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Black & White

Harvey Cantwell, is the high school bad boy. Popular he may be, he doesn't bother date a cheerleader. Their beautiful, but dangerous. They'll flirt with anyone. They'll break anyone. Drive you crazy, until you can't take it anymore. Such a trap. But that's not the case for Loren. Loren Grey is the new girl at Live And Let Learn High school. She makes friends, and soon, she's all that anyone is talking about. Expect Harvey. She's tried talking to him, but all he gave her was a smirk. She didn't doesn't even get what his problem is. Loren later learns that Harvey hates all cheerleaders. Every single one. And since she's all anyone it talking about, she became the captain of the cheer leading team. But when she and Harvey have to work together for a project, she understands why he hates cheerleaders. He's afraid of getting hurt.

Chapter 1 .·:*¨ ¨*:·. : .·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"Loren! Get up! Your gonna be late for your first day of school! Come on!" Loren Grey heard her dad yell. The turned to her side, the sun blinding her. Ugh, she thought. Her two sweet Pomeranian's, Angel and Smudge, were sleeping on their dog bed that was on the side of her room. Loren was going to have her first day at her new school, Let And Learn High School. If she had to be honest, the name was pretty stupid. She, her parents, and their two dogs just recently moved to Los Angeles. She was nervous, but not that much.

She had moved many times, she even got to live in Dubai for a month and a half. You could say she was lucky. Her mom and dad were both Brand Representatives, so she got to travel a lot. But that also meant leaving friends behind. Loren yawned and went into the bathroom to take a nice long hot shower, even though it was already 80 degrees outside. That was a habit of hers. No matter if it was summer or winter, she always took a hot shower. Loren couldn't really take a nice long shower, because her dad was still hollering from the stairs. "I'm coming!" She snapped back at him. Loren knew she wasn't supposed to snap at her dad, but he was really being a pain in the ass. She grabbed her back pack and walked down the stairs in the most slowest way possible. She was now rethinking her thoughts about her knew school. She looked at herself in the big mirror in front of the stairs. Was her hair good enough? She had left her hair untied, but the wavy blond curls were getting on her nerves. She would just have to deal with it. She walked inside the kitchen where her mom was making something good and her dad was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee at the same time. "Mornin' Lori." Her dad said. "Mornin dad." She replied back. "So what's the news?" Loren smiled. It was something her dad always asked her. "Going to another stupid school." She said. "Loren, don't say that, you'll fit right in." Her mom said, putting a plate in front of Loren and kissing her on the cheek. Loren smiled again. Even though they had to travel and move all the time, her parents always made it seem as if everything was fine. That gave her confidence. She and her dad got in their Mercedes. "So you ready for your new school?" Her dad asked. "Yep." She said quickly. Her dad rustled her hair and her smiled. "You'll do just fine kid." She also smiled and thought, I hope. They got to the school, the big Let And Learn High School logo right in the front. Loren took a deep breath. "Have a good day Lori." Her father said. "Tell me the news after." "Will do dad." She closed the car door behind her, and not looking where she was going, she bumped into a boy. "Oh i'm so sorry." She said. "Nah mate, i'm sorry." She glanced at the boy, her eyes catching his bright blue eyes. He had an Australian accent. Who knew Australian boys could be handsome? "The name's Timothèe Drove. Call me Tim for short. You look new. Never seen you before." "Loren, Loren Grey." She said holding out her hand. He put and arm around her, as if she was an old friend. "Nice to meet ya Loren. So are you new?" "Yeah.." She said quietly. He grinned. "That's nothing mate, come let's go meet some of my friends before class starts." They walked toward the stairs and a boy came up to Tim. "Tim, guess what? I managed to put ball pit ball's in that assholes locker." "Ah, nice. Chance, this is Loren, Loren this is Chance." "Bonjour m'lady. You can call me Chan for short." "Or Chain. That's another name, he can be a big pain in the ass." Chance laughed. "I can be sometimes, but for a good reason." "Yeah sure, mum, you just don't want us to get expelled. This was the last school who would take us." Chan frowned. "Well that was because you couldn't keep your eyes off her." Chance had a french accent, which she liked. She had been to France once, and she quite liked it. Chance and Tim started arguing when another boy, extremely handsome, came along. "Chain, Tim shut the fuck up already." The two boys stopped arguing. "Morning Harvey." Tim said. "Mornin." He said. He saw Loren standing there and said, "Tim see you got a new girlfriend huh mate?" He teased. Tim blushed. "No, this is Loren shes new. I was just going to show her around the school." The cute boy shook her hand. "Names Harvey Cantwell." "Loren Grey." "You can call Harvey, HRVY." Chance said looking at Harvey. Harvey shrugged. "Call me whatever you want, but call these two little shits." Loren laughed. She liked his keen sense of humor. "So what are we doing tonight?" Tim asked, trying to change the subject, which Loren was happy for. "Put paint in his hat." Harvey replied simply. She now realized these three were trouble. Chain laughed at what Harvey said. "Next time well toilet paper his locker." "Um, whose him?" She asked, which she probably shouldn't have. But curiosity. What could she say? "Harvey's enemy, Mitch." Chance said. "No, his name is bitch." Harvey said with a hard voice. It was clear Harvey loathed Mitch. "Was he rude, somehow?" "Yeah, pretty much, Mitch's girlfriend Loretta liked Harvey...and things got interesting. And so now their sworn enemies for life. Also Harvey wasn't even interested in Loretta. Shes a cheerleader, and worse the captain." Tim explained quickly. Loren raised an eyebrow. "Why do you hate cheerleader's so much?" "No reason." Harvey said, his hazel eyes cold and his voice hard like a stone. "Anywayyy, me and Loren are going to go, well see you guys at lunch." Tim said, grabbing Loren's hand. She waved goodbye to Harvey and Chan, then followed Tim.

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