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sunny john


there are thirty-three stories in this compilation" synonyms: collection, selection, anthology, treasury, compendium, album, corpus, miscellany, pot-pourri, miscellanea, garland, ana, collectanea, analects, florilegium

Chapter 1 SEX DEMON 1

*🤏🏻👈🏻👹Sex demon*

I *summoned*

a *sex demon* 👄👅

(Erotic,paranormal and

romance novel)

.💦💦Episode 1💦💦💦



"Nessa's pov"

(through out the story)

I woke up that morning and just the thought of me going to school again today made me sick!

I hated school!

Of course I did.maybe it was the fact that I was always bullied or the fact that I had no friends or maybe it's cus am just dull!

I lazily got out of bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

My bathroom and my room had no mirrors! U know why?

Cause I hated my reflection in it.

I hated seeing how shapeless and unnoticeable I was and how no dress ever fitted me.

I hated myself.

I had my morning rituals and opened my closet to pick a dress to school.

I picked a long sleeved T-shirt even though I knew it was hot.

I'll tell you why later.

And a flared skirts that stopped right at my knees.

I picked a well padded bra to hide my A cupped breast.the shirt was white and the bra was pink.

I packed my hair up in double corn rows and picked up my bag to go to downstairs. Mom and dad were already at the table eating breakfast.

"Morning mom,good morning dad" I greeted them both and sat down to eat.

They both just nodded as I began to eat.

My parents and I rarely spoke. I had kind of parents that thinks they "feed you....they clothe you and provide for you... That's enough." they didn't even treat me specially as an only child!

I was alone in my own little world.

I quickly eat my breakfast and hurried to school using the bus.

I was in school early....again. I hated going to school early but I just couldn't stop myself.

I quietly went to my locker to dump my bag and pick up the textbook for my next class.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw "Marina".

Marina was our school's queen bitch. She's very very sexy and beautiful! Like how could someone be that sexy and beautiful at the same time while I was practically begging for B cup breasts. I can't even call myself sexy!

I watched her as she picked on a junior student.And no one could stop her.We didn't have the guts!

She was soooo brave.

Rumors are.....she's fucked every guy and girl in our class ..."except me of course" and all the teachers... Including the principal!

Crazy right??? But it's true!

Every school had to have the queen bitch and popular bad boy....ours was no exception!

Our bad boy...... Was Mason Ethan!

He had tattoos and piercings almost every where. He was a total porn star!

He could just be walking on the hall way, see a sexy girl ,grab her ass and fuck her right there in the hallway while others watched and maturbated.

Sadly,I had a huge crush on him

My school was the badest school in my state. One could say swear was no virgin in our school.

It was that bad!

Bad right in the middle of all these temptations was me!

I was a virgin... The only virgin in our school!.... But that was about to change.

School went fine till "physical education."

We all had to change to our "PE clothes" in the girls dressing room and head over to the gym.

I had gone late cause I wanted to change my clothes in peace.

I had almost finished changing when I began to hear moans.

I was low and slow at first but later became loud...really loud.

It was a girl moaning.... Along the moan she was saying things like



"Ahhhhhh God!"


"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkk"

It was obvious!

Someone was getting fucked pretty hard again. But who?

Those kinda things happened really often around here though.

I decided to go take a leak at least know who it was.

The thought excited me...and I began to feel myself get wet.

Now I had totally forgotten about dressing up for gym class ...I had only my bra and panties on.

I walked slowly and quietly towards were I heard the sound coming from till in came in contact with a door.it was slightly opened though.... So I could peak quietly.

I placed my head very close to the creak on the door and I saw Marina laid on the floor. with her back against the wall...she soeard her legs open and two girls......tomika and beth pleasured her using their fingers.

Did I say fingers... Sorry,I meant fist.they had their one both of their palms buried in her cunt ..going in and out while they used the other to squeeze her boobs.

Occasionally they would kiss her roughly or force her mouth into their chest to suck their boobs and she seemed to enjoy it alot. She had multiple orgasm.... I even lost count!

They were all naked.

I became envious of her. I had never had an orgasm before and here was a girl having 10 orgasm in 1 minute.

As I watched them....my hands slowly made their way to my cunt.

I had never done this before but I was willing to learn!

My pant was soaked with wetness raising from my cunt!

It touched my cunt and shuddered as the nerves around that area sent tingling sensations to my brains.I felt I wanted more.... No I needed more!

Just a touch and I was feeling this!

That encouraged me and I placed my middle finger at the entrance of my cunt and forced it in!

What I felt next made me scream pushing the door open as I feel to the floor.

I felt pain.....instant pain!

Was that what I was supposed to feel?

I totally didn't expect that!

They were shocked but didn't stop what they were doing till after a while and I just laid there on the floor ...watching them.

After they had stopped,marina laid there...trying to catch her breath. She has a satisfied smile in her face.

"you were watching us werent you ? You little bitch!!"she yelled standing up and walking towards me. I just laid there on only my undies... Trembling like a leaf.

Her body was wow!

