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Ardent Eros

I leaned forward and smirked when he did the same. I could almost taste his lips and forced myself not to look down and actually stare his full kissable lips. "You've seen my breasts two times already now, but we still are not comfortable enough to share personal information?" "They're nice breasts." Alex whispered, making me snort, "But you'll be surprised how many women flash me on our first meeting. I'd like to get to know a woman before I share any kind of information with her." I actually didn't doubt him. I was convinced that there were a lot of women out there who'd strip for this sexy, irritating man. I glanced down at his lips and cursed myself when his lips curled up into a smirk. I quickly leaned back in my chair and glared at him. I knew I needed to be careful around Alexander, but I couldn't control my emotions when I was close to him. My body just had a mind of its own. Hopefully, I could back up my own big words and make sure Alexander Scott would not hurt me.

Chapter 1 The Club

The club was crowded today, the people on the dance floor were really enthusiastic, the energy around the club was amazing. Nights like these were the nights I didn't quite mind working at the club. It wasn't that I did not enjoy my job but if I could pass on working nightshifts on school nights I would. Glancing at the busty blonde in front of me I noticed she only had eyes for the amazing Tyler, my co-worker. She was swooning over him, not even hiding the fact that she was undressing him with her eyes.

Biting back a chuckle I handed the blonde her drink and raised an eyebrow at her when she beckoned me over. Not wanting to be rude to her I leaned over so I could actually hear her over the loud music blasting through the room.

"He is hot." She practically screamed in my ear, "Could you do me a favor and get me his number?"

It was hard for me not to burst into laughter right then and there. Glancing over my shoulder I observed the amazing Tyler, wanting to see what many women before me saw in him. Tyler was tall, had a nice athletic built and a smile which Prince Charming would be jealous of. But that was just the exterior, what I saw wasn't a drop dead gorgeous man who could make women's panties drop just by smiling at them. I saw a man who knew he was drop dead gorgeous and used it to his advantage. He never apologized for his behavior, he lived his life to the fullest. Not getting too attached to anyone because life was too short to waste it on a monogamous lifestyle. Knowing all that I could never see what other women saw in him. He was an amazing friend but a horrible lover. Relationships were not something he did, at this time I doubted he even knew how to maintain one.

Turning back to the blonde I shook my head at her, "Sorry, I'm not allowed to do that. Work policy, but you know, you can ask him for his number after his shift is over."

She reached for her drink and smirked, "I'll do that." The flirtatious look she threw Tyler didn't leave anything to my imagination. If they did meet up after his shift, there was no doubt about what they would be doing tonight. I raised an eyebrow at Tyler when I recognized the look in his eyes. Those two were definitely meeting after his shift. Knowing and actually witnessing your best friend being a playboy was something else. Trying to brush it off I focused back on the customers, trying not to mess up their orders. Tyler who walked past me gave my arm a light squeeze. He froze beside me, his eyes scanning the crowd which worried me.

"What's wrong?"

He narrowed his eyes at something, following his gaze I noticed Simon, our club manager, heading toward us. His look even more alarming than Tyler's. Something was definitely up. Simon walked around the bar and stood behind us, his eyes doing a quick scan from head to toe.

"Simon?" Tyler turned around to face the worried looking club manager.

"He is coming over tonight."

Now Simon was simply scaring me. When in horror movies one of the characters whispered that it was always bad news. It meant someone was going to die tonight. I was pretty sure no one was going to get brutally murdered tonight but something bad was going to happen tonight.

"Who?" Tyler asked confused, ignoring all the people who were surrounding the bar waiting for their drink to be served.

"The owner."

Those two words made actual shivers run down my spine. Glancing aside I noticed Tyler was not doing any better hut unlike me, he handled the situation better. He composed himself and quickly straightened his uniform, running his hand through his hair to fix that as much as possible as well. When he was satisfied with his appearance he turned to look at me.

"We both look good." He mumbled and turned around to go back to his task, "At least he can't complain about our attire. We're dressed properly."

"That aside you two also need to be on your best behavior." I noticed how Simon focused on me when he said that, ignoring Tyler completely,

"I'm serious about that, you two, last time that man visited the club he fired one of the employees because he opened his mouth at the wrong time."

I snorted, "That's a lie."

"Well, that and the fact that the guy drenched his date in red wine." Rolling my eyes, I turned back around as well and helped Tyler with his orders, "That sounds more reasonable than someone talking freely, this is a free country and all."

I felt Simon's eyes piercing my back, "That attitude is what's going to get you into trouble, Em. Keep it in check, at least until the owner leaves the club. He'll be here in five."

"We'll be fine, Simon." I didn't mean to sound so harsh but the words slipped out of my mouth before I even realized what effect it would have on him.

"I'm just worried about you, Em." His tone softened.

Flashing him a smile over my shoulder I tried to reassure him as much as I could, "Thanks, I'll try and keep my mouth shut if I'm near that man."

