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The CEO and his secretary

The CEO and his secretary

khadijat jimoh


Maria is a beautiful young lady who work in a big company owned by an arrogant handsome boss who she has a crush on but later find out he is actually her childhood sweetheart.Read more to find out what later happen in the love triangle

Chapter 1 the little secretary

The Boss and his little secretary

Wednesday, 13 October 2021 17:52

Maira wake up to someone shaking her on the bed .

Oh can you atleast let me sleep small .

Mira do you know what say the time now

What is time

the time is currently 7:30am .

What shouted Maria ,why can't you wake me up since .

That is what have been trying to do since said Kiran looking wronged .

She quickly get up and take her towel to go and take shower ,after ten minutes she came out of the bathroom and started drying her body while still talking to herself .This not how she plan to spend her day ,today was supposed to be her off day from the office but her evil boss has to just spoil everything for her .let me do the introduction my audience .

Maria is a twenty five years old lady who works for MT corporation .She work as a secretary of the CEO of MT corporation .She has being working there for three years now when she graduate as the best student at university of Massachusetts .Many company have ask her to work with them but she chose MT because they are one of the best company in the city they deal with real estate and property and other sides business .

The CEO of MT corporation is know for his arrogant and handsome look .He is know as the evil king who dominate the business world .Woman will do anything to stay close to him but he rearly show his face in public .He appear in different magazine .

The first day Maria saw him was during her graduation ceremony he was invited as the chief speaker .He was sitting down in the front row handsomely the way he move was exactly like a king .The ladies were stealing gance at him .Whoever sit down with him can feel the coldness coming out of him .

Back to the present as Maria reach the office her boss was already in his office waiting for her .

She took a deep breath before she enter the office.

Good morning sir.

Steven look at his his secretary ,that is just coming now after he clearly told her to come early he will have sack her if not for her professionalism.

What is good about the morning.

Sir .

I clearly told you yesterday that we have meeting this morning.

yes sir but sir am not late.

Steven look at the woman who is still finding ways to defend herself.

you are not late what time did I tell you to come to the office yesterday.

nine am sir .

And what time is it now .

9:15 sir

which shows you are 5 minutes late .

what .

yes is like you don't like this your work again.

am sorry sir I will take correction .

better .

you can go back to your desk .

Maria look at her boss as he concentrate on his work she started doing faces to him and murmuring to herself .so ugly I pity his wife.

what do you say .

nothing sir she quickly ran out of the office.

Steven look up as she left his office .he clearly hear all what she said to him and the faces ,it makes her look childish and cute .

he started smiling what is wrong with me I must not have slept well last night.

in that moment he went back to his king like state.

When Steven come out of his office he saw his little assistant busying with her work she look so beautiful while working.

Maria look up and her eyes met her boss's eyes .

sir you will be having meeting in five minutes from now .

okay I will be there .

you can go there now .

okay sir .

By the time the boss enter the meeting room the temperature drop to zero degree .

I wonder why the share holder fear him so much, well I agree the boss is quite scary especially when things don't go his way .

Steven is know for his demonic way of handling all the people that messes with him.

in the meeting all the managers in the other branches have their report .

manager Henry : Sir there is news in the food industry .

Boss: What news .

manager Henry: The workers are stealing the raw materials for production .

Boss: What do you do when you find out.

manager Henry:We are still investigating on the matter.

Boss : I want results in the next two days.

Manager Henry:...Sir .

Boss: Is there any problem is like your work is too comfortable.

Manager Henry: Sir ...sorry sir .so scary

The meeting is adjoin to two days time .

yes sir .

Maria quickly follow the boss out of the room . when they get to his office.

Boss:Is there any meeting left .

Maria: you have dinner appointment with kd corporation.

what is it about

is about the collaboration with them .

Steven started rubbing his forehead .

cancel it .

sir we can't sir they have been begging us for the past two weeks now and you promise them .

do I .

yes sir .

Steven look at the little woman that is forcing him to the dinner well she has to follow him so is worth it .

okay get ready we are going together.

what sir .

do you have any problem with that .

no but sir the dinner is for you and the CEO of the company.

if you won't come along then forget it am not going again .

what, maira look at her boss blackmailing her she known if she refuse he won't think twice to cancel the appointment.she won't know how to explain it later on .

okay sir .

Good .

when they get to the restaurant their host is already there waiting for them .

Good evening sir .


CEO Steven what can I get you .

I will take wine .

back to business I don't have time for all this .

Okay sir .

we want to collaborate with your company

in what way Maria ask while looking at the man.

we know that your company is well equipped with web design we want you to be helping us to design our product .

okay sir we will get back to you later.

Alright thanks .

