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I'll find you Daddy

I'll find you Daddy

Joe marie


Lidwina had never known a father figure since she was a child. All the men in her grandmother's house were referred to as uncles. Her peers and schoolmates refer to her as an illegitimate child. These words were first spoken to Lidwina when she was in the first grade of elementary school. Despite her lack of comprehension, she felt a twinge of mockery at her companions' exclamations. "Mama, what does the term illegitimate child mean?" she inquired cautiously. "Where did you get that information? Mama warned you not to hang out with those bad kids "said her mother, who did not respond. Lidwina had been thinking about her friends' jokes for days. They also inquire as to "where is your father?" and "you don't have a father do you?" The words have bothered her and kept her awake at night. She felt like she was carrying a big secret in her chest until she couldn't anymore. Lidwina once asked her mother, "Do I have a father?" "Where has my father gone?" Her mother's face became pale, and her lips trembled. "Of course you have a father; all children do." She said firmly, her teeth clenched. "Where, then, is my father?" "Why isn't he at home like the other daddies?" Sophia couldn't hold back her tears, so she sat down and sobbed without responding to Lidwina. When Lidwina saw her mother sobbing, she felt guilty for making her mother sad. "I'm sorry, Mom, don't cry, Nana won't ask about Dad..anymore..." Lidwina, too, wept. Lidwina has never asked Sophia since. She didn't want to upset her mother. Her only hope is that one day she will discover where her father is. "Perhaps he is my father," she imagines and fantasizes every time she meets a man. Her imagination ran wild until Lidwina formed a distinct image, the figure she referred to as the father. Her heart felt certain when she had grown up and met a middle-aged man. " Certainly, this is my father!" She passed out right away.

Chapter 1 A Magical Girl

A Magical Girl

Sophia was three months pregnant when she realized Janus had vanished from her life.

There was no rage or disappointment, only fear. Sophia didn't want to embarrass her extended family, so she didn't go back to her parents' house.

It was her fault that she became pregnant. Sophia, on the other hand, does not blame herself. She has no regrets because everything she did was motivated by her deep love for Janus.

When Sophia moved to the capital, love caused her to forget her mother's messages.

Sophia is lovely and cheerful, and she aspires to be successful in the capital. She had recently graduated from college with a communications major and had taken a job as a a junior public relations officer. Sophia enjoys her job, and the environment in which she works is also enjoyable. Sophia met Janus, the marketing director who was young and attractive, after only a few days of work. They were designing promotional programs for several provinces at the time. They were involved in the project.

"Hey, are you a new employee?" Janus chastised Sophia.

"Yes, sir, is there anything I can do for you?" Sophia approached.

Sophia recognized Janus, who was rebuking her, because she already knew the names and faces of the board members.

Janus took a stick pen from his pocket and handed it to Sophia.

"Could you please create a presentation material with eight slides?" The data is taken from the promo.march folder."

Sophia was surprised to accept the task because it should have gone through her direct superior, a senior public relations officer, but it was the director who ordered her directly.

Sophia took the stick without a second thought.

"I'll do it right away, please excuse me, sir," she said.

Sophia reads the file's contents and draws conclusions before selecting eight slides and writing a short narrative text for the presentation.

Sophia looked for Andrew Jones to hand over the work and explain the unexpected assignment after she finished.

When Andrew learned of Janus' assignment to Sophia, he frowned.

"Then try going straight to the boardroom. Please give it to Mr. Janus' secretary "Andrew said.

"All right, Mr. Andrew," she said as she walked to the seventh floor, where the directors' office was located.

She proceeded to the secretary section and handed Janus's stick containing the new files for the promotion presentation to the board of directors' secretary.

She thought she was done with that, but the secretary called an hour later and asked Sophia to come to her office.

Because the director had summoned her, Sophia was escorted to Janus' room by Annie, the secretary.

Janus sat in the room, facing the desk. When he saw Sophia, he waved to her.

"Try to explain your concept, girl," he said.

Sophia's mouth flung open in surprise. Is there an error? Or she made the presentation too simple, so Janus's director was dissatisfied with the outcome.

Sophia explained the concept she chose from the file, followed by her reasoning. Janus cracked a grin. "You, too, newcomer, are intelligent."

Sophia blushed in response to the unexpected compliment. Janus never inquired about her surname.

Sophia was promoted to Janus' personal assistant the following month.

"Mr. Janus, since I became your assistant today, what should I do and where is my desk?" Janus had just entered his study, and it was still early in the morning.

"Sophia, you will be in the same room as me. Over there in the corner, there will be a table "Janus pointed to the northeast corner.

Of course, Sophia was overjoyed to be given this new assignment; aside from the raise in pay, her position allowed her to travel and meet with many directors from other companies.

Sophia, who is still naive, falls in love with Janus, and the director spoils her and appears to love her in return.

"If there isn't anyone else, you don't have to call me'sir.'" I'm not that old, am I? I'm only four years your senior." Janus's first sign of intimacy was shown to Sophia.

They began dating a few days later, and Janus began kissing the girl. Janus's good looks, gentleness, and the way he treated Sophia made her feel special. Sophia informed her mother of everything that had occurred over the phone.

