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Just before her wedding she will get the news that will change her life

Chapter 1 The Beginning

​Isn't it weird how love starts? By simply seeing someone desirable you become weakened in the knees thirsting to know him. Just to see him begins to bring you joy and stomach aches all at the same time. Then you finally decide it's time for an introduction and make up an excuse to talk to him like “Excuse me do you know where the nearest Library is” of course you're not going to ask a stupid question, you want him to have the illusion that you are interesting.

Soon the conversation unfolds of the beauty of reading and passion for learning new things and then you throw in the occasional joke to insure him that you're not always serious. You try to make sure he knows your interested but you know that you cannot ask him out so you wait patiently during the conversation.

Before long a dinner invitation is extended to you with your choice of location. Dinner leads to a second date at a more secluded location and before long a encounter has become a romance and romance turns into passion and passion into a relationship and before long the relationship is deemed love. And that’s the beginning.

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