I thought she looked too sexy with her clothes on and now with her clothes off standing nude in front of me.....

There's no word to discribe it.

Her sexiness could make "Johnny the pornstar" cum without even touching her yet.

"ahhh"she moaned as she traced my butt line to my cunt and I flinch as the sweetness washed over me.

"you're even wet for me"she added as she touched the wet spot on my panties.

"Girls!! Take her!"she ordered and *they came towards me and forced me into the position I saw Marina in earlier. I didn't even try to fight it....I was tired of being a virgin at 18* ! I wanted to feel what marina felt earlier. I needed sex! and I didn't care if my first time was gonna be with a girl.

She laid down in front of me.... And massaged my cunt hole using her palms.

Then she unexpectedly plunged her middle finger in and in shrieked in pain as her eyes widened.

"you little slut! So you're a virgin! And you had the guts to watch us fuck! Well sorry sweetie... Cus you're losing that here and now. I am gonna fuck the shit outta you do you hear me?" she yelled at me and I nodded faking to look terrified while within me...I was soooo happy and delighted. Finally! I thought but soon I was really terrified as I heard they bell.

"PE" was over and soon people are gonna come into the dressing room... They were gonna come catch us...

I thought marina was gonna stop *but no she smirked evily and said

"yes! They are gonna come watch wat happens when little bitchy baby* tries to watch what she's not ready for" I looked at her truly horrified.

"oh don't look at me like that!

Am only doing your sorry Rectangular figure a favor"she said.what did she mean by that?

I heard the Bell again and I knew people would soon start trooping into the dressing room.

I had to stop this!

So I kicked her in her cunt and she yelled in pains .I wriggled my arms out of tomika and Beth's grip and ran out of the class,locking it behind me to make sure they couldn't follow me.

I quickly put on my clothes and taking my bag I ran out of the school and into the streets. I took a bus and went home.


I laid on my bed that night after dinner as I thought about all that has happened!

I was extremely horny and wished I hadn't run home.

I tried maturbating but I couldn't..... The pain oozing from my cunt when I tried to finger myself was too much!

Then I remembered what marina said

💭"oh don't look at me like that!

Am only doing your sorry Rectangular figure a favor"💭 what did she mean by that??

I quickly walked to my study table and turned on my laptop. I logged into Google and typed.

"What happens a girl's figure when she loses her virginity"

I lot of answers came up and I tapped in one that looked promising.

It read:

"Different things happen to a girl once she loses her virginity so i advice not to do it till you're ready!"

"First...her figure changes!

Her boby hormones had been let loose and will go crazy!

Although it mostly depends on your body type! But in most cases.... It can transform a figure rectangule to an hourglass figure! Especially if it happened with a guy!"


It can what?

I didn't need to read more further!

I knew one thing for sure!

I needed to lose my virginity!... And now!

But I needed to do it with a guy....just to be sure!

Just then.....a box popped on the screen of the laptop.

It read:

📨Are you tired of being a virgin at such an old age? Do you wanna lose the V word ??? Tap here📨

I quickly *tapped it and waited impatiently for it to load.it finally did and showed an article.it talked about summoning a "DEMON* " who would give you a life time experience in sex!!

I burst out laughing... I almost popped while laughing.


A "Demon".

That was crazy and just....sick!

I had ever been one to believe in paranormal stuff. I believe there's always a reasonable explanation behind every mystical happening and I was not shy to prove my point anywhere....everywhere!

So you could understand my amusment when I saw that article!

Then I made up my mind......I was gonna summon the "DEMON".

It was perfect!

My parents were already asleep so I was free to do anything I wanted as far as I did it quietly.

If the article turns out to be a scam and the demon didn't appear? I proved my point.

If it did ......then I would have sex with it....losing my stupid figure to something better.

Its a win win situation!!

Warning: 😈don't try this at home!!!!😈

I quickly set out to follow the procedures.

I got as much candles as I could find from my little cabinet and lit them up using a little lighter. And placed them in a circle around me.


I took my full view mirror and placed it within the circle.


I opened all the windows in my room.


I stripped myself naked and sat like I was meditating in the circle and in front of the mirror. Then I patiently waited till it was 12:00 midnight,took a deep breath,closed my eyes before I started the chant!

"I waited to feel this my entire life"

"But a chance to have this I've been denied"

"I've stayed up late to this time"

"I hope u'll help me oh evil one!"

Immediately I finish the chant winds began blowing from outside and into the room.j felt cold so I quickly reached for my towel and wrapped it round my body.

The candles all went off at the same time and the smoke from them started a little smoke storm!

The windows were making creaking sounds due to the wind which was ferociously blowing us the curtains.

But still in the middle of this all.....I wasn't scared. I was hopeful. Finally, I'll have what I wanted.

The smoke storm became very intense and the winds grew.

Soon,the winds stopped and the smoke storm died down reveling







I froze!

"Holy shit!!!"




