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Double Trouble - Romance with the Twins

Double Trouble - Romance with the Twins



I swept the veil off my face, only to gasp at the same face who irked the shit out of me! "Rogan?!" I yelped, still in my widened eyes of disbelief. "Yea, honey, for better or worse," He smirked with that cocky grin once again, sending my feet feeble and my mind in a swirl as I broke into a cold sweat of panic. Oh my god! Did I just got myself married to an asshole?! This is not happening, this is not how things should be! Where's Romeo?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juliette Leclaire, the heiress of the Leclaire Corporation, falls in love with the heir of the multi-billion Morgan Enterprise, Romeo Morgan, her soon to be brother-in-law due to an arranged marriage between the two families. On the day of the wedding, her twin sister, Julius Leclaire went missing. Juliette had no choice but to stand in for her sister in this arranged marriage. She thought she was going to get married to the love of her life - Romeo, but little did she know that Romeo had gone missing too. The realisation that she had ended up marrying Romeo's notorious twin brother - Rogan Morgan, daunted on her when she swept her bridal veil off her face. How will she face the new chapter of her life ahead with her newly-minted playboy billionaire husband? What happens when Romeo returns? How will she deal with a double trouble romance with the twins?

Chapter 1 Speak Now

Juliette Leclaire's POV

"Miss, would you like a glass of champagne?" The waiter asked with a tray of champagne in his hand.

"Yes, please." I slurred without hesitation even though I had already lost count on the number of glasses I took.

I held my breath and sent the whole glass of champagne washing down my throat within a split second. Alcohol is probably the only remedy to numb my pain and wash my sorrow away for now.

Forget him, forget him!

I recited this line countless times in my mind but it was to no avail when I caught a glimpse of him. I simply lost all reins of control within me purely by the sight of his 6.8ft tall figure. The temptation was even harder to fight as I watched his masculine back bathed in the glow of the stained glass window.

I know it's so wrong, but it's now or never...

I breathed in hard and mustered every single ounce of courage within me as I staggered my way up to him, my one and only crush since young, my soon to be brother-in-law, Romeo Morgan.I steadied my stance behind him and threw him a verbal diarrhoea confession of mine as I squinted my eyes shut nervously, "Romeo... I know... I know it's not right for me to say this at your wedding, but... I can't deny that I have always been madly in love with you."

I never wanted to be a drama queen but the overwhelming wave of emotions within me caused my voice to quiver as I spewed out my deepest kept secret to him, "I thought it would be okay to watch you marry my sister, I thought I would get over with you... but... god, I never knew it would hurt me so much... I love you, Romeo."

He lowered the glass of champagne in his hand and a deafening silence ensued between us. I held my head low nervously, my face warmed rapidly as I anticipated a forthcoming wave of embarrassment to slap upon me.

Shit! What have I done?!

"I...I'm sorry, it...it must have been the alcohol," I tried to explain, looking like a complete fluster mess I bet.

Without hesitation, I was ready to jet pack my way out of his sight, out of this embarrassing situation that I had dug for myself. I turned my back swiftly but I was halted from leaving when I felt his manly grip around my arm and a sudden tug spun me around, thrusting myself against the slab of his solid chest.

"Ro...Romeo?" I uttered out of confusion, but before I could even lift my head against his tall towering statue to figure out what was happening, his lips were sealed against mine forcefully!Oh gosh! What's happening?! Wait... is this really happening?!

I shut my eyes in disbelief at the unfamiliar feel pressed against my lips. It started with a warm fuzzy feeling stirring within me and then turning sensual as he kissed me with such fervour. Overwhelmed, my legs went feeble, my heart thumped erratically as though I was drugged by his kiss...

Is this how a kiss should feel like?

Then when our lips parted, an unfamiliar deep velvety voice shook me up from basking in my short-lived surreal bliss, "How are you enjoying this kiss, Miss Juliette Leclaire?"I opened my eyes instantly and blinked hard, only to gasp in disbelief at the man with a smirky grin who was staring back into my widened eyes. He had his warm blonde hair combed back in dapper style, revealing his strong chiselled jawline, he shared such strong resemblance to Romeo, but yet something feels so off about him.

On a closer look, he was nothing like Romeo! Romeo is always seen sporting a cleanly shaven look while his jawline was littered with unshaven stubbles in a fashionably rugged way. Romeo has a pair of sparkling soft Irish blue eyes that were crisp clear, but his were a pair of smouldering hazel eyes, elusively enigmatic in its own ways. He is undeniably devilishly handsome but he is not Romeo, he is someone whom I hate to admit at this point of realisation... Rogan Morgan?!

I can't believe I just freaking shared my first kiss with Romeo's evil twin brother?! Yucks! I almost have forgotten about his existence, after all, I have yet to see him for a long time ever since he left the Morgan Enterprise five years ago.

"What the hell Rogan, what was that for?!" I broke myself away from his arms immediately and wiped my lips ferociously with utmost disgust.

