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Billionaire's Baby Angel

Billionaire's Baby Angel

Andra-Cristiana Stan


Landing back home to my dad from abroad upon finishing my PhD studies should have been the happiest moment in my life, right? Nah.... A punishing to my soul and heart news hits me right from my father's lips. I need to marry Fredrick Shawn tomorrow morning, a 31 hot billionaire and dangerous mafia head, to settle a 40 million debt my and my dad's companies have to him as an investor. I, Mona Sandler, 26, curvy, genius, businesswoman, rebel, badass, with a life in the shadows even my own dad knows nothing about, break before this crushing to my all settlement between Fredrick and my dad to prevent the entire collapse of our companies. However, he's going to have me on papers only and I'll make his life a living hell. The name I possess in the shadows is Pandora Angel.... He wants me? He doesn't know what he's asking for.... But.... When I meet him for the signing of the marriage contract in his own office, something in me responds to him. Yet, I'm on revenge mode, and I'm not going to surrender to the crawling feelings he summons in me. To pay debts back? Okay. To be his real wife? HELL NO!

Chapter 1 Don't Unpack Your Bags

Mona's POV:

"I don't want to do this, dad! What do you mean I need to marry that Mafia?! Why?!" I've just landed home from Europe upon finishing my studies, and my dad is telling me to not unpack my bags as I'm going to marry some fucker tomorrow!

My heart is everywhere and I'm lunatic at him to hear that. He's so damn calm with some gloomy brown eyes, but with a heavy and ordering tone of voice.

"It's settled, Mona. You're the only daughter I have. If you don't marry Frederick Shawn tomorrow morning, we can as well go on the streets tonight. I have a 40 million debt to him for our companies, baby. Business is not going well and he's not giving me any delays." He's drinking whisky on the sofa and I'm standing before him, in the living room.

I'm baffled. I didn't know about that. I now see he's worn out and at his limit with solutions. I've been out of the States for the last four years for studies and nothing lacked for me. I had no news for things going south back home.

I'm raking my hair with my hands, shaking my head, breathing with difficulty.

"Why didn't you tell me, dad? And how in hell have you two reached to this kind of settlement? To marry him for our debts? That's crazy, dad! I don't even know him! I just know his fucking name, that he's a billionaire businessman, and that he's a mafia head, one of the biggest out there! And you want me to marry someone like that?!" He's gulping whisky and now slams the glass on the table, leaning his back on the sofa in surrender. His gaze is down, and he sighs.

"My hands are tied, Mona. He found out about you when you called me last month. He knew I had a daughter but just as casual info. Because of your car accident back then, having you miles away in hospital, I had to take the call with you in front of him. When we finished our conversation, he started questioning me about you, being somehow concerned. I didn't think much of it, and I told him about you in general and what happened to you. We then resumed our former discussion about his investment and that things are bad on that line, with such a high investment, with me having other loans and investors doing the same with my business because I'm on a red line for two years now, just dragging to not declare bankruptcy. He left on me thinking on a last solution to deal with this in an amicable manner and not have him send me in official bankruptcy and take all my assets to compensate some of the investment. Of course, I had and have no solution as we don't have money in those amounts."

He's titling his sad eyes at me and my heart breaks.

"We have a total of 200 million accumulated debts to everyone, baby. And cash only around three million in all the companies. Real estate industry is flopping, and I have no means to earn money as I used to, baby. It's not that I don't work or do my best, but the economy is not helping. Transactions are not as they used to be, and the amounts are less and less as income."

He grabs the whisky bottle and pours himself another shot in his glass. I'm going crazy inside and I'm in a state of shock, unable to breathe right, as this is so bad.

"I can't bring in more investors to cope with the losses and do business because we're not feasible anymore as companies. No one invests in a red line company."

He drinks the glass in one shot and leans back on the sofa with the empty glass in his hand, gazing in the room with a lost stare.

