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Single dad

Single dad



Blurb. Darien Smith, who is a very busy man finally gets a babysitter for his three year old arrogant child who is very picky. He goes through a rough time trying to get over his ex. The new babysitter, Tiffany gold also had a rough time trying to satisfy both father and daughter. They later fall in love but looks like the universe is against them as his ex comes back looking for a place in his life and when she doesn't get one, she connived with Tiffany's ex who is bent on sleeping with her even if it means raping her.

Chapter 1 The new babysitter

Chapter 1. CHAPTER 1 DARIEN'S POV Location: .. Upper east side: Manhattan, New York City 2020. Smith's mansion "Ahh ...' I grunted as I cleaned up the mess Sophie made after having a tea party with her dolls. Taking care of her mess was one of the strenuous job I've gotten used to, but it was one of the things I couldn't refuse even if I was given a chance to. Sophie was the only female in the world I could do anything for. I loved her to an extent that I couldn't scold her for long. Her puppy charming eyes wouldn't even let me. I looked at her from afar and smiled.

She was really an epitome. I was still lost in my reverie and I did not notice her walking towards me until she patted my hair like one of her dolls. I scooped her into my arms and showered her with kisses. She struggled and finally got out of my arms, putting her hands on her waist, she pouted. "I'm not a baby, daddy" she said making faces She tried to walk away but i grabbed her and tickled her till she almost cried. "If you are not a baby then what are you": I said poking her nose "I'm a lady" she said folding her arms and she looked away. "My baby is a lady. Lady lady lady .Lalalalala" I was a very horrible singer. That I know. It was inherited though. But singing to Sophie actually gives me more confidence anyway. Unfortunately, well as always, Sophie scrunched up her face and burst out laughing. I let her have her moment. When she was done I asked her what was funny. "Your voice is bad daddy": she said laughing beautifully I faked a sad face and said "But my mummy said I have a nice voice" but that made her laugh the more. "Daddy is a baby! Daddy is a baby" She sang waving her hands in the air I stood up quickly and chased her round the house Laughter erupting from different angles in the house. Tiffany's pov Location: East Harlem, Manhattan 2020. Tiffany's abode. Phew! this is my last part-time job for the day. I have to head home. I took a cab, I got to my house and was welcomed with the aroma of my favorite meal. Mum is at It again, cooking my favorite food just to thank me for everything that I have done for them. "Mummy... I told you to save that money so that you will get a new clothe for yourself, what's going on huh... : I asked "My daughter, I just want to say thank you for everything I....: Mum tried to say. "Mum, cut it out, we have been over this like a million times" : I said to prevent another crying session: "Thank you, my daughter, I hope God will favor you." She said, hugging me. "Amen mom. I will go freshen up so that I will come help you in the kitchen: I said going up the stairs. "Don't! Mirabel is going to help me". She shouted after me. Yeah, Mirabel is my younger sister "Mirabel!!" My mum screamed! I chuckled knowing that mum will soon start hurling insults at her or call her a... "Come down here you lazy ass". I heard mum shout. just what I wanted to say, that's her favorite word she doesn't go without it in a day. I tune them off and head to the bathroom to prepare my bath. I stripped from my clothes and got into the bath tub. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of the water against my skin. I don't know how long I was in the bathtub because I woke up after hearing voices in my room. "She must be so tired": I heard mum say. "Poor little thing": my sister added, I can imagine her face,she must be pouting right now. The next thing was flashes of cameras. That was something I hated, taking pictures. "So cute" my sister gushed. I sprang up immediately and she ran off. Dinner is ready: she shouted. I shook my head at her behavior. ######## At dinner We were all eating in silence until our dad came inside As usual, he was very drunk, and he reeked of alcohol, He walked inside or should I say staggered. Being called a drunkard's daughter hurts so much but thank goodness he is not violent when he is drunk. I saw tears brim in my mother's eyes, i got pained and one thing I hate was seeing my mother cry. Likewise, I felt like crying too, wishing that life was as sweet as it was when we were younger. Furthermore, I stood up and went inside my room. I went there to cry, wishing that I wasn't so unfortunate. My mother came inside to console me. We cried together. After a while, we stopped. "Baby". She called, starting a conversation. Looking nervous, I wonder why, mum was the bold and feisty type and she rarely gets nervous. "Yes mummy." I answered quickly, eager to know the reason why my mom was avoiding my eyes as she talked. "I want you to stop all your part-time". She said, and I turned to take a proper look at her to know if I am dreaming or not. "Why? That's the only way we can survive": I said knowing my mum's petty trade can't feed the family, and dad lost his job which prompted him to start drinking and mum has sworn never to let Mira do any part time jobs. "A friend of mine got you a new job," she said sadly as though it was a bad news. "What! I said, almost screaming, That's good news mum. Why the sad look?": I questioned because she looked as though she will cry anytime soon. "i am just sad because you won't be staying here anymore": eventually, the tears that she has been holding back ran down her cheeks. "What is the job all about" I asked feeling a bit frightened, mum wasn't about to sell me, is she?. I know that's a lame thought but at this stage, I don't think my brain is functioning well. "You have to be a babysitter to a little girl. And you will have to leave tomorrow". Mum said: "But mom, I haven't accepted yet" I said sounding scared, I have never left home before. "I accepted it for you. The pay is perfect": mum said patting my hair and looking at me lovingly. "Promise me you won't Snoop around": mum said, I chuckled, mum can I know who am working for? I asked looking at her "Darien smith" My eye widened in surprise. "The nation's heartbreaker!!" I shouted without thinking. Mum looked at me Immediately narrowing her eye at me "Yes, and you know he has bad history with women please don't fall for his charms just focus please": mum said worry evident in her voice. "Okay mum, i accept and I promise to be careful but then I am going to miss all of you very much": I said yawning "We will miss you too" Now go to sleep my dear, you have a long day ahead of you: mum said pulling the covers and gave me a light peck before heading to the door "Goodnight mom": I said, lying down on the bed. "Good night baby": she said putting off the lights But then am I going to have a good night sleep knowing that by this time tomorrow I won't be here. DARIEN'S POV .. Upper east side: Manhattan, New York City. 2020. Smith's mansion. Putting my baby to sleep is very difficult because my little demon wants a bedtime story and a warm glass of milk And they lived happily ever after" I said closing the book that I was reading. Phew thank God she's sleeping already Mum called telling me that the babysitter will be arriving tomorrow. Thank God I think I need a break from parenting. Going into my room, my eye met that door, that door that held so many memories, I sighed before going into my room. I don't have to keep thinking about her. I have to move on, she is now my past. But then I can't stop thinking about her no matter how I try to distract myself she still finds a way into my heart and my mind without even trying I need to sleep and soon I drifted into Dreamland. In my sleep I had a very bad dream, I stood up panting. Ava!! My mind kept chanting, something bad is coming am sure.

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