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Other books by sunny john





INTRODUCTION There’s always that guy… the one who always understands. Yes, the one who just knows the right things to say and when to say them; the one who fits into last minute plans without complaining? The one who will listen to you speak your heart out when you are troubled. The one who will watch the sunset with you and won’t mind breaking the night with you when you can’t sleep. The guy who always picks his phone, the guy who is never too busy for you, the guy who will show up even when he knows you are calling only because you got disappointed. The one who is selfless with his money? The guy who won’t mind sacrificing his important activities just to accommodate you. The guy who laughs at all your silly jokes, the guy who doesn’t mind you being clumsy or grumpy. Always understanding. The one whose answer is usually “no problem...” the guy who is everything but the one. He is just not the one. As a matter of fact he is nothing like the one. You don't like him, you don't fancy him, he doesn't tickle anything in you.. He is just not the one! Thandiwe is the name, the age isn’t the problem. I presume, unless you just haven’t identified him, there is always that guy. That guy in this case is Henry.. but he isn’t the one.. the one is Ndaweni.. the most handsome guy I have ever come cross. Accountant by profession, tall, perfectly built and absolutely amazing. So amazing he actually makes it obvious. Many are the times I feel like I’m pushing for this relationship to work. I know many of you will say I should leave but naaa.. you just don’t leave like that. Guys are hard to find these days you know. Guys that you actually like, very rare. But why do they grow big-headed? It always starts out so well up until they know you like them. Suddenly the relationship is a pain... you literally have to hold it together and you feel like a nag. Yes they come around once in a while but that’s just to boost their ego. The moment you seem to play the silent treatment they come back with their tails folded and as we are so loving, we tend to fall in love and lay down our hearts again before they trip once again. Anyone know what I’m talking about? Great let me tell you about my life then.





THE KISS {That changed everything ✓} *A sequel to MARIANA* SYNOPSIS; MARIANA DOMINGUEZ the eldest and the only daughter of the multi billionaire family suddenly had to deal with her parents constant pestering for her to get a boyfriend. And just when she thought she has had enough, she had to deal with her school's most baddest boy's cockiness. What happens when she finally fell in love but her family suddenly became against it? What could be the problem? And what happens when the good girl Mariana suddenly turn bad? What could make her do that? Was it THE KISS that changed everything? Let find all the answers in this new thrill! Stay tuned and you won't regret it! Extract from the book.... "I don't want you with him Mariana!" Paula warned fiercely. "But why mum?" "Because he's the son of our enemy from the past." "What! Are you for real mum? How can you involve me in your past life? I wasn't even born when it all began! No mom, leave us out of it if only you want what happened to you and Dad to occur again!" She said angrily and walked out. "Come back here Mariana. How dare you walk out on me?" She shouted but she was already gone. Paula paced about the room in worry. She thought of telling Pablo before things get out of hand. "Hi mum." Marion greeted and removed his backpack. "You know what mum?" "What is it?" "A girl told me that I was cute today at school." He said happily. Paula's eyes narrowed on him. "And what's so special about that? I've said that so many times to you?" "Yes you've told me countless times before but yours doesn't give me the sparks and get butterflies to erupt in my stomach so that makes it more special!" He grinned at his mum. Paula's jaw was almost dropping to the floor. "What?" She blink so many times unable to believe her ears. "What's happening to my children? On the other hand is Mariana and now this little boy too?" .......





Daniela's POV ~ 7:02pm. It was just two minutes past 7pm, and yet it was those two minutes that I knew would push him over the edge. Just two. I let out a nervous breath as I pushed open the front door to his overly luxurious apartment, stepping inside before I closed it quietly behind myself. I held my keys tight in my hand to stop them from jingling as I carefully dropped them into my purse. I guess I don't know why I was trying to be quiet, he knew I was home, he always knew. I made my way through the apartment and towards the stairs leading to the second floor. I went as quickly as I could up the stairs while trying my best to not let the excessive amount of chains and metal pieces on my Louis Vuitton purse jingle. Having a couple of dangly key chains on a purse is all well and good when you're trying to make the purse look pretty, but as soon as you're trying to be quiet it's pretty much game over for you. The second I stopped outside our bedroom door, I took a deep breath before I opened it, thankful that he was so rich that his doors didn't creak at all. He probably used some fancy ass oil to grease the hinges. Maybe you would expect someone like him to be relaxing downstairs in the living room with a beer, or maybe out with his brother or his friends since it was Friday night - possibly even with another girl. But he wasn't like that, he saved all that shit for later. Instead he was sitting at the edge of the bed, watching me as I opened the door. I didn't even have to look at him for long to know what was going through his head. The moment my brown eyes met his blue ones, I knew today wasn't going to be a good one for me. Actually I knew that since this morning when I accidentally woke him up while I was getting ready for work. He was too tired then but I knew he would bring it up tonight. The fact I was late home just made it even worse. "Daniela." My name left his mouth in a cold tone dripping with anger as he rose to his feet. "Ayden." I gripped the leather handles of my purse in my hand, watching his tall form as he closed the gap between us slightly. "You're late."

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