"So, by the end of second day, he called me. He said he did a background check on you, and he wants you as his wife to drop his claims on the investment, interest, and penalties for the previous delays. He will also deal with everything we have as debts and will further invest in our companies as we'll become family. That's the good offer. If I refuse, he'll end us financially speaking and we'll end on the streets. He gave me two days to decide and sent me all documents for me to analyze. The documents are the marriage contract with all he offers and takes responsibility in doing, also between you and him, and the legal actions on the other side if I decide to refuse. That's the bad offer. I did analyze them and for us, it's apocalyptical. I didn't tell you until now because I didn't want to pressure you. I wanted you to focus on finishing your studies and come back home safe. But now, I have no way to not tell you. I accepted it as I won't let you suffer on the streets with me and have the rug pulled from under your feet because I flopped in business. He's not a bad guy at core against him being Mafia and all he is. The age difference is not big, only five years."

I'm going crazy in my mind glued with my stare to my crushed to his core dad.

"He's 31. His looks are featured in all magazines and he's one of the biggest and prosperous businessmen against his young age. What does concern me is that being Mafia, he does have a load of dangers around him. But I know his dad and Frederik took the mafia position from him. If his dad reached an old age and still going, with a wife, same one since his youth, beside him, it does bring some comfort to my heart you won't be affected by that side of his. His parents are with a solid marriage and his mom seems a happy woman with his dad. I don't know, baby.... I'm trying to see the light in the darkness, or I'll go fucking crazy.... And I managed to delay him in claiming you until you would come back home. He said that the next morning you'll go to him, sign the marriage contract, and become his legal wife and all included. That's tomorrow morning. He knew when you'd come back home even before I told him.... I've already signed the connected contracts to the marriage contract as a guarantee and settlement. If you won't do your part, everything will blow and we're...in a bad, very bad, situation. For the last month, because of his involvement with you now, he blocked the other parties in executing us for the debts we have with them. But tomorrow morning, if you don't do your part, we need to pack our bags and leave all premises we own. It's in the contracts signed by me. One way or another, we were in same situation. Sooner or later. Now, you decide if we pack our bags, or you want a further good life in financial aspects, as I'm not certain for the actual life considering the circumstances between you two...."

We're so fucked, dad.... FUCK!

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Other books by Andra-Cristiana Stan

Billionaire's Baby Snake

Billionaire's Baby Snake



My father is in an advanced state of leukemia and I've been taking care of him for the last four years. I dropped my entire CEO career, sold my company, and isolated myself with him to be there for him and his needs. I can't lose my dad.... However, all the money I had, which weren't pennies, are reaching red line, and my dad needs his treatment and surgery which cost a lot, and I have no other ways of paying but taking a job after four years of complete retirement from the working field on all sides. At 34, a curvy, former brilliant CEO in the public eyes and a rare and important person in the shadows under the name of Saint, I, Lacey Holtrey, need to get my ass back to work to save my dad. My best friend, Brenda, secures for me a job interview at one of the most reputable movie companies having as head a young billionaire and big mafia boss, Hunter Markle, with the looks of an Adonis and the built of a Greek God. Upon my interview there for the job position as the assistant/secretary of CEO Hunter Markle, things play another way, and from a normal job position, he requires a 24h assistant job from me right before I want to walk away from his office. The damn money I need for my dad take the best of my pride of not working under a younger than me and with not that innocent looks at me boss, so I accept it. But soon enough, my entire past from the shadows comes back like a hurricane.... ā€œIā€™ve changed my mind, Miss Holtrey. The more I get to know you, the more value I find. Hence, the new salary. Plus, you will take a lot of work as Iā€™m a busy man and lead an empire. Youā€™ll see that the amount of work and time I will get from you, will equal the 100k.ā€ Itā€™s a Devilā€™s pact Iā€™m signing here. And his name is Hunter. Suitable for the real him. He does air a hunter. Lacey? Dadā€¦. You can protect yourself from harm.