The CEO of kd corporation was sweating profusely he has be looking for ways to meet CEO Steven but is very hard to have an appointment with him .thanks to his secretary he was able to get it he just hope he will get the contract.

My secretary will get back to you later today.

Alright thanks sir.

The ride home .

When we reach the office it was already late the boss said he want to take some documents from his office,he asked me to wait for him in the reception that he will drop me home it will be dangerous for me to walk alone .

I was so dumbstruck since when did my boss care about somebody else safety and not himself .

well I guess he want to keep a close watch on me for what I don't know.

What are you doing loss in your thought .

Sir nothing.

shall we

yes sir

I was so uncomfortable sitting alone with my boss in his car ,is not like am scared of my boss .

I watch my boss every move the way he drive is so like a king his side profile is so handsome is like God take it time to create him his body is so sexy and toned tummy he is wearing just shirt he has removed his suit I can see his maniess too bad I can't have him he is so high from my class .

I will have been able to be in his class if my family did not disown me .

What are you thinking about.

what nothing.

okay .

thanks we are here .

after getting out of the car I thank him and I enter the gate I can still feel him watching me but funny enough I was feeling protected .

Bea who is that .

that what .

I mean the car that bring you home .

is my boss.

wow did you know how much that car cost .

no and I don't care .

It worth millions of dollars.

is it that expensive.

yes very .

okay .

time to shower .

after taking my bath I went to sleep I slept peaceful that night .

after I dropped her off I went back to my house .The villa is very big I bought it with my own money five years ago after I set up my business but the problem is that I live alone,the house helps come every morning to work then go back to my mum villa is only my nany madam park that stays with me.

my mum has been on my neck for the past two years now to get a wife she even try to set me up with a lot of dates but I don't like those ladies .

because I know they just want to bear that surname Oliver and the money I don't want that .

most of the problem is that alot of them have artificial body .

is only Maire that makes me comfortable and am going to get her I just need to find a way to make her fall in to my trap and is already working .

I was in the office on Monday morning doing some work when my mum call me .

hello mum.

hello Maria.

what's up .

can you come by to the villa tomorrow evening I want to discuss something with you.

okay mum.

I know is that man that ask her to call me because he knows my mum is my weakest well am not scared of him anyway.

Four years ago after I was disown from the family because I ran away with a guy I so much love .my family were angry thinking that the guy was only interested in my wealth but I fight my family over it later I elop with the guy after two years later I was out of money my boyfriend started maltreating me .

I can still remember what he said to me .

" am only with you because of your money but now that you are out of money I don't need you again I have a girl that I love " I later find out the girl his talking about is my best friend well have learnt my lesson in a painful way .

I was so ashamed to face my family I went back to another city with the little money I save. I use it to get a degree now am working in a big company.

I know if I go back to my family they will accept me back but am too ashamed to face them .

I just hope dad won't make the dinner difficult for me.

it has been easy for that four years before I can get this life back.

I quickly snap out of my thoughts.

I still have some documents to prepare for my boss .

I will have to do it before he get back from where ever he go .

am sure you are suprise that as a secretary I don't know the where about of my boss .

I can take a guess .

his mother hook him up with another girl again.

I can imagine his facial expressions now .

I started laughing so good .

that serve him right .

what are you laughing at .

at the devil silly .

who is the devil.

you silly .

what do you just said .

nothing sir ...am sorry sir .

I didn't mean to.

I know that .

thank you sir .

That is why am going to punish you .

what .

yes .

....but sir .

but what .

have already apologize.

not acceptable.

your punishment is that you will serve me for three days .

what sir .

you can't do it okay I will cancel your month salary.

what not happy with that .

how can I be happy if my salary is cancelled.

I know that my boss is a devil but is now I believe it how can he punish me for that little thing I did .

I look at her as she look unsatisfy with the punishment but it makes me feel good to see that look in her eyes.

I know you might think am wicked but am not I just want her in my life.

the first day I saw her in my office I feel attracted to her .

she is beautiful and pure.

let me describe her .

Maria is a beautiful girl,girl with oval face she is not tall nor short she is average in height she has a killer shape with white skin .her skin is flawless.

where ever she goes she demands attention.

I don't want her because of her beauty I have seen many ladies who are beautiful than her .

she has that childish personality and she makes me feel happy whenever am with her .

I hardly smile but these day I find myself smiling all the time whenever I think of her .

The issue is that my mum has been on my neck for the past two months now to give her a daughter.

I went back to my office after we have both agree on the punishment.

Good you can go back to your work now. .

