous tall slender with round shape face and got a figure eight like shape with average butts and boobs. She loves singing and dancing. People who doesn’t know her will think that she is a model or someone from abroad because her skin is smooth and her blue eyes showing nothing but innocence and some people get hypnotized by your staring at her eyes. But Beauty is not as innocent or pure spirit, as she appears. She is a well known trouble maker in her estate and often called the Queen of pranksters. Been expelled from 8 different schools until her mom was fed up with her tantrums and decided to send her to her father in America . The truth is Beauty's mom had once lived in America but after giving birth to beauty she came to Nigeria her home town hoping that beauty's father will come along but he didn't because of his parents doesn't want him to be with her a Nigerian for that matter and got him married to someone else but he still full fill his duties as a father towards beauty. It has been decided that in other for beauty to show off her talent she is to attend talent high school one of the best school in America when it comes to her talent. Tyler's pov Meet Tyler the number 1 country's sweetheart. He's rude but handsome, tall, white skin, and a pink lips with his eyes has blue has the sea they were sharp but beautiful. He's the heir to the family of William a multi billionaire. Tyler is talented when it comes to singing and dancing alongside with his 4 best friends Adam, Steve, Chris and Kelvin together they are called the STACK. They all attend talent high school in America owned by his Tyler's Dad. He's also a flirt doesn't believe in love either. What happens when the two of them collide with each other??? Nigeria crazy Beauty vs America rude Tyler

Chapter 1 School number 8

Chapter 1

🤪Beauty’s pov🤪.

"You're expelled from this college" the bald principal said. What was my offence🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ he was teaching and then my phone 📱📱rang during his long and boring speech🥱🥱 in the class and the ringing tone happens to be my favorite song☺️☺️ it’s not really a song but gunshots 🔫🔫 and explosion sounds💣💥, u need to listen to it. It's not my fault he got scared and sent me out of the class.

I got bored then decided to play some prank on him. Put some chilli powder🌶️🌶️ in his food filled his water bottle 🍶🍶with pepper too and put a spray cap on it then fixed his tap mixing the rest of the pepper in the paper into the small tank in his office. Spicy water instead of water, this is so much fun than to sit in that boring class I thought as I grinned in excitement as I can’t wait to see his reaction to the surprise I have for him. I think he’ll give me a hug and appreciate me, I need to get this on video.

Then I placed my 📷 camera somewhere in the office, well the cam was seized from a guy long story. Wondering where I got all of the stuff, I always have them with me in school or anywhere. The bald man entered with his pot belly sat down on his chair and brought out his food to eat.

Well I should probably go out of his office and watch from the cam I placed in his office but I don't want to miss one bit of the show. He opened his food to eat but stopped and closed his eyes to pray that gave me time to readjust my position. He opened his eyes and then starts to eat. The moment have been waiting for, all of a sudden he shouted yeeeeee mogbe onta mi( OMG it's spicy) 😂😂 he wants to drink from his water bottle but he got frustrated wanting to remove the spray cap on the bottle (arggg my plan was for him to spray it on his face) was still thinking about how my plan is about to fail when I heard haaaaa my eye. I looked at him and saw that he had pour some of the spicy water from the bottle into his eyes, Wow how did that happen. Then he went to the sink to wash it off only for it to get worse. Then my phone started ringing🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ am so getting expelled this time from this school number 8.

“You are so dead beauty” the bald man said.

With that I took my heels and ran out of his office with my phone 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️only to see two missed alarms. Totally forgot about it since Saturday now am in trouble. That was how a junior was sent to call me by the principal. I swallowed nothing in particular and here I am with the principal. My mom came in afterwards begging the principal who has now put on another dress . My mom looked at me and said “Won't u kneel down and beg your principal”.

I looked at the bald man and scoffed. Since I was totally uninterested with what they were discussing, I walked out of the principal’s office.

I walked straight to my class. I got to the entrance, everyone kept quiet, I can feel some shivering with fear and some were murmuring but ain’t brave enough to raise their head to say whatever they’re saying to my face.

I went to my desk, packed my books……….. Lol, don’t tell me you believed I brought books to school… I got only one book and that book contains the list of people that offended me.

I brought out a spray can from my bag and went to the assembly ground. The assembly ground is wide and it’s empty so I get to work.

After setting the ladder to the middle of the school’s name which was painted at the top most part of the school building so that people can see which school it is. I turned The Dickson Group of school what a lame name so I changed it to the Dick Group of School.

“Beauty!!!” I heard someone call out my name angrily…..

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