Billionaire's Baby Angry

Billionaire's Baby Angry



I'm Stacey Alexander, 30, a curvy one, top special agent and a businesswoman. I'm under mission in a VVIP club with my team to hunt down a heavy Mafia head who's loose on drugs and killing for pleasure at his point. While waiting for the bastard, I spot my baby sister in the club at the arm of a young billionaire, posing like an escort by the looks of it, though she should have been in a study night for her Harvard studies! I go bazooka in my head and follow them upstairs to the private rooms, all angry and heartbroken! I'm paying everything for her princess ass! When I land in the private room that has her and other four out of this world men, I get the biggest heartbreak from her words and attitude towards me, I shoot down the main bastard I'm here for, set free my baby sister from under my guardianship, and take a flight abroad on a last minute mission the same night, to detach from my pained heart and disappointment. Upon my return from my mission, my superior announces me that to compensate for the damages I and my team produced in that goddamn club because of our operation there, the owner of it, Brian Stredge, 26, a billionaire and a heavier than that bastard Mafia head, asks my agency to have me as his 'bodyguard' under the cover of a fake fiancƩe, because he's got deadly threats around him! I go against it because it's under my level to do that! Me?! To babysit?! Get the...out of here! And he's no damsel in distress! He's got an army around him and deadly himself as the big Mafia head he is! This damn playboy and heartthrob is driving me crazy to go on such a mission! But I accept it in the end.... I'm not allowed to refuse.... Oh.... I think I'll end up killing his ass....

Bloody Hunters Saga - Red Moon Love Book 1

Bloody Hunters Saga - Red Moon Love Book 1



Her world as she knew was about to radically change. When her car crashed by accident in the gate of a billionaire hybrid, Thomas DiAngelo, Mika Reigna's life was under a death threat. The Red Moon was witness of the hunt while the 18-year-old girl was running for her life, after being bitten by the over 500-year-old vampire-werewolf with a youthful appearance and the looks of a heartthrob. Her footsteps were taking her in the heart of the forest on the vast dominion the hybrid had, to escape the Devil who was after her to devour her special human blood. Neither Thomas, nor Mika, knew what the craze under the Red Moon event was about to bring among them. She was human, but was she? Would he kill her, or would he protect her from himself? Would love, pure love, conquer their hearts for one another? Did they have a past connection? What significance did the Red Moon have for them? Was she going to accept her new fate that was destined for her since birth? Thomas DiAngelo was a cruel beast, but with a pure soul for what mattered. He was head of the Hybrids House, but also leader over the other eight supernatural houses around the world. In front of the human world, he was a ruthless businessman, feared by others. Every Red Moon event, he would lose control over himself and needed to be restrained by his people under chains and spells, to not go on a killing spree and attack the innocent. But that fateful night, when Mika crashed with her car in his main gate, nothing worked to keep him at bay, for her blood drove him insane in cravings and the unwanted hunt began.... The story and series will bring you vampires, werewolves, witches, banshees, and many other creatures for the houses stood for a certain species. You'll meet romance, supernatural, real world, business world, comedy, action, horror, betrayal, jealousy, friendship, brotherhood, and more. Red Moon Love is the first book in the Bloody Hunters Saga series.

Icy Shots on a Hot Billionaire

Icy Shots on a Hot Billionaire



New York City gives the start of a romance. Or does it? Selena Duchmond is a single 31-year-old Marketing Manager at a humongous real estate company for the last month. Sheā€™s a curvy girl, with a professional attitude, and nothing intimidates her, not even the hottest and wealthiest guys out there. Personal problems? Three million dollars in debts for her side family business since the economic crisis, and a shitty health. Are these problems keeping her out of being an Alpha girl in her all? Not at all. Nobody in the office knows about her problems. Sheā€™s just considered the fatty, arrogant ass. Oh! And the Ice Queen. Ice Queen? She keeps all male population in a friendzone manner or strictly business. Why? She doesnā€™t believe in true love. All attempts on her from guys are considered as fake and unreliable promises. Her only wish is to restore peace and stability in her family. When the hot billionaire is waiting for the Marketing Manager at the meeting who is kind of late, and lays his eyes on her, though sheā€™s not his type in general, a strong impression envelopes his being. Seeing sheā€™s not having any reaction at the sight of him, his interest spikes so much that the burning fire of having her urges him to accept the challenge of making her hisā€¦. What will he do to make her his? Will he take advantage of her financial situation to turn things into his favor? Will he be the fire that will melt the ice that traps her heart? Will she make him a one womanā€™s man? Will she surrender to him? Will their story be a romance of true, pure love? One thing is for sure, sheā€™s his Angel and heā€™s her Satan.

