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A Christmas With Lucifer

A Christmas With Lucifer

OJ Blessing


Why is he known as Lucifer? Because he is the devil himself, disguised as an Angel. He is a ruthless and merciless individual. Jessica Valdez is someone you should get to know. She exemplifies perfection. Parents who are perfect The ideal boyfriend The ideal best friend What happens when everything she thought was perfect turns out to be a betrayal?!! Finding out she was sold to the Heartless Lucifer from the moment she was born... It's only Christmas... A Christmas with Lucifer

Chapter 1 LUCIFER

Jessica's point of view

Jessica Valdez is my name, and I'm 19 years old. I'm shy, and I'm always nervous. That's me for you; I despise crowds and get anxious when I'm in them.

My family, my love life, and my best friend are all examples of perfection in my life.

That is to say, I have the ideal existence. What more could I want?!

I can't wait for Christmas; I'm looking forward to ringing jingle bells with my family, opening gifts, and so on.

" Dinner is ready!" says the narrator. mom screamed

I hurried down the steps.

We are a family of five, and while we are not wealthy, we live happily and always have food on the table.

Everyone was still sleepy when they arrived.

"Good morning, mum, dad," whispered my sister Abigail.

"Good morning, my children," mum said.

My seven-year-old brother inquired, "Mum, what are you going to get me for Christmas?"

"Don't be in a hurry, we still have 12 days before Christmas, Good morning love," mum remarked as dad stepped downstairs with a newspaper in his hands.

"I'm looking forward to shopping with all of my buddies. Christmas is going to be a blast." Abigail burst out laughing.

"You can't stop thinking about going shopping. Why don't you consider my Christmas present? I'd like to purchase a new video game console." He snorted and said,

"You'll get one," my mother warned, "but you shouldn't talk to your sister like that," which caused my brother to pout, revealing his fat cheeks.

We all started eating after everyone was seated, while keeping the atmosphere lively by talking about Christmas. Our passionate conversation was cut short by a loud bang on the door during this time.


Who could have knocked on our door like that?!

Before we could respond, the door was slammed shut as a group of imposing men dressed in black and wearing black shades rushed in.

"What are your names?!! Please leave my house. Do you have any idea who I am?" Dad screamed.

"Baby, lower your voice, can't you see they're armed?" mother mumbled.

"What's going on, Mum?!! What are their names?!! What are they doing in this place?!! Mum is frightened." Abigail sobbed.

I waited there watching while the strange guys remained silent, stood tall with their hands solid beside them, bowed, and made room for someone to enter.

The sound of the person's shoes making terrible noises on the tiled floor kept the room quiet until he eventually entered, dressed as a Demi-god in a scarlet robe with a dragon tattoo on his neck.

When Dad saw him, he shuddered in terror because he had dark eyes that held a lot of secrets and gloom.

I had never seen Marvin Valdez tremble in terror before. What is it about this man that makes my father so afraid? A slew of unanswered questions raced through my mind. Is it possible that my father owed this man money?

My siblings and I shivered with terror as we crouched behind mum. What was the name of this man? Who is he? And why does he stare at me like that? Why was dad afraid all of a sudden by just mere seeing this man?

" LUCIFER " Father stuttered


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