I guess my words pleased him because he left the scene as quickly as he arrived. Tyler beside me burst out in laughter, making a few ladies at the counter swoon. I had to admit the sound of his laughter was better than the crappy music which was blasting through the speakers.

"He so wants to bang you."

Hearing those crude words spill from his mouth I turned toward Tyler and covered his mouth with my hand, "Should I remind you where we are at the moment? You better take back your inappropriate words, Ty."

My eyes widened when I felt something wet against my hand, making me squeal and jump back. My reaction only humored Tyler more. Ignoring the smug look the blonde had on his face I rubbed my hand against my black skirt.

"The fuck, Bran, you licked me."

He smirked, "You taste good, babe." He told me which made me realize how inappropriate our conversation must sound to others and they did notice because the women who were swooning over him a minute ago giggled at the sight of us.

"Don't deny it, even you must have realized what his intentions are."

I realized from the very beginning that Simon treated me differently from the other employees. He was nicer to me, talked to me more and yes, the way he looked at me told me he often undressed me with his eyes as well. That didn't t mean I had to acknowledge his feelings toward me. It was best to ignore them to avoid embarrassing situations. At least until I finished college and could quit this demanding job.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I told Tyler, pushing him aside so I could wash the glasses.

Tyler thankfully didn't continue that conversation and changed the subject instead, "Why do you think the owner is visiting the club? He has people paying the club a visit for business things, right?"

"Don't know, I've never met him. I'm sure that it's not business though, it's after midnight."

"I haven't met him either but I Googled him, you didn't?"

"Didn't feel the need to Google him, I figured we would never run into a guy like him." I glanced at Tyler who seemed awfully into this subject, "Guess I should have Googled him."

"He is young and according to the stuff, I read online a 'sex on legs' kind of man. Whatever that means."

I couldn't help but to smirk, "Is someone jealous?"

"I'm not." Tyler sounded calm and collected but I could hear the slight change in his tone, "I'm not! Don't look at me like that." He pushed my head down so I could focus on the glasses I was washing instead.

"So how young is he exactly?"

"I read that he is twenty-eight or so. I'm not sure if that is his exact age but I could tell from the pictures that he is long from retiring."

"Older men could totally be sex gods too."

"That's the attitude which Simon told you to reel in, Em," Tyler warned me.

"Oh, someone is jealous again." Drying my hands, I placed the towel on the counter again, "But looks aren't everything. Firing someone because the he spilled drinks, I mean, isn't that a bit too much.

Shouldn't he at least have given the guy a warning?"

Tyler shrugged, "Em, he owns the club. If he wants to fire someone because his date's dress got ruined, he has the right to do that. Just make sure if you do have to serve him drinks, don't spill the drinks over his guests."

With that the whole atmosphere in the club changed, I noticed how people were gathering together and figured that the owner must have arrived. I couldn't see anything from where I was standing and decided to focus on my job instead. The odds of us meeting was low anyway so I couldn't be bothered with a guy like that.

"Guess Mr. Scott has arrived."

When the ruckus died down I glared at the stairs which led to the VIP section where Mr. Scott was entertaining his guests.

"You know that he can't see you, right?"

l averted my gaze, "I'm aware of that, I'm cursing him though. Hoping he spills his drink over his date so he knows that sometimes accidents happen. There is no reason to make such a big deal over it."

We went back to work when another wave or Customers arrived to order their drinks. I smiled at the guy whose order I was going to take, "Can I help you?"

The way his eyes wandered over my body didn't sit well with me, it was unnerving really. Tyler was never bothered with the looks he received and though it actually didn't bother me when Simon looked at me like that when this guy in front of me looked at me like he was undressing me it made me feel sick. Trying to shake the feeling off I reached for my shirt and buttoned it up till my neck, hoping that little action would make the guy back off. Meeting my gaze, he ordered his drink and purposely brushed his fingers over mine when I handed him his drink. Guess some people really couldn't take a hint.

"What time does your shift end, sweetheart?" He asked me as he leaned over the bar to get closer to me.

I refrained from rolling my eyes, "That's none of your business, sir." I told

him firmly, "And for the record, I don't date customers."

My words only widened his smirk which confused me. He left me a large tip and joined his group of friends near the back. I didn't t want to take the tip, not from a guy like that and thankfully Tyler understood because he took it off the counter and placed it in the jar next to the sink instead. Tyler grabbed gently onto my arm and pulled me closer to him, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"When your shift is over you need to head home straight away." He whispered to me, "I don't trust that guy."

l agreed, "I will. I still have an hour to go though."

Fifteen minutes before my shift was over Simon headed to the bar again, an awfully big grin spread across his face, making him look years younger. That look could only mean that the night went well. The owner must have enjoyed his stay here and we didn't mess things up. Simon walked around the bar again, probably to inform us about what happened in the VIP section.

"Mr. Scott was very pleased with the service tonight. That's a good sign."

Tyler nodded, "Which means no one gets fired tonight."

"That's right," Simon responded brightly.