"Woah... what's with the disgusted look. I couldn't be that bad in kissing right?" He raised his brow and asked in a light-hearted manner, as though everything that happened was just a joke.How dare he robbed my first kiss, my precious first kiss just like this?!

"You...despicable...idiot!" I lashed out at him and raised my hand instinctively, wanting to slap the shit out of him. However, I was denied as he grabbed my hand in time and snickered sarcastically, "Me? Despicable? Who's then the one who is trying to snitch on her sister's fiancé?""You!" I shivered in wrath and gritted my teeth in embarrassment.

He was right, I brought this upon myself.

He released my hand and walked away with a victorious smirk. I had the strong urge to kick that cockiness out his nuts, but I cannot let him spill out my secret to anyone, especially Romeo and my fraternal twin sister, Julius.

"Wait!" I ran up to him. He stopped and turned around. I swallowed my pride and pleaded, "Please don't tell anyone about what happened."

"Pardon me, what did you just say?" He leaned his head forward to me and placed his hand next to his ear signalling me to be louder.

What a complete a**hole!

I have never been this humiliated before, but I had no other choice, except to bite the bullet. "Look, I know I'm in the wrong, but for the better good of everyone, please... please don't tell on me," My voice trembled.

"Alright, I won't tell anyone about the lovely kiss that we just shared," He leaned forward and whispered by my ears teasingly. I felt my temples warmed by a flush of heat from a mix of embarrassment and anger.

"You know what I mean, DON'T...PUSH...YOUR...LUCK...WITH...ME, ROGAN MORGAN!!" I stepped forward and stressed my last warning to him.

"Woah... Someone's getting feisty... Alright, I won't," He surrendered with his hands up but he was still giving me that playful wink before he turned away from me and disappeared into the crowd.

I stomped my feet in frustration from defeat and gave myself a face palm.It wasn't just because of what Rogan did that made me felt this way, it was the realisation of the sin that I've committed from lusting after my sister's fiancé, I'm utterly ashamed of myself now."Romeo!" I heard the same annoying voice echoed from a distance.I shot my head up instantly and darted my vision eagerly around the ballroom for the sight of them. Within a few seconds of speed scanning, I managed to narrow my sight on Rogan speaking to Romeo.

Just as I was desperately trying to work my way through the crowd to them, Rogan looked at me briefly from a distance with a sheepish grin as he continued to speak to Romeo. That sinister smile on his face was as though the devil was at play with me.Damn it, Rogan, you better not spill the beans!

Rogan Morgan's POV

What an interesting woman she grew up to be.

I snickered at the thought of the kiss we just shared. Caught up in my thoughts, I bumped into a man who crossed in my path.

"Sorry pal," I apologised and patted against his arm. Upon a closer look, I realised he was Romeo, my fraternal twin brother.

"Romeo?" Surprised by the sight of my brother whom I have not met for five years, I broke into a wide smile.

"Rogan?" He looked at me with his widened eyes of surprise.

"Yea, my lil brother, I'm back. Woah, my man, you sure have grown up a lot over these few years, looking real sharp today," I gave him a hearty compliment and a welcoming gesture at my brother who looked smart and polished in his tuxedo suit.

No wonder that Juliette goes gaga over him.

"It's nice to see you again after so long, I sure didn't expect to see you here, especially after you went off the radar for the past three years," he replied with a crack of smile but he seemed somewhat troubled and flustered.

I raised my brows questionably at his behaviour, my twin telepathy instinct tells me something feels off about him.

"Well, as your elder brother, I gotta be here for your big day at least. You alright?" I asked with much concern.

"Yea, thanks for showing up, I'm fine," He fidgeted a little and swallowed a lump down his throat before he looked back at me with a smile.

I looked at him cheekily and teased him in my fake rowdy southern accent, "I know... I know... I'm guessing the jittery vibes from getting married and losing your bachelor rights is starting to bite you in the ass? I can totally understand that, I mean look at the flamboyance of this wedding ceremony... a wedding at Thornbury Castle?! I'm proud of you but arranged marriage can be kind of crazy when it gets so regal like this."

"Ya...maybe," He gave me a perfunctory nod before he continued, "You know what, let's catch up some time later, I really need to go now," he wiped his sweat off his forehead and was ready to flee off in no time.

"Alrighty," I replied. Then amidst the crowd, I saw Juliette frantically trying to push her way through towards us. That look of panic warped across her face amuses me, so before Romeo set off, I pulled him back just so I could see her going nuts.

"Hold up a second," I said to Romeo who was leaving from my sight already."Yea?" Romeo asked.

"Your bow tie, you gotta look at least smart and neat to meet your bride-to-be right?" I adjusted his bow tie as I said it. Not forgetting to send that look of mockery over to Juliette.

"Thanks, Rogan," Romeo said. I raised a "no worries, I got your back" okay gesture at him before he sped off from my sight in his wide strides.

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