I look at my boss as he went back to his office wait oo who give him the impression that I agree with the punishment well is not that I have any choice am just a secretary for now wait until I have my assets back I will get back at him in ten fold but who am I kidding even if I combine my whole family wealth with my own it won't still be enough to step on my boss.

well I will just endure it for now .

am going to serve him well well .

I will be able to do alot of things to him that he won't be aware of.

I can even spit on his tea and he will drink it without knowing oh my gosh,girl you are good .

immediately I started laughing.

what is so funny there .

oh no is like he heard my voice .

nothing sir

then get back to work is like that punishment is not enough right .

sorry sir .

good .

I went back to my work have already make up my mind am going to do what is on my mind .

the rest of the day went normal nothing unusual happen .

I have a dinner with my family today I just pray it won't be that stressful.

when I reach the gate I notice the guard there are new .I pull up infornt and wine down my glass .

hello open the gate .

am sorry ma'ma we can't open the door for you .

why .

strangers are not allow here.

am not a stranger am actually their daughter.

I look at the guard I as I said that .

then am the king here .

I look at the guard who is making me angry who did he think he is .

I look at the way I dress it is something casual not expensive enough that is probely why the guard did not believe me.

ma'ma I advice you to leave before you will be throw out .

okay I dare you to touch me .

open the gate now .

I shouted as I begin to get angry .

did my parents called me her to emberass me or what .

they could have tell the guard am coming.

I took my phone and I called my mum.

hello mum

where are you now we have been waiting.

am actually at the gate but your guards won't let.me in .

oh am sorry dear .

I will ask the butler to come now .

okay .

I wine my glass up as I relax in my seat .

it did not take five minutes when the butcher came .

why did you not open the door for her .

sorry sir we did not know who she is .

she is the elder miss of this family .

what .

yes .

Maria am here .

am very upset butler .

I know am sorry my miss .

I did not even know you are coming I will have personal welcome you .

okay let go .

sorry ma'ma .

we are really sorry .

no worries is not your fault.

thanks for understanding.

you are welcome.

I went inside with the butler .

butler Philp has been with us since I was born even before I was born.

he has been serving us he is incharge of the household activities.

my parent trust him more than anything.

elder miss .

the youngest miss is around.

hope you will not be upset about it.

no I won't don't worry .

The youngest miss he is talking about is my blood sister .

she has been spoil from her childhood as the baby of the house .

we fight alot anytime we meet but we actually love each other .

and protect each other from our enemies.

as long as we are together nobody can harm us .

my parent devoted on her so much that I sometimes feel am not their child .

I even did DNA test when I was in the state and it shows am their daughter.

when I enter the house my sister was the first person that welcome me .

how have you been.

well .

I heard you are working now .

yes .

hope you are not being naughty .

no am always a good girl .

I watch as my daughters are chatting non stop.

have miss all their nagging if not for their father I will have accept Maria since but I can go against my husband.

I know what she did was wrong but she was so naive then .

I can see now that she is more matured even though she can be naughty sometimes.

are you two going to stay there all day without talking to you parents.

sorry dad and mum .

I went to my mum first I hug her and kiss her cheers .

when I get to my dad sit it was a little awkward I don't know what to do .

won't you hug your father .

I quickly hug him afraid he will change his mind .

sit beside me let eat .

Philp you can ask the maid to serve us now .

the butler signal the maids .

they started bring the dishes .

it has been long I tasted his food .

we started eating I serve my dad first then mum and we started eating.

the food was so delicious.

Mr Philip I miss your cooking .

Thanks my miss .

hope you enjoy it

I will .

after the meal we went to the sitting room.

I look around.

everything look the

same nothing much change for the past four years except that my parent are getting older and stress out.

I know the company has been facing problems lately but I have faith in my dad to settle it.

Maria .

my dad call

yes sir .

I call you here to discuss something important with you.

okay sir .

I know that you are now more matured and sensible .

and you know the company is facing some problems now .

yes dad .

I want you to take over the company and put it back to its former place .

I know that it will be hard on you but you are the only one that can do it.

you know your sister is not in business.

she has hospital to take care of .

but dad I don't think I can do it .

if you can do it then I will forgive all your mistake.

and let you live your life .

you know I and your mother are already old and is time for us to relax and enjoy our marriage and the honies.

I look at my dad as he is been shameless as usual he as not change a bit .

I look at my mum .


do look at me I actually agree with your father .

I look at my sister she was busy smiling evilly .

I now know this is actually the reason why she study medicine upon all the objection from my parent especially my father but at the end they give in to her demands as usual.

Jane don't give your sister that smile .

you are going to help her out .

but dad ,mum I have the hospital to take care of .

my patients will need me or do you want us to lose our patients.

no okay you can concentrate on the hospital.

I look at my sister envily as she get her way as usual.

after the talk with my father I followed my mum to my room .