"Girl, be careful; is a director truly in love with you?" Maybe he's just taking advantage of you. "Take care of yourself and maintain your chastity," her mother advised.

Sophia discovered in college that virginity was no longer important to her peers. They freely socialize and enjoy it. Sophia, who was well-educated, couldn't accept such an unstructured way of socializing.

"Mom, I can take care of myself," she said emphatically, convincing her mother of her only daughter's abilities. Sophia is the youngest of six siblings, with five older brothers.

Sophia, on the other hand, was lulled by Janus' sweet words, and Sophia had completely surrendered herself to the man not even six months after becoming Janus' personal assistant.

"Don't worry, I'll look after you." Janus stated when Sophia panickedly admitted two months later that she was no longer menstruating.

Sophia's thoughts about her relationship with Janus were shattered when the tiny baby cried out loudly.

A tiny and lovely child, the result of her love for Janus.

While in the womb in the seventh month of pregnancy, someone once predicted that the baby to be born would be a girl.

"She is a child prodigy, be careful and take good care of her because she is the source of your happiness and glory," said the person.

The baby was born a girl.

"You will be called Lidwina Chandra West, my beautiful girl, mommy's baby, my sunshine ..." Sophia's tears rolled down her baby's cheeks.

Lidwina stopped crying and her tiny eyes stared at Sophia without blinking.

The hearts of the mother and daughter are linked by love. They looked at each other and radiated love.

The baby is a prodigy? May be. Her delivery was smooth and lucky because she was born on a special day, along with the birthday of a wealthy artist. The Artist visits the hospital where Sophia gave birth and says she will pay for all the delivery costs of the baby born on that day, even giving her 1000$ in joy money.

Sophia realized that life for the two of them would not be easy. In a big city raising a child as an inexperienced single parent is certainly not easy.

But Lidwina had brought good luck on her birthday.

The name Lidwina was also given by the artist, according to her first name.

She relocated to the Southeastern city when she was four months pregnant, convinced that Janus had abandoned her. Janus' promise to look after Sophia was kept, despite the fact that it was beyond Sophia's hopes and dreams.

Janus gave her a large sum of money and asked Sophia to have the pregnancy terminated.

"No, Janus, this is the fruit of our love, a blessing to us."

"Abort, and we'll keep the relationship going as long as you don't get pregnant again," Janus said, hurling the debit card at her.

"What if I say no?" Sophia gave him a worried look.

"Sorry, our relationship has ended here, and you are no longer employed by this company." "I'm going to fire you." Janus' voice was icy.

Sophia shook.

She loved Janus with all her heart, she gave up everything for love, and she never imagined that Janus only saw her as a comforter.

Sophia sat on the sofa, her mouth gagging and her head buzzing.

"Don't make it difficult for yourself; take the card and I'll send you the address of the clinic that can help you," Janus said, hugging her and kissing Sophia's head.

Sophia was filled with emptiness and cold.

Sophia nodded, took a debit card, and placed it in her bag after a quick thought.

She stood in front of Janus, smiling at the man's face.

"So, there you have it, this is my girl. You recuperate at home for a week before returning to work "Janus patted her shoulder.

Sophia simply looked him in the eyes, took Janus' hand in hers, and kissed it.

"I'm leaving..." she said as she walked away.

Sophia walked briskly out of the room, tears in her eyes, after closing the door behind her. She never returned and never saw Janus again.

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I'll find you Daddy

Chapter 1 A Magical Girl



Chapter 2 A Mother Story-- hiding from him



Chapter 3 A peaceful place to hide



Chapter 4 She just a coffee farmer's daughter



Chapter 5 Simon quetioning mind



Chapter 6 She has strong and brave heart



Chapter 7 Harland and a future child



Chapter 8 A Future Mother



Chapter 9 A Brothers love and curiosity



Chapter 10 He got terrible packages



Chapter 11 A white House of happy family



Chapter 12 A family love that makes you feel better



Chapter 13 Sometimes I wonder



Chapter 14 The final warning



Chapter 15 Who are you Sophia



Chapter 16 A Family Ties



Chapter 17 Oh No, a Durian Party!



Chapter 18 He block the love



Chapter 19 I don't have anything to do with that women anymore



Chapter 20 Love can neither prevented nor directed



Chapter 21 A little Princess of Six Brothers



Chapter 22 He is denying hinself



Chapter 23 I'll be your dad



Chapter 24 I don't want to make you look bad



Chapter 25 She has a family who loves her



Chapter 26 She make a Vow



Chapter 27 Dare to freed her from death now give her liberty



Chapter 28 To reach prosperous future



Chapter 29 JF appears to be my father.



Chapter 30 They exchanged glances.



Chapter 31 I'm not interested in dating



Chapter 32 Harland feeling



Chapter 33 Are you my father



Chapter 34 You'd fall in love with me



Chapter 35 Where will you be in the next ten years



Chapter 36 You want to look into your mother past



Chapter 37 The've gathered at Sweet Cherry café



Chapter 38 I have a feeling that he is my father



Chapter 39 He vows to safeguard Lidwina



Chapter 40 He is the only man in her heart