Simon took his phone out of his pocket and focused on his screen instead, "Em, you can head home early. There isn't much left to do anyway. Mr. Scott left a large tip for the employees, I'll transfer it to

your account later."

Simon left the bar area and headed to his office. Taking my apron off I was about to head to the employees' room to grab my stuff when Tyler grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Drive safe, I'll call you later to check in on you."

Tyler always checked in on me to make sure I arrived home safely. Whenever I had a nightshift I always texted Tyler when I drove home after my shift. It would ease his mind and it made me feel safe knowing Tyler was always aware of my whereabouts.

"Talk to you in the morning." I left his sight and went to the employees' room to grab my stuff. After I shrugged into my jacket and placed the strap of my bag over my shoulder I left the club through the back entrance.

I felt like being watched as I opened the door and quickly looked over my shoulder. There was nothing there though. As a girl who watched too many horror movies, I recognized this situation. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath hoping nothing would stand in front of me as I opened my eyes again. I slowly opened my eyes and snorted. I was definitely tired and in serious need of some sleep. I stepped out and hastily made my way to the parking lot, heading straight for my car. A shaky breath left my lips when I heard loud voices coming from the dark narrow hallway. I quickly searched my bag and found my keys, my frantic movements made the keys slip through my fingers. I cursed and bend over to grab them. My eyes widened when I felt someone's presence behind me and glanced up to see a shadow hovering over me. This was definitely not a good sign. Gulping I carefully reached for my keys and slowly picked it up, glancing at the window of my car to see the reflection of whoever was standing behind me.

"Turn around sweetheart." That was a familiar voice.

Quickly turning around, I met the gaze of the creepy customer I served earlier. His eyes were heavy and his smile sloppy. He was drunk and not alone. The two guys standing behind him only made the situation

worse. I considered running back to the back entrance of the club but I doubted I could make it without these guys cornering me.

"I told you that I don't date customers." I titled my head, trying to look as confident as possible, "Now if you excuse me-"

I gasped when he suddenly grabbed my elbow and pulled me to him. I tried pushing him away but he wrapped his hand tightly around my arm, probably bruising it.

"Your shift is over, no more excuses, Emma."

For a second I wondered how the guy knew my name but then I realized the employees all had a nametag so he had seen my name on my tag earlier. With everything I had, I pushed against his chest, trying to make him back off while I stepped back to have some distance between us

"Let go of me!"

"Stop pretending you don't want this sweetheart." He chuckled, his friends stepping closer as well, "You've been showing off that hot body of yours all night!"

I tightened my grip on my car keys and smacked him across the face with it. He cursed and stumbled back, clutching his right cheek with his hands. I'm sure that hurt his face pretty bad but this wasn't the time to be concerned about a jerk who attacked a girl in the parking lot. I took the opportunity to get into my car and locked the doors quickly. His friends started slamming their hands against my windows, trying to scare me and I hated to admit it but their tactic worked. I was scared out of my mind. I've never been more terrified in my life before.

Quickly starting the car, I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down as I watched the guys jump in front of my car while calling me names. The guy who I hit with my keys was bleeding, and he didn't look pleased at all. The murderous look in his eyes had me freaking out, but I refused to break down right in front of him. Putting my car in reverse I backed away from the guys. The exit was right behind them. They were daring me to drive toward them and at that moment I didn't give a fuck about their safety. All I could think about was getting home without these jerks getting their way with me. I stepped on the gas and drove straight toward them, smiling when they jumped aside so they didn't get run over. I managed to reach the exit safely and raced home, exceeding the speed limit.

When I reached my apartment building I parked my car safely in the regular spot and almost dashed inside the building, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I just wanted my bed and lay down safely under the covers. Reaching my apartment, I fumbled with the lock, partly because my hands were shaking and partly because of the adrenaline rushing through my body. I managed to open the door after a full minute and quickly closed it behind me, locking it firmly. I leaned against the door for a minute to catch my breath and slid down, wiping the tears away. My phone vibrated in my bag, making me forget the awful situation for a second.

Did you arrive home safely? - Tyler

That was the moment I completely lost it and burst into tears. I wanted to call him and tell him what happened, but I'd ruin his shift and I knew he had a woman waiting for him. I couldn't impose so I texted him back, telling him I was okay and arrived home safely.

I took another minute to calm myself down and got to my feet. My first class would start at 8 AM so I needed to head to bed. I threw my bag across the room, and headed down the hallway, going straight to my bedroom. Kicking my shoes off I shrugged out of my shirt and struggled to get out of my tights. When I was only in my tank top and skirt I got under the covers and pulled them up till my neck, finally letting the tears spill again. Everyone always assumed that I was so strong, that nothing could ever hurt me or scare me. This event though made me feel like a little girl again and all I wanted was for my brother to be here and hold me. If I did tell him what happened, he would order me to stay with him and I didn't feel like living with him and his girlfriend. I just had to suck it up and forget that it ever happened.

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