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Taming the last man

Taming the last man

author k


"Love me or hate me?" She whisper in his ear "I want to feel you " he replied kissing her breast "And what if you come to regret it" she ask seductively "I hope I don't " he replied kissing her neck She don't wanna get intimate with him now but she cannot stop herself from doing this They are enemies they shouldn't be doing this. But still her goal can be achieved through this "Feel me" she say widening her leg as he smirk Common enemies are not meant to fall in love or get intimate with each other What happens when they realize their goals each

Chapter 1 01 prologue

She smirk using her heels to step on his hand

"It's not over yet " he groan spitting out blood

"Go to hell" she say pulling the trigger on his forehead

She walk out of the room to the compound

She walk to her car hopping in

Meet her Cassandra Philips.

A twenty year old youth. Whom lost her parents who deal with the criminal master she is now working with

Mr Lopez.

She had been working for him to get away from the debt her parents had owed him

She tried fleeing with her brother but there is no where mr Lopez can't get her.

She had avoided his wrath by working with him

Now she is trained to be an assassin who work with him.


"We love you Ethan!" The audience cheers after he finished singing

He walk down the stairs to the back of stage

His p.a rushed to him drying his face with a handkerchief

"Superb" his P.A comments and he smile

"Sir you have a call...." Another worker of his say giving him the phone

Meets him

Ethan Dolan.

The popstar himself. A cutie and every woman's dream

Been a popstar doesn't mean he is dull

He his the second in command of Mr Cole. The worldwide mafia master

No one knows except just two people

Mr Lopez and Sandra.

Find out how this two independent and dominant fellow meets....

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