Everything was just as I left it .

I did not take anything from your room even though your sister wanted it .

I know she will be the one .

I check my closet most of my cloth are gone .

mum what happen to my thing .

you can ask your sister for that .

I started going outside.

wait first I want to talk to you about something.

okay I heard you have an handsome boss .

tell me about him

nothing mum you will not like him .

have already meet him .

wait you guys were monitoring me .

offcourse yes baby .

do you think your father and I will just leave you on your own just like that .

do forget you are Edward Jones.

no ma.

good .

tell me about your boss.

well he is super annoying and super rich .

I don't like him .

I did not ask you that.

he is a good boss .

I started thinking of him .

you are blushing sweetie .

am I .

yes .

no mum .

yes baby.

I quickly run to meet my sister.

I look at my daughter as she ran off with her red face .

well am going to talk with Steven mum so that we can arrange their marriage

the two of them have no idea that they are actually childhood sweetheart.

they got seperated when Steven travel outside for his high school he might not remember her again .

the both of them are single .

which is a good thing I have to get them together so that they can give us grand children.

I went straight to my sister room but I did not meet her there .

well nothing much to do then to wait for her .

as I was waiting I started thinking of all my clothes that my sister took .

now is time to take my revenge.

I open her wardrobe ,

Oh my gosh.

see clothes full her wardrobe I wonder how will she wear them am even sure she won't repeat clothes .

I started checking out her clothes .

is the latest brand .

I took some gowns and skirts ,I was. about to go sneak out of her room when I heard the sound of the bathroom door opening.

wait what are you doing there .

I did not answer her I immediately run out of the room with the clothes .

come back here where do you think you are going with that clothes .

she chase me down to the stairs untill we meet dad .

waiting for us .

what are you two grown up doing by this time .

Jane why are you chasing your sister.

dad she took my clothes.

Maria why do you take your sister clothes.

Dad all my clothes are gone I saw them in her wardrobe so I took her dresses to pay her back .

Jane leave them for your sister .

am sure you will still go shopping tomorrow.

but dad is not fair ,you know she is now the CEO of Edward group am sure she will soon be richer than me .

so what are you getting.

she will be able to afford more than that

just leave for her okay

Okay dad.

after packing the clothes inside my bag ,I told my parents I will be going .

is already late won't you sleep here .

then you can leave tomorrow morning.

daddy you know I still have work I have to tell my boss about .

sis, that your handsome.

yes but he is not handsome.

I will like to meet .

don't tell me you are now crushing on him .

no sis he is your man ,who can have him.

what wait let me catch you .

Edward Jones look at his two daughters as they argue with each .he has miss all their craziness ,the laughter and the joy of watching your children showing each other love but the problem with the two is they don't want to marry and give me grandchildren.

Maria and Steven are perfect couple.

Dad, mum I will be going now .

okay take care sweetie.

Alright sir and ma .

on my way to my house I can't stop smiling.

am very happy to reconcile with my family.

I have miss all of them especially my mom and sister .

now that I have my family back I can be able to go back to my family house .

my friend did not know am the daughter of one of the most potent family .

I have to explain it to her .

when I get home I met my friend in the house .

Maria how was your meeting with your family.

it was good .

have they forgive you .

yes I have reconciled with them .

that is good.

Girl I will be going back to my family house.

well that is good bae.


the next day is Friday,I need to prepare for work before the devil will lecture me .

when I get to the office,the boss has not come .

I quickly went to my desk and started checking his schedule and all that .

after checking the emails and all the work relate I started relaxing.

I check the time it was 11am.

why is the boss not here by this time .

I try to call his personal phone but no answer .

what is wrong .

I began to worry because is unlike my boss character.

I was so worried.

I call my mum immediately.

mum do you know my boss mum phone number.

yes dear why .

his number is not going and am worried I don't know what is wrong with him .

okay dear.

I cut the phone after some seconds I received the number .

I call my boss mum without thinking.

hello ma .

Hi .

who is this .

ma is me Maria Steven secretary.

oh sorry my dear ,what

can I do for you .

ma am calling the boss number but he is not picking.

so am worried I hope nothing happen to him .

no worries dear he is here with me

we are

having family meeting with your parents .

what .

yes dear.

okay ma .

after I cut the call I started thinking.

what will my parent talk to my boss about and how did they know him .

I guess as a business people they will know alot of people maybe Steven is included.

I finish my work peacefully that day because the boss was not there but I can say I miss his presence I was just looking at the door to check if he is the one coming in anytime I hear a noise .

after closing for office that day I went back home I have summit my resignation letter to the administrative office.

I will start my family work the coming Monday

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