Shooting a Hot Billionaire - War Love Book 1

Shooting a Hot Billionaire - War Love Book 1



Vivian I don't care about love. I don't believe in love. I don't do relationships or consider marriage. I get the hit of my life with my parents killed in a car accident leaving me behind with my 18-year-old baby bro. He's eleven years younger than me. I have a secret life which might be the reason for my parents' deaths. By day, I'm 29-year-old, good for nothing, lazy, Vivian Doreen. By night? Yeah, well.... That's another, crazy, story.... Upon my parents' deadly accident, my baby bro tells me that I'm a collateral in a 10 million dollars investment contract my folks signed with some billionaire. If not paid, I need to marry his billionaire son. Like, really?! No way.... I don't even consider that, though it does give me a shock to even hear SUCH A NONSENSE! David MY FATHER IS OUT OF HIS MIND! Me?! To marry someone?! What?! I don't love someone but marry! However, my lunatic dad has a last letter my mom left for me just before she died.... He's used that letter to become what I am today and exceed the level he was and is. I did that. Now? For him to give it to me? When I'm 27? Waiting for that letter since I was eleven? I HAVE TO MARRY THE ONE HE WANTS ME TO! He said that since then. Marrying someone he wants is the final condition to finally hand me the letter.... I'M GOING NUTS! NO WAY I'LL MARRY! Or will I? One thing is for sure. WAR IS COMING! SHE'LL BE MY WIFE ON PAPERS ONLY! The rest? No way.... Nope. I don't even know her! Not that it is important.... I WON'T MARRY! At the will reading for Vivian and her little brother upon their parents' deaths, next on the list, the lawyer has the investment contract. David and his dad come in and the War of Love BEGINS! None is wanting, and both are crazy. But what happens next? Let's just say that David has a switch on everything inside.... War is on though.... War Love is the first book in the Shooting a Hot Billionaire series.

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Billionaire's Baby Angel

Chapter 1 Don't Unpack Your Bags



Chapter 2 No More Delays. However...



Chapter 3 Baby Angel



Chapter 4 I've Missed You Like Crazy



Chapter 5 What's Your Game



Chapter 6 I'm Not Your Baby



Chapter 7 If He Loves You That Much...



Chapter 8 Devil Player



Chapter 9 You'll Live A Monk Life



Chapter 10 Bad Boy F...



Chapter 11 What Am I Going To Do Now



Chapter 12 War!



Chapter 13 F*cking Devil...



Chapter 14 Bastard...



Chapter 15 I Need To Come Back To My Senses



Chapter 16 Vampy Woman



Chapter 17 Give Him Back To Me



Chapter 18 You Bad Baby Mona



Chapter 19 You Don't Give Up, Do You !



Chapter 20 Why Did You Have To Come Back !



Chapter 21 I Don't F*cking Care



Chapter 22 Pandora Angel



Chapter 23 Don't Tell Me I Have As Target My Own Husband



Chapter 24 He So Played Me...



Chapter 25 She's A Very Bad Baby



Chapter 26 I Want One Like This, Too



Chapter 27 Come Outside, F*cker...



Chapter 28 You Furious Baby...



Chapter 29 Don't Yell...



Chapter 30 Pandora Babe...



Chapter 31 I'm So Damn Angry...



Chapter 32 Like The Devil Player He Is...



Chapter 33 Who Dies In Here, Dies In Reality As Well



Chapter 34 Don't Kill Me, Baby...



Chapter 35 He's Impossible!



Chapter 36 You Baby Bastard...



Chapter 37 Why The F*ck Am I Having A Bad Feeling On This !



Chapter 38 Don't Take Her Away From Me...



Chapter 39 That's Why I'm Called Pandora Angel, F*ckers



Chapter 40 You've Been A Bad, Bad Baby, Huh
