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Master Mafia's lover

Master Mafia's lover

author k


Meets the two lovers. Layla. A middle class lady A college student whose life seem pretty difficult and simple after meeting him Ethan Grayson. The secret Master Mafia. Cold hearted and bloody killer He would do anything for his new found love What happens when his lover seem to unravel mystery. Will she be able to betray him? Abide by him? Or will he prove his power on her by Killing or betraying her? What happens when Master Mafia Lover is the only one capable to destroy his enemies...

Chapter 1 01

Master Mafia Lover....

By author k

Chapter one


Layla logan a pretty and hard-working lady who work at a restaurant

Opposite of her younger sister Isla.

A troublesome and high mouthed fellow

They both live with their aunt's who is a divorcee and single mother to her six year old daughter' Catharine

Layla and isla lost their parents when they were kid

"Layla!" Mrs Willow, layla boss has been shouting and calling her

Layla rush to her

"Ma'am I was serving some cust..."

"Shh keep quiet... Phase five ridgefield Grayson mansion ordered for some fried chicken" Mrs Willow interrupted walking with her dyed bulb hair

Layla nod hurriedly packaging the chicken

She walk out of the restaurant climbing on her motorbike


Ethan Grayson. A cold hearted guy

He alighted from the plane which was coming from New York

He drag the suitcase gently

The chafeur helped by collecting the suitcase from him and putting it in the trunk

He opened the car door for Ethan to hop in

Ethan entered the Mercedes Benz and the chafeur started driving

Layla drove on her bike

Ethan drove in his car

The two unknown human drove pass themselves

Traffic light was caused as all the car and bike halt for the green light

Layla bike stood near an expensive benz

She admired the red mercedes benz

Green light is on already as all cars and bikes drove to their destinations

Ethan got home seeing his family except his dad

"Welcome home bro" Ryan the third born and last son of the Grayson courtesies

"How was your holiday in new york?" Ava the middle and female child ask

"You should have gone to Malaysia to pick my mum. I don't know why you prefer New York City rather " his mum smirk

Ethan ignored them climbing the stairs with his hand dip in his trouser side pocket

The bell of the Grayson mansion tang as the security went to check who it was

"Fried chicken was ordered" layla say with a smile handling the packaged the chicken to the security

"Thanks" the security said giving her the amount of the ordered chicken

Layla climb on her bike

She adjust her face cap

She look good in her work wears with her black hair packed in ponytail style

She ignited the engine of the motor bike driving off

On her way she saw her sister Isla arguing with a man and her cousin Catherine eating ice cream

She stop her bike and parked it walking to them

"Hey aunt's " carbs called running towards layla

Layla squat to her height

"Angry bird, what's wrong" layla ask catherine

"Isla has been arguing and cursing that man cause he tried to cheat the shopkeeper

Oh gosh. Not again

Layla thought

"Isla" she called

"Old ass" isla concluded her insult walking to where layla and caths was

"Why meddling in other people's matter... You were not the one cheated."

"And no one dare try that with me " isla added as she glare at the man once more

"Besides what are you guys doing here?" Layla question

"It's angry bird fault. She claimed to be hungry, so we came down here to get some snacks before that rotten dick that old ass..."

"Isla!" Layla called cutting off her words which she knows it's not yet complete

"And also isla needed the ice cream badly.. so I suggested we come down here to have some " catherine say cleaning the ice cream which lay beside her lip

"Hey caths you also wanted the ice cream and you were even forcing me to buy some sausages for you " isla defended

"Really?" Cath pouted placing the strand of her hair in order

"Enough arguing... Just let me see you leave" layla say already fed up at the two troublesome girls

"You ain't trust worthy" isla scoffed and Cath hiss following behind her


"Where is ethan? I haven't set my eye in him ever since he came back from New York" mr Grayson said eye searching for him

"He went partying " Ava replied

"Hope he knows he would resume college this resuming Monday" my Grayson say taking the remote control

"Of course not" Ethan answered entering the living room half drunk

"And why won't you!" His dad fired

"And why would I!?" Ethan fired back

"You haven't changed a bit son. But let me remind you this..... No uneducated bastard will be part of my shares " mr Grayson say walking away angrily

"I don't need your goddamn shares. To hell with your inheritance" ethan scoff

"Dumb ass " he added

(Next morning)

The delicious aroma of cream cheese penetrated into the sleeping angels nose (Cath and Isla)

They yawn stretching their hands still sleeping

Their stomach grumbling

"Is that aunt's layla cooking?" Cath sleep talk

"It's break fast time " layla shouted from the sitting room

The sleeping angels got up hurriedly

Running to the sitting room

"Help me with this " layla said to isla handling a tray full with plate of cream cheese

Cath say in the dining room

Isla place the tray on the table

Layla bringing a soft drink

"Is there a party going on?" W lady voice say

They all turn to look who it could be

"Mum!" Caths shouted hugging her mum

"You traveled without telling me only aunt's layla who kept it from us until now " Cath added pouting and her mother smile

"Sorry angry bird. It was urgent that's why I didn't get the chance to inform you " her mum squeak ruffling her daughter's hair

"Join us aunt's " isla say with mouth full

"Thanks. Let me quickly take a quick shower first" Cath mum said walking to her room and entering it

"Okay" layla replied sitting with plate of cream cheese in her hand

"Incase you can't find us when you are done, we would have gone to Mrs Alexa house " Cath shouted after her mum

She rush to her seat after layla served her food and started munching the great taste of the cream cheese

To be continued


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